Chapter 7 : Will Kain Be Alright?

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Kain had a mate?! I might have been even more shocked than Kain himself to hear this. In my previous life, I never knew that he had found her! Looking back again, I felt extremely foolish that I'd hung out with Cecilia so much that I wasn't even aware that Kain had found his mate! The only conversation Kain and I had regarding mates was on my eighteenth birthday, after William's death. Kain had asked me what I would do if I found my mate. I wasn't very nice to him when I answered because I had yet to feel my wolf and thought I never would. Growing up, my barely average speed, agility, and strength had led me and everyone else around me to believe that I was just an omega. Most omegas wouldn't be able to shift their entire life, let alone find a mate. As a result, I was resentful of his question. It led to a big fight and we just never talked about it again, especially since we were displaced to a neighboring country and… we had to focus on surviving after that. Had Kain found his mate in my last life but never told me, or was he also unaware of Molly's existence back then? I shook my head. The past wasn't important anymore. I needed to focus on what was going on right now. “Kain, she's beautiful. Congratulations!" I whispered. But all I got in return was silence, and I noticed his face was pale. I was extremely confused because the more I looked at Kain, the more I felt he was upset instead of happy. Why? Was this a normal reaction to sensing a mate for the first time? Was finding one's mate such a shock? “Kain? You okay?" Kain shook his head. “Livy, let's go home," he requested. I couldn't understand the complicated expression on his face, but beads of sweat seeped through his forehead as if he might be sick. Without any more delay, I took Kain by the hand and led him out of the party. “Okay, let's go," I said, “I'll drive." Once we got in the car, Kain began muttering, “Why do I have a mate?" “What do you mean by that? Why shouldn't you have a mate?" I asked him back. But I realized he wasn't asking me. He didn't answer my question either, only saying, “Something must be wrong…" I didn't get it. Molly was gorgeous, and she seemed to be an honorable and reasonable young lady. Why did Kain react so strangely? He breathed heavily in and out a few times and I wanted to ask what made him so distressed; however, he had closed his eyes to get some rest. I held back my doubts, but thoughts raced through my mind. I didn't remember Kain ever having a girlfriend before. Maybe he was just confused about his feelings. Some men could be like that. It must have been the case. So I made up my mind—after everything settled back down and I saved William, I would formally introduce Kain and Molly and help get the ball rolling. For now, I would just have to help him get over the initial shock. Kain's complexion became better as we got closer to home. He was able to walk just fine on his own when we made it to the house, but I saw him to his room. “Would it be alright for me to stay with you for a little while?" I asked to let him know I was there for him. “I'll keep quiet and just sit over there and look over my notes, but if you need anything, I'll be right here." He mumbled a little bit and I noticed his eyelids drooping. He was falling asleep. I secured his blanket again before going to his desk to look over the pictures and the notes I had taken during the party. It was late, and I didn't even realize I was getting sleepy until the phone slipped from my hand and my head drooped to the table. The thought of getting up and going to my own room ran across my mind, but my body was too heavy to move. Even though my back felt uncomfortable hunched over and the desk felt cold and hard against my face, I was so tired that I fell asleep right there in the chair. In my dreams, I waded through part of my past life. It was when Kain and I had to leave home after William's death. There was so much controversy and speculation. The business William owned went under and our assets were all liquidated to pay back the debt of the business. We eventually lost our house and everything. To make matters worse, Kain couldn't find a job anywhere in the country amid all the sensationalism, and we had to flee to the neighboring country of Kirlend… In the middle of my dream, a faint sandalwood scent surrounded me. Then I felt myself floating, like I had when I was reborn. Later, my dreams became hopeful—William was safe, Kain was by my side, Cecilia was gone, and somehow, I became a princess. I sighed contently, feeling much more comfortable as I turned over, stretching between soft covers and nuzzling into a pillow. When I opened my eyes, I found myself still in Kain's room, but I was no longer at his desk. I was in his bed. How did I end up in his bed? My eyes snapped open, but I didn't see Kain until light rustling from the floor drew my attention. I sat up and peeked over the side of the bed. Kain was covered by a spare blanket, sleeping on the floor. I froze. The sight of it touched my heart. I remembered that last life, although we made it to our neighboring country Kirlend, Kain and I had no one to rely on except for each other. Without money, he had to hunt for food and make sure I