2070 Words

Raheenah AbdulJalal "$2,000 million." W... Wh... What?!!!!! "Mr. Jawad, even if you offer me all the money in your account, I won't still do this job of yours. I'm not interested. Kindly find someone else who fits in, I do not fit in for this job... Now, I will take my leave." I said but his wicked laugh got me. Is something wrong with him? Why is he laughing in such a manner? "What kind of a person are you? Do you know how many girls will be happy to pretend to be my girlfriend not... Not to talk of paying them? I'm paying you a damn $2,000 million and you rejected me?." "Look, I'm not like those girls. Besides, you can pick from those girls. You just said it, they'll be so happy to be with you. I'm not happy to be with you, I do not want to work with you or have anything to do

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