2168 Words

Safeeyah "If you my dear wife truly love me and do not wish to see the other side of me, do not bring up the issue of your sister ever to me again." He warned me. "Why are you getting upset over this though? This is my money! My father's money so, where are all these coming from?." "Your money?." He asked and scoffed. "Did you just say it's your father's money? No! I worked for all of these. In these three years, I worked so hard to make it all this big. Just as I've warned you, do not provoke me more than this, Safeeyah else... You won't like the other side of me. I do not want to where hear anything about your stupid sister again. If you bring up anything about her, I'll make sure, she ends up dead! You got that?." He threatened and leave the house in anger. I don't know if I'm at

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