04 An Ending Phase

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Elsa I arrived home late in the night, naked and exhausted. The cool air clung to my skin as I crept into my room, hoping no one would see me in this state. I found a corner and curled up there, feeling so small and defeated. Tears had fallen so freely throughout my run that my eyes were now swollen and sore. Every sob felt like it was tearing something inside me apart, but I couldn’t stop. The way Alpha Adam had spoken, so cold and dismissive, made it clear that my father truly had no choice in this horrible arrangement. It was hard to believe that a man could be so cruel, so deliberate in destroying another person’s life. What was I going to do as his wife? What kind of Luna would I be when even the Alpha didn’t seem to care about me? How could the pack respect me when it was clear he never would? The thought of running away crossed my mind, but I knew it would be selfish. I couldn’t abandon my father or my pack. So, I sat there in the dark, crying until it felt like my very soul was bleeding. My life felt over before it had even begun. In a desperate attempt to cling to something, anything, I walked over to my vanity and pulled out my book Journal. As I turned the pages, I found the section where I had described how I wanted my marriage to be—how I had dreamed of meeting my mate, of experiencing that magical bond. But now, that dream would never come true. Alpha Adam had a mate once, and she had died. But he had lived his life, experienced love. And now, because of him, I would never know what that was like. He had put me in a position where I would have to reject my true mate if I ever found him. The injustice of it all made my blood boil. In a fit of rage, I started ripping the pages out of my book, tearing apart the dreams that would never come to pass. I scattered the torn pages around my room, letting the anger consume me. My wolf tried to calm me down, to offer some comfort, but I wasn’t having it. I was tired of being strong, tired of pretending I could handle all of this. My life, as I had known it, had come to an end, and all that was left was the broken pieces of a future that would never be. Eventually, exhausted from the storm of emotions, I curled up on the floor, surrounded by the remnants of my dreams, and cried until I had no tears left. Only then did sleep finally take me, pulling me into a restless oblivion. My father woke me gently the next morning, his touch soft and careful, as if he knew how fragile I felt. A part of me wished I had died in my sleep, that the pain would have ended with the night. But I couldn’t tell him that. I didn’t want to add to the burden he was already carrying, the guilt and sorrow that weighed so heavily on him. "I'm sorry, little one," my father said, pulling me into a hug. His embrace was warm, but I could feel the tremor in his voice, the deep pain this situation caused him. "I wish I had another solution," he added, and the regret in his words cut through me. This wasn’t just hard for me—it was tearing him apart too. "I’m not mad at you, Daddy," I told him, trying to soothe the anguish I knew he was feeling. He had sacrificed so much throughout his life for the sake of peace. He had given up his rightful place as Alpha to prevent the pack from splitting, accepting the role of Delta instead, even though it meant less power and influence. He never complained, always putting the needs of others before his own. And now, once again, he was forced to make a painful decision for the sake of peace. "I’m not mad at you, Daddy," I repeated, hoping he would believe me, and he held me even tighter. "You have to be strong, my child," he said, his voice strained. "I’ve learned that Alpha Adam isn’t a nice man." He paused, and I could tell he was trying to prepare me for what lay ahead. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I already knew, that I had seen firsthand just how cruel and heartless Alpha Adam could be. So, I simply nodded, not wanting to add to his worries. "Please get dressed. The wedding will be taking place in the evening," he said, and my heart sank. My wolf, Claire, stirred inside me, desperate to flee, to run as far away as possible. But there was no escape for either of us. We were bound together, and we would both have to endure this nightmare. "Why so soon?" I asked, my voice trembling with confusion and fear. The reality of it all was closing in on me too fast.
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