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Jasmine, Kevin and Chelsea planned their trip to Guatemala. They went through the journal, and they went over the map a bunch of times to get the route down to get to the mountain with the waterfall. Jasmine had pointed out the fact that the waterfall was the entrance into the mountain. Her mother had marked the whole trail, and it looked like it was the only way to get to the caves. Chelsea's mother worked down at the loading docks at the end of town. Chelsea had a friend that they all went to school with that had taken up a summer job at her mother's work, and she had asked him if he could keep his eye out for any shipments going out to Guatemala. He had called her and told her that there was a ship, but it wasn't going out the next night. Jasmine, Kevin and Chelsea put some money together and paid the guy to sneak them aboard. ****************** Jasmine was in her room packing her canvas camping pack, when she heard a knock at the door. "Come in,” she said. The door opened and her parents stepped into her room. "Hey, honey,” said Justin. "Hey daddy, mom,” she said, as she zipped up one of the side pockets. "I'm glad that you are feeling better, and you are willing to go spend time with your friends,” said Anna with a smile. Jasmine looked at her mother thoughtfully. She knew what her mother meant. She was thankful that her daughter was getting over Joseph. However, Jasmine had more of an optimistic point of view about everything. Even though Joseph was gone, she felt that he was okay and that she would see him again. However, she didn't know when, and she kept that information to herself. "Actually, I am hoping he will be back by the time I get home,” said Jasmine, a little annoyed. She really didn't want to talk about Joseph. He left her without even saying goodbye. "So where are you three running off to?" asked Justin, as he touched her camping pack. Here goes! Jasmine thought to herself. "Chelsea has invited me and Kevin to go on a road trip. Concert hunting,” lied Jasmine, and she looked at her parents quickly. Justin smiled at her. "That sounds like fun. So how long are you going to be gone for?" asked Anna. Anna tried not to pry into her daughter's life too much. One time, she had pushed her daughter too far, and it pushed Jasmine away from her for a while. She didn't want to do that to Jasmine again. "Uh, two, maybe three weeks. We have been planning this trip for half of the year," Jasmine lied, again. Okay, you can stop asking questions! thought Jasmine, as she felt a little more irritated. It had only been a little over a month since they had been planning their trip to Guatemala. "Well, when you get back, we want to hear all about it,” said Justin with a smirk. Jasmine felt relieved. That meant no more questions to ask, and she smiled gratefully at her parents. "Sure thing," Jasmine said. She hated lying to her parents. She was always truthful with them. It wasn't the point that it was going to be hard to make up some details about a road trip they never went on. It was the point of going behind her parents' back, but Jasmine knew if she told them the truth, they would never let her go. After a few moments, Jasmine's parents left her bedroom so she could finish packing. Jasmine walked over to her door and shut and locked it. She walked over to her bed and pulled back the cover. She had found her mother and father's stash of weapons that were in a crate in the back of the loft. Jasmine had grabbed a large hunting knife and some grenades. However, she didn't really care to touch any of the guns. She didn't really like guns. They were loud, and she hated the sound they made. She packed the weapons away with the map and the journal. She packed clothing, some food, and a first aid kit. All of her camping gear, including dishes to eat and drink, sleeping bag, and the flares, were already in their own separate compartments. She called Kevin and told him that she was ready to go. Then she called Chelsea to make sure about the time she wanted to meet up. ****************** Kevin grabbed his camping gear from the basement. His camping pack was stuck on something, so he yanked real hard. The pack came free, making him fall backwards, and a black gun case fell from where his pack was stuck. Curiously, he looked at the case on the floor, and he crawled over to it and opened the case. There were two pistols and a couple of boxes of ammo inside the case. Kevin pulled out one of the pistols and grabbed the boxes of ammo. He shoved them in his camping pack, closed the case and put it back where it fell from. He told his parents about the road trip, just like Jasmine and Chelsea had told their parents. Kevin packed his car and looked back up at his house. He was in a way glad to get away from the farm, the town and everyone in it. He was excited to see this beautiful place that was written about in the journal, but he wasn't too keen on meeting some monsters, though. Kevin shut the trunk of his car and walked back into the house. ***************** The next night, Jasmine, Kevin and Chelsea said their goodbyes to their parents, and they headed to meet at the loading dock. Jasmine and Kevin parked in the parking lot next to Chelsea's car. They all got out and grabbed their camping packs. Evidently, they met with Chelsea's friend, and he helped sneak them aboard the large ship. After Jasmine, Kevin and Chelsea had gotten settled in their hiding spot in the cargo hold below the ship, it wasn't long before the ship had set sail and they were on their way to Guatemala. Jasmine laid her head back on her camping pack. She twirled the wolf charm of her necklace around her fingers as she thought about Joseph. She missed him so much that it took her a lot to hold back her tears. Kevin looked at Jasmine as she sighed. He knew that she was thinking about him. Every time she held her necklace, she thought of him. She is just torturing herself. Kevin thought sadly. "Do you think we will ever see them again?" Kevin asked. Chelsea looked over at her friends. Jasmine sat up and looked at her and Kevin. "We will be together again!" Jasmine said, confidently, and Chelsea looked at her in question. "How do you know?" she asked, and Jasmine pulled the laces on her boots. "Just a hunch,” answered Jasmine, and she laid back down on her pack. Kevin had known Jasmine to be very instinctive, just like her mother. Both Jasmine and her mother had this sense about them, that when they felt something in their gut, almost every time it came true. Kevin hoped that this was one of those right on target hunches. He really missed Mandy. The kids spent a day and a half sailing to Guatemala on the ship before it finally docked. Jasmine, Kevin and Chelsea snuck off the ship and headed through the small little town. It seemed like it was around noon, with the sun high in the sky. They walked through the small town and found a cab company that could drop them off on the road by the mountain. The cab car dropped them off and Chelsea paid the driver. Jasmine pulled the map out, and they began their journey in the same footsteps that Anna and Justin took on their journey.
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