15 - Can't control theVampire within

1502 Words

Leander Sara hasn’t been herself these past few days. She’s been quiet and in her head a lot. I’m not sure what to do to snap her out of it. I took her to dinner the other night, and she enjoyed herself. But something was missing in her smile. I know she has a lot on her mind with Bastian, but there’s something she’s not telling me. The worst thing is that Sara avoids me whenever she can. We share a bed, but she turns away from me, even though I wrap my arm around her while we sleep. I need to feel her against me during the night to sleep peacefully. Sara sits next to me during breakfast but doesn’t speak to me or anyone else. And Bastian? Sara avoids him at all costs, going so far as to rush off in the other direction when she sees him coming. Bastian has been on my case to tell Sa

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