Chapter Four

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“This is where we train, all of our wolves train here even some for other packs. Lately our numbers have diminished, not to worry though that is where our Alpha is. He is bringing back recruits, our training systems are very good but the Rouges are vicious with their attacks,” he said and the fear set in and I looked around. There were wolves everywhere; they were much bigger than the ones I’ve seen. As I watched them it scared me even more, the way they ran and tore at the target. They were savage and ruthless, just to stand near them made my bones shake. They weren’t the Alpha, he was much worse according to Lucas. I still had yet to meet the man who ordered my k********g, I knew nothing of this Alpha. “What of the Alpha?” He was shocked that I even opened my mouth; he looked at me with such wonder and a hint of something I did not know. “Alpha Turner… Well he’s strong, brave and solitary. He isn’t afraid of anything, but I would say this as a warning… Don’t look him in the eyes he will crush you with one look, he doesn’t like when people stare at him either so just keep your head down. Respect is to be given in his presences as you would whenever you in audience with an Alpha,” he said and smiled as if he was trying to help with my fear. “Why did you take me?” “Would you rather I have left you there?” Then there was silence between us; I had no idea what they wanted from me, as I had nothing to offer them. So what would anyone want with something that was a useless as me? “Just whatever you do don’t run.” ***Leos POV*** Smoke was seen from the hills where the Rouges had attacked, and I knew why and smirked. They were getting closer and these wolves wouldn’t survive an attack let alone mine, as they would be out numbered and vulnerable. The rouges wouldn’t be able to get past our boarders, the witches made sure of that. “Alpha we have transport waiting for us, the Rouges are closing in so we must hurry.” I turned and gave the order; I waited at the back of the new troops making sure no one fell behind before I ran on to the airfield. As we loaded up I looked over the new wolves, they looked like they wouldn’t even survive the trip. We had some work to do, and we had to move fast if they were to face what’s to come. He would come for her he made that clear, as he burned an entire pack land to the ground. They weren’t ready for it, his army was waiting for us and the pack was unprepared. I felt the guilt slowly settle in but I brushed it off, I didn’t care. I care for no one; all I wanted was revenge and the annihilation of a toxic race. I didn’t care what I had to do to get it done; I didn’t care who had to die… I didn’t care. As we flew over the short voyage of sea I thought of ways I could get her to talk, it won’t take much. I would break her in every way possible, I will take advantage of every weakness, every prayer and every scream. Until there’s nothing left, its what I’m good at. How else do you think I created my reputation? They call me a Heathen, someone who does not live under god. He turned his back on me a long time ago; he left me in the dark with my demons. From there we built my empire, one that I would not see crumble under the order of rouges. “Sir we are landing soon.” We descended through the clouds to the edge on my boarders, the doors opened and we filed out. The count was four hundred that was more than he had but it didn’t, they were untrained with no experience. The boarder would be on twenty-four hour watch; no one gets in or out unless I say. The entire ride home I looked over plans of hit territory, my phone began to ring. New York, it was Tyler she would call every week. “Tyler,” I said and continued to look at the papers. “Lee! You didn’t answer my call last week, I was worried something had happened,” she said. “I’m fine.” “Then why didn’t you answer?” she asked and I sighed as I flicked through the files. “I was busy,” I said as we drove through the pack gates. “To busy for your own flesh and blood, typical of you Lee. Anyway I’m calling to tell you the semester is over so I’m coming home for a few weeks!” she wailed with happiness. “No Tyler you cant its to dangerous,” I said as I got out of the car and waited for the others to arrive. “You always say that Lee! No I’m coming home and you cant stop me, I will always find a way,” she said and I watched as the van pulled up. “The answers no Tyler, you are staying in New York and that is final,” I said and I heard her growl. “Sometimes I wonder if you even miss me as much as I miss you, I lost them to Lee. Don’t push me away,” she said and hung up. She was wrong; I missed her more than anything. She was all I had left, and I couldn’t have her anywhere near this place while he was still alive. Once this was over I would bring her home, but things were going to get bad. New York was the safest place for her right now. “Alpha everything is ready,” Willow said as she came from the house toward me. “Get me Lucas,” I said and she looked at me a bit hesitant and I held a pointed look. “He’s with Iris Alpha,” she said and I growled. “Take her to the cells! If he is not standing next to me in five minutes you will join her!” I growled and she ran off. I turned back towards the group of men and women who I had collected from my journey, they all looked down and I growled making them look up. “I don’t care if you are exhausted, I don’t care if you are broken. You are here to train hard and fast, as most of you have seen amateurs will not beat them! When I am done with you, you will be warriors. You well face them as Warriors! Nothing else! Over the course of your training you will feel pain, you will feel beaten but you will not stop! If any of you chose to you shall be treat no less than they are, so I suggest you work hard… Or die trying!” I could feel the fear vibrating off them and I soaked it up, as it fuelled me. Lucas came forward with a look of worry and pain. “Your training starts now, when the day is over your rooms will be waiting for you. Willow you know what to do, I shall be back shortly to check on them,” I said as I turned Lucas and smirked at him. “I hear you’ve been spending time with our prisoner, so what have you learned so far?” I asked as I walked toward the house. “She’s been through hell, from what I’ve seen he’s as ruthless with her as he is with his attacks. She’s frail and doesn’t say much, but with a little time and trust she should open up,” he said and I laughed as we climbed the stairs to my room. “Two things we do not have, you sound like the council. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her seduction already,” I said and stopped at my door. “I’m just saying that force wont be needed… I’m sure if you let me deal with her in a calm and collective way, she will tell us all we need to know,” he said and I frowned and placed my hand on his shoulder. “You never were good with force, don’t worry my friend I will deal with her. Soon we shall have what we need to kill him. When he’s beaten down I will break him and tear out his heart,” I smirked and he frowned. “How?” he asked as I opened the door and turned to him. “By tearing out hers right in front of him.”
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