9 - Make it go away!

2398 Words

Sara I must admit that the fresh air in the yard is lovely. I’m a little nervous about entering the forest where I was almost attacked, but needs must. I can’t go about my life with nothing to call mine. My bag doesn’t hold much, but what’s inside is mine, and I want it. I hum to myself as I walk, ignoring the fact that I have nowhere to go. I’m not sure what I’m going to do from here on in, but I do know that I’ve got cramps. Great, just what I don’t need, my damn period. ‘You had your period two weeks ago, Sara.’ ‘Maybe it’s anxiety then?’ ‘Maybe it’s something else...’ I block Chai because I’m not in the mood to hear whatever she’s talking about and keep walking. I don’t have a clue in which direction I’m going; I feel like I’m going in circles, and the cramps seem to be getting

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