Pack House Living

1034 Words
{Winter’s POV} I woke up to the sound of banging on my door, a normal occurrence here. “Wake up you ungrateful little bi***! Breakfast isn’t going to make itself!” I could hear the Luna of our pack screaming. Her shrill voice was enough to make me wishI didn’t have ears. “Tomorrow night, I just had to make it to tomorrow night!” I thought to myself as I quickly sprang from my bed and grabbed my oversized shirt and pulled it over my head. I was an orphan, left outside the pack house when I was a baby. The Luna said she always wanted a daughter, but soon I found that she only wanted a maid. From the time I was young I was made to cook, clean, and take care of the Alpha family. I was their personal pack slave, and everyone who knew me, knew that. She even made me wear a shock collar, if I took too long or gave attitude she would shock me until I “behaved” as she put it. The collar is still wrapped snug around my neck, and I hate the sight of myself. All because of them I look like an animal. My long curly dark brown hair fell in tangles down my back, and my once bright green eyes seemed so dull now. My skin was pale, because I was kept indoors at all times, and my body was small from the nights of starvation. My body was thin, but slightly curvy, I was the shortest woman in the pack standing at only 5’0. I quickly tossed on my shirt and bolted out the door, as I stepped out she pressed the button sending electricity through my body. I fell to the ground and grasped my neck clawing at the collar. “You took way too long. You’ll get there eventually darling. Until then, you need to just try harder!” She smirked and walked away down the staircase and into the kitchen. I slowly got up from the floor and hurried down the stairs. I knew not to test her, if I did I’d only get a worse punishment. I scurried into the kitchen and began cooking eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, biscuits, gravy, and pancakes. My body was moving as fast as humanly possible, and I swiftly got breakfast made and on the serving trays. I rang the bell in the window and two other pack slaves came to grab the trays. They rushed them out to the Alpha family and quickly ran back to the kitchen. I took out a platter with butter, jelly, syrup, milk, and orange juice and sat it in the center of the table. I began running back in the kitchen when suddenly snake like arms grappled me. “Stay a while Winter.” Joshua hissed out. His skin against mine made my whole body shudder with disgust. He was only 5’11, among the shortest men in our pack, and his hair was always a disgusting greasy mess. It was black, and often slicked back, his deep brown eyes reminded me of the color of mud. I hated him, he tried on more than one occasion to sneak in my room in the dead of night. Luckily if he made too much noise his parents would wake up and scold him so he never really made it in. “I have to get back to my chores Joshua. Your family also needs to discuss the Alpha celebration tomorrow. Congratulations by the way.” I said worming myself from his arms and running into the kitchen without looking back. Once I ran into the kitchen I was met with a punch to my mouth. I looked up to see Tiffany standing over me. “Back off of my mate you s***!” She shrieked, then proceeded to kick my ribs while I was on the ground. I grunted and tried to shield myself to no avail. She stomped my tiny form while I was on the ground until she was satisfied. Her short, curly blonde hair bouncing with every stomp. She was tall, about 5’8, and her body was perfect. Curvy in all of the right places, I so wished for my body to look so good, but at least I have a decent personality. “He’s mine you wretch, you’re nothing, and you will always be nothing!” She finished kicking my head once more then scuttling out of the room to the Alpha’s table and sitting next to Joshua. They were made for one another, and they’d run this pack into the ground. I hope I survive long enough to see it happen. I quickly washed all the dishes and sat out some food for lunch. Once the items were set out I went back to my room and decided to look at the damage that had been done. I lifted my oversized shirt and could see that my ribs were bruised and more than likely broken. My body ached, and my eyes were black and blue. My bottom lip was split down the middle, and I could tell she had broken my nose, and I had many bumps on my head from her kicks. I grabbed my water bucked and began cleaning my face off, making sure to rid it off all of the blood. Once I was satisfied I decided to pop my nose back into place, I’ve had to do it pretty often and I had gotten quite good at it. I quickly snapped it back in place, as I did tears slid down my face. I’d never get used to that feeling. Being completely broken and having to put myself back together again. I hated being so weak, but they kept me this way on purpose, I can’t fight back, therefore they always win. I pulled my shirt back down and decided to pull my hair up in a high pony and go begin making lunch, just one more day. “One more day then I can escape!” I repeated in my head as I stared at my broken form in the mirror. “One more day!”
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