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Farhan "I thought she was right, everyone deserves a second chance. That's why I agreed but now, I realized how wrong I was. Not everyone deserves a second chance." "Yeah everyone deserves a second chance and she has shown you guys what second chance means." "Yes, I know right." I agreed with what she says "Now, what do we do? We've known this is her doing, but the main question is... how do we find her?." "Farhan calls Fawaz to come back to your house, he need not keep rounding about the town since we've gotten a hint on how to look for Safeeyah." Kamil said. • "I think, we should inform our parents about this, Farhan. Especially your parents." Jamila suggests again. "But-" "Farhan, we need to before things get out of hand. Mom especially won't like the idea of keeping this from

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