10 - Can't bear to lose you

2247 Words

Leander Here I am, again watching Sara sleep. I had no idea the heat would hit so hard and so soon. I left the house yesterday for a couple of hours. I wanted to pick up some things for Sara. I wanted her to have some new clothes, toiletries, and all those little things women like, such as makeup and perfume. Of course, I could have sent any number of servants to pick them up, but I wanted to do it myself. I wanted to do something nice for my mate. I’d borrowed something from Lilly for Sara to wear if she woke up before I returned. I left the bathroom door open so Sara could find it easily, and I told Anna to make sure Sara ate breakfast. I was gone longer than I thought I’d be, and the heat hit when I was halfway home. Before Luther mind-linked with me, I knew Sara would feel it ten

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