starting plans

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Kylie POV Last night was amazing, and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. My whole body wants more, and looking his way isn't helping. 'Like what you see?' I heard his voice in my head as I was checking him out. Caught red-handed. I meet his eyes from across the room, and his eyes are full of l**t as I'm sure mine are too 'always.' I reply and wink. I smile as his eyes go wide. He started to walk my way, and I met him halfway. My lips meet his before he can say anything. I'm kissing him with all I have. I want so much more, and with the looks of it, so does he. 'Mmm you taste and smell amazing but if we don't reel it in I'll be taking you here' But his words don't register 'why don't you' I challenge him but he smiles at me breaking the kiss and putting his forehead to mine 'because the room is full of our people waiting for us' he says and chuckles. s**t. I blush slightly as I look around us at all the staring people, smiling and the girls giggling at us. 'I lost myself,' I say embarrassed, but he strokes my face and gives my lips a quick kiss. "Ok, back to work," I say and turn back to my group, and he taps my a*s 'not helping.' I link him, and he laughs and walks off. We have agreed to start in the downstairs rooms except the kitchen because we need to get more organised before we start that. We are ripping off all the old wallpaper, taking out all the old furniture and curtains to the outside of the house. It's almost lunchtime, and we have got an empty shell, we will be having a break and food, and then we'll be taking down the old broken roof. Freddy and a few others are going to get supplies tomorrow ready to get it all fixed up, and I can't wait to put our stamp on it, make it our own. We thought it would be an idea to get rid of everything we need to, so we know what we need. We still have a long way to go, but we are definitely getting there. Vampire speed and strength really do help so much. "We need to write a list for Freddy and the others to go get supplies tomorrow. Hopefully they can get everything we need" I say to Nancy, sipping my water trying to formulate a plan in my head "yeah we do, maybe we should hold a little meeting with our group" she says and she's right "yeah definitely, it will help to make sure we remember everything" I say standing back up, I've finished my sandwich and I'm raring to get back to it. When I see my group stand ready to follow me, even though most of them haven't finished their food "eat first, take a break and I'll see you when you're done" I smile and they sit back down. I walk out the kitchen and head for upstairs, our next lot of jobs. I'm looking around me at what needs to be done, and I can hear the heartbeat from behind me, I can sense it's not good. 'Something is off,' Janey says. 'I agree,' I reply. I can't shift but the odd/bad feeling, but when I turn, no one is there. How strange, but I can't shake it off even though it's probably just me. I'm just shattered. We have stripped the whole house, we have left just the beds upstairs for people to sleep on until we can get new ones, the only place we haven't broached is Achlys floor just yet but I really dont want to go anywhere near that place. We are sitting, writing out our list: What we need for structure, ect: Wood Flooring Doors Paint Windows List for after essentials are done: Kitchen Table and chairs (dining room) Curtains Sofas and chairs (living room) Tables Beds Bedroom furniture List of must haves for everyone: Clothes Toiletries Toys (for the children) "Hey, is your list ready?" Freddy asks, walking in and giving me a smile. I hand him the list, and his eyes go wide. Before quickly masking them again. "Ok, I just need to pop to the office. Can you join me please, love?" he says, holding out his hand to me. Taking his hand in mine, we walked to the office. As soon as we enter the office, he starts pacing. "What are we going to do?" he says in a rush, and I have no idea what he is talking about. "Do about what?" I ask, but he doesn't stop pacing. "I can't find it, I can't find it anywhere," he says again, but it still makes no sense to me. I stand up and wrap my arms around him to stop him pacing and when he does stop, I look up into his eyes "tell me what is wrong and I'll try and help you" I say as he takes a deep breath "ok.. I can't find the kingdoms lucre, I have looked but I can't find it anywhere" He explains and I'm confused "I didn't think we used money here" I say "it's not money my beauty it's lucre, it's similar to money but the Kingdoms lucre. How can we get all the supplies without it. I've looked in the safe, the cupboard in here, in the cellar. Everywhere" ok, I start to panic too. Maybe we should have looked for that first. "Ok where was Achlys favourite room or the place he spent most of his time" I ask because it seems more likely to be close to him "erm his bedroom and throne room" his face said it all but we need to get on this now to help our people "ok we will start in his room" and my skin crawls at the thought "ok" he reluctantly says and I'm sure he doesn't want to go near that room either. We need to dump that room too, but no one wanted to enter there at all, and I understand why, and that's why I never pushed them. I would never traumatise them more than they already have been. "We need to deal with that room and decide what to do with it," I say as we are walking up the stairs to the top floor. "I know, but what do we do with it. I don't know anyone who would want it, and I definitely dont, but we need to get rid of him for good, " he replies, and he's right. I don't know anyone who would want it. "Maybe a store room or something like that?" I say, but I soon change my mind when we enter. It wasn't a room at all it was a full floor. We walk through the door, and it opens out into a massive open plan living room and dining room, off the dining room is the kitchen, and down the corridor is 4 rooms. It disgusts me more because it's all up to date, well decorated, and fully stocked all the while his people lived in squalor and starving. It turns my stomach, and I feel sick at how selfish a person can be. "I've never been up here, I had no idea." Freddy is as confused as me. "What a selfish and shitty person he was," I'm fuming. "Come on, let's get on with it so we can leave," Freddy says and takes my hand, leading me to the first door. He turns the handle, and I'm sick, literally sick all over the floor in the hall. The smell is so bad, I'm afraid to go in, but I know we must.
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