03 Alpha Adam

1026 Words
Elsa "Follow me," the brown-haired man commanded, and I raised an eyebrow in response. When he didn't understand why, I shook my bound hands to remind him of the chains still digging into my skin. He removed them, but I noticed he used a glove to do it, avoiding any direct contact with the metal on my burned wrists. The burns stung, and I knew it would take a day or two for them to heal completely. It infuriated me that he wasn’t even willing to touch the chains with his bare hands, as if I shouldn’t have been treated with care too. With my wrists finally free, I followed him into the office. As soon as I stepped inside, my breath caught in my throat. There he was—Alpha Adam. His presence matched the voice I had heard earlier, commanding and utterly intimidating. He was, without a doubt, the most handsome and imposing man I had ever seen. His dark hair and piercing eyes only added to his intense aura. His face, chiseled and severe, looked as though it was incapable of smiling, and the sheer danger that radiated from him made my heart skip a beat. In any other situation, a man like him would easily be the object of a woman's fantasy. But as I stood there, I reminded myself that he was the enemy—the one who had taken everything from us. I wasn’t about to let his looks or presence weaken my resolve. "What do you want? I do not have all day," he said, his tone harsh and dismissive. His voice cut through the air like a blade, and I felt the weight of his authority pressing down on me. But I refused to be intimidated. I stood tall, lifting my chest to show that I wasn’t afraid. "I do not want to marry you. Please ask for something else," I said, forcing myself to go straight to the point. My voice was steady, though my heart pounded in my chest. He stared at me, his gaze unwavering, studying me as if trying to decide what to make of me. "Or else what?" he asked, his question dripping with challenge. The way he said it caught me off guard, and for a moment, I was at a loss for words. I hadn’t come here to threaten him, but somehow, he had taken my plea as a challenge. I stood there, speechless, my confidence wavering. I had no idea how to respond. My mind raced, trying to find an answer, but nothing came. In that moment, I felt completely out of my depth, facing a man whose power and presence were far greater than anything I had ever encountered. "Nothing," I finally admitted, my voice softening as I realised the futility of my situation. I was being honest with both of us. "Stupid girl, we shouldn’t have come here," my wolf muttered in my head, her voice full of regret. But I pushed her thoughts aside, focusing on the man before me. "A man like you should not involve himself with someone like me," I said, trying to keep my tone calm, though I could feel the tension in the room rising. He raised an eyebrow, his expression hardening even further. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous. I knew I had to tread carefully with my words. "I’m nobody," I began, my voice steady but laced with the truth of my insignificance. "I’m sure there are many attractive women in your pack. You don’t need to burden yourself with a nineteen-year-old nobody. Please, rest assured, you already have the full loyalty of the pack. You don’t need me to ensure their compliance." I tried to reason with him, hoping he would see the logic in my words. But he simply shook his head. "The pack isn’t the issue. I need to be sure your father will behave himself," he said, and I couldn’t hide my confusion. Why was he so focused on my father’s loyalty? "Your father is the Alpha’s brother, which makes him an Alpha too. I only spared his life because he surrendered, and I have no personal quarrel with him. But I don’t intend to keep someone like him around without having control over him." His words were sharp, cutting through any hope I had. "And you’re right—you’re not good enough for me, and you never will be. You will serve only as a form of insurance. I don’t fancy women like you, and you could never satisfy my desires. The wedding will take place for the reasons I’ve stated, and if you run away, I will eliminate your father and the entire pack. I don’t need them. Now, leave my office." His voice was cold, each word a calculated blow to my pride. Humiliation washed over me, but I refused to let it show. "You’re not my type either," I shot back, summoning the last of my defiance. "I only came here to spare myself the torture of being married to an old man." I turned to leave, my heart pounding, but before I could take a step, the brown-haired man grabbed my arm, holding me back. "You’ve done it this time, Elsa," my wolf warned, her voice tinged with panic, readying herself for a fight. Alpha Adam remained calm, his expression unreadable. "I believe you’ve never heard of me before," he said, his tone chillingly even. "I will not tolerate disrespect. The next time you speak to me in such a manner, you will be dealt with mercilessly. Now, leave my office." His words were final, leaving no room for argument. I turned and walked out of the office, my heart heavy with a mixture of anger, fear, and humiliation. As soon as I was back in the forest, I shifted into my wolf form, the familiar rush of power and speed taking over. I didn’t stop to think; I just ran, pushing myself as far away from that place as I could, needing to escape the reality that was now closing in around me.
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