was able to eat. Some nights we slept without a roof over our heads. Kain would be sure to find a place for us to camp and stay up to watch over me, protecting me in his wolf form. Some nights we were lucky enough to find shelter and in the rare case where there was a bed, he would always insist on taking the floor and letting me sleep on the bed. The memory of him from my last life overlapped with his strong features in front of me, except right now, he was relaxed and peaceful instead of tense and worried. I rested my chin on my knees as I watched his sleeping form. His dark hair fell over his forehead, just brushing his eyelashes. “Oh my goodness, he's so hot!" The words from the girls at the party abruptly rang in my mind, and I had to say, they were absolutely right. My gaze traced his hair, eyebrow, nose and… lips and then I forced myself to look away, because all of a sudden, I felt a bit sad. Growing up together, we knew that we weren't blood-related, but I could look back now and see that he had looked out for me the entire time we were together. I somehow thought that would be the case forever. But I forgot that one day, he would find his mate and when that happened, everything would change. I would no longer be the only girl in his life. He would have someone else to care for. “What would you do if you found your mate?" Kain's question from years ago echoed in my mind. But even if somehow, someday I did get my wolf and found out that I had a mate, it was hard to imagine him treating me as good as Kain. “Whoa… what the hell am I thinking?" I whispered, burying my head under the covers, embarrassed and ashamed of myself for having such a thought. Adopted or not, Kain was my brother. Why was I comparing him to a mate I may or may not ever find in the future? In any case, I most likely would never find one because I most likely would never get my wolf. So that was that. Kain was lucky to have a mate as cute as Molly, and Molly… she was so fortunate to have Kain. They would move on with their lives, get married, and build a happy family together. I should be so happy for them. Yet, I couldn't deny how I felt right now. I was… upset. I buried my head and thought, Livy, you selfish brat! What on earth did you want? He can't be with you forever. He doesn't belong to you! He's your brother, for goodness sake! Besides, you have much more important matters to think about. Your biggest priority is saving William and that was all. Uncovering my head, I let my thoughts focus on the most urgent mission and picked up from my train of thoughts from last night. I visualized the party scene and the pictures I took, the notes I made, and then compared them to what I could remember from my previous life. I felt my eyes grow wide and my jaw drop in surprise as something I had been overlooking this entire time finally occurred to me. I had seen Brad Nelson before–in my house, not long before Dad's accident! No wonder he looked familiar! If that was the case, why did he come to our house back then? Was he involved in Dad's death, or was it purely a coincidence that he happened to visit? I jumped out of the bed to get my phone on the table but didn't realize that Kain had shifted his body in his sleep. His legs extended further out and I tripped over him. The impact woke Kain from his sleep and I fought really hard to maintain my balance. “Oh no!" I shouted. He saw my distress and sat up as he quickly reached out to catch me. However, momentum pushed me forward, so he had to hold my arm securely and pull me safely toward him. My face planted right into his rock-hard bare chest. He, he… he was shirtless under the covers! My body quivered a little, but I wasn't sure it was entirely from the fall. I clung to Kain momentarily as he held me steady. I turned my head, resting it on his chest as I tried to calm my breathing as well as my racing heart. But it didn't work. My mind couldn't help but wonder, had he been working out? When did he get so ripped? My face began to burn with embarrassment. My mouth was dry and I forgot to apologize for waking him up and falling on top of him. But then I heard Kain's heart beating faster and faster. His hot breathing was heavy as his breath fanned over my hair. “Are you alright?" His voice rumbled and I had to take a moment to think. Was I alright? “Yes," I finally squeaked out, clearing my throat. He chuckled a little and then ever so gently helped me back up to my feet. He sat me on the bed to give me a quick once-over. I was still trembling, but when I looked back up at Kain, ready to apologize, he seemed fine and completely back to normal. “Take it easy, silly girl." He ruffled my hair as a protective older brother should do and I let out a nervous laugh. I followed that with a breath of relief, but I was also somewhat disappointed. I shook my head to clear my train of thought. It was just a clumsy accident. Kain pulled me to safety before I could get seriously hurt. It was over. Whatever inappropriate thoughts I had for him shall be buried in my heart. “Where were you running to?" His question brought me back to my senses. I remembered what I was going to do and ran out of his room. There was only one way to find out whether Brad was the one who had betrayed Dad.
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