2096 Words

Raheenah "I'm... I'm sorry." I hurriedly apologized to her. I didn't mean to be rude or say hurtful things to her it's just that, she was doing too much. "It's fine! I guess you're right. I'm taking advantage of the situation. I will just inform her not to prepare anything anymore. I was only hungry, I had no idea I did wrong by wanting to eat." Before I could reply to her or move, she had left. "Yazzidah wait! Can you at least wait and listen to me?." I said as I ran after her. "Allow me to explain myself ple-" I said after her as I open the door but stopped in my mid-sentence when my face hit a broad chest. "Ouch!" I almost fell but a big warm hand wrapped around my waist tightly preventing me from falling. "Easy there." He said and right there, I knew it was him. I pushed hi

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