14 - Unwanted

2715 Words

Jenna “I am so sick of telling you!” Anna snaps at me. I cower in the corner because I’m terrified she’s about to hit me again. As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Anna was on me like white on rice. She grabbed me around the throat and pinned me to the wall, choking me in anger. Jessica had mind-linked her mother and explained that I’d spoken to Luna Sara. Talking directly to the Dalgaard’s is not allowed; I am a slave, and slaves should know their place. I knew that I should have walked away when Sara spoke to me. But that would have been rude, and again, I would have been in trouble. I can’t win no matter what I do. “When are you going to learn, Jenna? You’re an Omega slave, and you’re lucky that I took you in. If you continue to defy me, well, then I suppose I’ll just have to ge

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