Chapter 20 Abnormal Noise in the Compartment

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Together with Xu Tui and the others, in addition to the thousands of buses transporting the students, there were also thousands of escort vehicles. These vehicles have escort vehicles with heavy weapons mounted on the roof. The transportation mode of the 22nd century is naturally more advanced than that of the 21st century due to the advancement of technology. However, changes in the travel environment have made travel in the 22nd century more complicated and less convenient than in the 21st century.    Humanity has officially entered the era of genetics since 2037. But entering the era of genetics together, it is not only human beings, but also animals and plants on the Blue Star. On the Blue Star, flora and fauna have always been older than humans. Some people say that when human beings enter the era of genetics, there are gene liberation agents, but what about animals and plants?    The entire Blue Star is a big ecological cycle. From a narrow point of view, human urine and feces injected with gene liberation agents are the source of genetic evolution of animals and plants. From a broad perspective, in the era of human genes, all gene products, from various large-scale animal and plant experiments to microscopic particle fluctuations and even odor transmission, including changes in human capabilities, are the source of gene evolution for animals and plants. Moreover, animals and plants have an advantage that humans can never match, and it is also the biggest evolutionary type difference between humans and animals and plants.   Modern genetic evolution research divides genetic evolution into two categories. One is generational genetic evolution, and the other is individual mutational evolution. In terms of the efficiency of population genetic evolution, generational genetic evolution is the most efficient and cost-effective way of evolution. The current evolution of individual mutations in humans is too inefficient, and the human reproductive cycle is too long.    Even if the entire Blue Star is encouraging or even rewarding fertility, the reproductive and reproduction period of a human generation takes 20 to 30 years, with an average of 24 years. It takes an average of 24 years for humans to complete one generation of genetic evolution. But for many animals and plants, in 24 years, few of them can complete more than 20 generations of genetic evolution, and many can complete more than 500 generations of genetic evolution. From the beginning of the gene era to the present, human beings have only completed four to five generations of genetic evolution. According to the big data of the era of genes, each generation of genetic evolution can improve the basic quality of human beings by between 1% and 3%, with an average of 1.9%. Four to five generations of evolution times, the speed of human improvement is only between 7% and 10%.    But what about animals and plants? In a 100-year period, they have completed an average of more than 100 generations of genetic evolution. The basic quality of animals and plants to complete the genetic evolution of each generation varies from one thousandth to five percent. According to the average, eight thousandths, or 0.8 percent. The accumulation of 100 generations of genetic evolution is terrifying! This is progressive, not cumulative! What's more, some animals and plants have undergone generational genetic evolution far more than a hundred times in 100 years. The most representative is today's mosquitoes! Blue Star launched at least five gene extinctions on mosquitoes, and they all survived. Mosquitoes that survived the extinction several times were even more terrifying. They are no longer afraid of severe cold, high temperature, and even have a certain degree of tolerance to electric shock. They fly faster, have lower voices, sharper mouthparts, and are smaller and larger. These days, if you don't do any protection in the wild, you will be killed by mosquitoes in a few hours. Of course, being bitten by mosquitoes in the wild is the luckiest way to die. Because the paralyzing effect on mosquito mouthparts is so powerful these days that you can die without pain.    But in the wild, mosquitoes are not the only animals and plants that can kill people. For hundreds of years, because of this change, human beings began to retreat step by step from the depths of the powerful nature. All kinds of wild animals and plants multiply rapidly, making the wild become very dangerous. In a word, today's long-distance travel has become very dangerous and expensive. Airplanes have long been the most accident-prone mode of transportation in the world, bar none. This is still in the case of a fighter escort at a huge cost. There are too many birds and flocks of birds in the sky, and they are all as hard as steel!   Most of the current travel modes choose high-speed rail, low-altitude flight, maglev, and high-grade maintenance roads. Airplanes are rarely an option except for ultra-long distances. Of course, there are also advantages to flying by plane. For example, the journey from Jincheng Prefecture to Huaxia University of Gene Evolution in Kyoto Prefecture this time is still very fast if you take a plane, and it may take less than two hours to arrive. Moreover, with the full cooperation of the government, multiple fighter jets can be deployed to escort, and multi-frequency infrasonic sounders can be used to escort, so the risk can still be reduced to a very low level.    But in this world, people are more dangerous than wild animals and plants. In the past 100 years, there have been 41 air crashes caused by renegade group attacks all over the Blue Star during the school season after the unified genetic test. And once an air crash occurs, it means the group is destroyed. The survival rate of personnel is minimal. This will cause extremely heavy losses to talented students in various regions, and even the students in many regions are all killed in action. After all, the passenger capacity of a plane ranges from one or two hundred to seven or eight hundred.    Later, the governments of various countries and regions gradually changed to the current method of school registration. Maglev, low-altitude flight, parallel escort on high-grade highways. In this way, it is used to reduce losses and avoid the possibility of group destruction. Because in this way, even if a vehicle is destroyed, it is unlikely that all the people will be wiped out. Even if there is an accident, only 20 or 30 people will be killed. Moreover, under the current mode of transportation, the primary goal of many traitor organizations headed by the Dawning Redemption Traitor Organization is no longer to kill these students who have just been injected with the gene liberation agent, and their goal has turned to looting.   