1320 Words

Safeeyah "No, Farhan. Please, please don't do it!" I yelled in fear. Not this. We've gone through hell to this stage, we can't just lose everything. He can't be stupid to sign the papers right? We've worked so hard for this! "Sign it or, your wife will be dead. I'm sure, you don't want her dead right?." He threatened him again. He also pass the pen to him and Farhan slowly took it from him. My heart is racing rapidly right now. I don't know what I'm feeling. He can't do this to me, no! Farhan will hear it from me if he dares sign this document. They're more important to me than any other thing. Those documents are my life. "Farhan no, don't do it! Farhan no! Farhan please, stop it!" I shrieked in fear. "Farhan no. Don't do it." Zuwairah said to him also. Danjuma moved closer

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