
1514 Words

Rip:      I can still feel the blade in my chest as if it were still there. I can still see the look of anguish in her eyes as she pulled me into her and killed me. This is so messed up. I want to care about what happened when they thought I was dead but the truth is that I can careless right now.      Hearing Emily scream as she was, annoyed me to no end and I had to put a stop to it before it made me angry. Quiet is all I need right now. I need it to be peaceful once again. The way she had made it out in that open field. It had felt amazing to have a little rest like that.     I have moments before they come in here and try to question what had happened. What am I supposed to say? My mother killed me? How do I explain that she's not who everyone thinks she is? How do I tell them she's

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