Because the entire Blue Star has implemented a unified genetic test policy, many traitor organizations have a serious problem - they have not obtained the source of genius who has opened a high number of genetic base points. Occasionally, one or two students who did not pass the genetic admissions line are picked up, and the probability is also pitifully low. Whether it is doing experiments, trying new technologies, or cultivating follow-up forces, they must implement actions and get supplements in the opening season of each year. Of course, in the worst case, looting can also turn into killing.   Because of that result, they can get higher-level technology or potions and many other rewards from extraterrestrial invaders. In urban areas around the world, the government has a high degree of control, at least in China. But beyond the city limits, the government's control weakens with distance. Especially in sparsely populated cities that are far apart, the danger is multiplied. Jinchengfu is such an area. "Students, before we arrived at Xi'an Mansion, we were all in a high-risk area. According to the plan, it took eight and a half hours in total. In fact, apart from the scheduled break time and meal time, the students went to the bathroom twice on the way. During this time period, please pay attention to the frequency of drinking and eating. In the high-risk travel area, except for the predetermined supply point, other places will not stop. If you really have problems, we have prepared for you Adult diapers. Students who are in urgent need can come to me to pick them up." Cha Yifeng, the teacher who accompanied the car, faithfully performed his duties. What made Xu Tui a little depressed was that Zha Yifeng's last sentence was actually directed in his direction. Of course Xu Tui felt that he should be speaking to Cheng Mo, who had already started to eat continuously. Xu Tui thought about the possible use of adult diapers, and he couldn't help shivering.    "Heizi, you eat like this, no problem, right? Can you only stop twice on the way?" Xu Tui asked in a low voice.   Cheng Mo replied: "Don't worry, I eat a lot, but I don't pull much. It should be absorbed well."    Xu Tui: "..."    The bus in front of you is a special vehicle, capable of maglev, high-speed, and strong in the field. The glass is a special tempered glass. When Xu Tui boarded the car, he found that he couldn't see the inside from the outside. But luckily, he can see from the inside to the outside. Although Xu Tui brought a book, he wanted to see the outside world when he stepped out of the Golden City for the first time.   Thousands of identical buses departed from Jinchengfu one after another, and then left in groups from various passages. Xu Tui looked at the map, and Xi'an Mansion was located a little south of the east of Jincheng Mansion. But at this time, the direction of the convoy was slightly northward to the east, a bit like the direction of Ningyin Mansion. This route planning should also be for their safety.   According to Xu Tui's understanding and the manual, the first target of many traitor organizations is the geniuses who have opened ten or more genetic base points. In other words, the students who wished to withdraw from their car would be the most dangerous. However, only from the current mode of departure of the convoy, as well as the arrangement on the travel route, made Xu Tui feel safe.   Thousands of identical buses with ultra-fine radiation particle generators activated. How do the traitor organizations find out which two or three vehicles are carrying talented students? This difficulty, think about it and feel terrified. What's more, to go to Kyoto Prefecture, the nearest route is to enter Nanzheng Prefecture via Xi'an Prefecture, and then enter Kyoto Prefecture. But looking at the route arrangement in front of him, he first detoured to Ning Yinfu, what if he detoured halfway? It is too difficult for the traitor organization to capture their way forward. Xu Tuijue's escort this time has been carefully arranged by the officials, giving you a full sense of security.   Xu retreated and felt relieved, and he could enjoy the scene outside the window with peace of mind. A towering tree with a thick grass like a sawtooth. Occasionally, a reptile or two would swoosh like lightning from the grass by the roadside. That speed made Xu retreat worry about whether the glass would break. The end result was that the glass didn't break, and the cat-like reptile's head didn't break either. On the contrary, there were exclamations in the bus. Of course, there was also a clicking sound, which was the sound of Cheng Mo eating.    Occasionally, a bird the size of a slap rammed straight into the high-speed bus. The students didn't care. But with a bang. The beak of the slap-sized bird directly inserted into the front windshield of the bus and penetrated into the car. What's even more amazing is that the bird has not been killed, and is still struggling. The driver did not move. The little brother in the military uniform sitting behind the driver stabbed the bird directly out with a portable tool, first sprayed water to clean the front windshield, then stuffed a ball of glue in the c***k, and then sprayed some medicine lightly, A special solid cloth is attached. The glue melted and melted directly into the ripped windshield. After a few seconds, the windshield was back to its original shape. The little brother in the military uniform sat back to his original position.   Everything is very interesting to see Xu Tui. Along the way, Xu retreated to see the world outside the car window one by one, many scenes that were only available on the Internet. A thought suddenly appeared in Xu Tui's mind, "Is there a chance to set foot here in the future? There should be."    Along the way, the team changed directions twice, but the final direction was still north-east. This direction is like going to Ningyin Mansion, not Xi'an Mansion. The chatter of the classmates is also getting louder. Everyone can't use electronic equipment, and they don't have the foresight of Gong Ling, so what else can they do except chat. Fortunately, three hours later, the first supply point arrived. "Classmates, those who need it go to the bathroom. My suggestion is that those who don't need it should also go there. Because the next supply point will be about three hours later." Zha Yifeng said, taking the lead in the first one get off. Inside the    supply point, guards with live ammunition are standing, and there are many unmanned inspection equipment flying around. Xu Tui and Cheng Mo got off the car and went to the bathroom to urinate. Xu Tui snorted happily, and he was about to leave when he suddenly heard a light bang in the large compartment behind him. The sound was very light, like the sound of a switch being pressed, and a bit like the sound of the sole of a leather shoe stepping on the ground.    Xu Tui's heart moved, and he concentrated in an instant. Under the mental induction, the situation in the large compartment behind him appeared in Xu Tui's mind.
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