Chapter 3

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Rosie's POV Are you sure? I was not used to the idea just yet, but I could feel something, I was excited. I prayed for the new sweet memories that would follow me now. I followed as Lily directed me to the hallway, and then down the hall. As I walked, a scent hit me hard, and as I got closer to my unknown destination the scent grew stronger and stronger, only to land in front of Dan’s little office. She winced and turned back, but just as I was about to take another step towards the hallway back out, his door opened, and he came out with his ever-beautiful and popular girlfriend, Sylvia. They looked like they just had a hot session of banging and doing other things. Unable to help it, I automatically began to compare myself with her as I stayed rooted to the hard floor. I was nothing like her, far less in beauty and status. “Rosie, I knew you would come!” he said, plastering a big smile on his face. “What do you mean, Dan? What is she doing here?” his girlfriend, Sylvia, asked. I wanted to ask the same too, but I could not talk. “Oh, the little b!tch is here to tell me that I am her mate” he announced loudly, not bothered about who might be listening to his silly jokes, then burst into laughter. “You can't be serious? I thought you said you wouldn't accept any mate and you would just be with me”, they stood there arguing, while I was still there, wondering if I had heard him quite correctly. I wondered why I could not move an inch from where I stood! This was not normal! Why were my legs glued to the floor? I thought. “Relax Sylvia. I am not doing anything with her, but I can't just turn my back on the poor girl! She looks so pitiful. Don't you think?” he asked, still laughing. He is so irritating. My wolf finally said something, but she was not attempting to help me move away. Then why am i still here? I asked her before she curled back inside again. He is our mate. We have no power! We have no choice. She replied. No! No! Never will I accept him as my mate! My life will only become much worse! No! I argued, shaking my head profusely. But we can't just reject him, we have to wait for him to reject us, Rosie. “Call me when you have settled this thing,” Sylvia said as she walked past me, without wasting the moment to call me w***e! “Come! I think we have a lot of things to talk about”, Dan said, gesturing toward me and, since I didn't make a point to move, he dragged me into his office. “I told you that you would come to me! I have known for a while now that you are my mate. I was just waiting for you to find yourself. A little more hours to enjoy this amusement. I am sure it came as a surprise to you” he decleared. “I am surprised that the moon goddess had to pair me with someone like you”, I spat the words at him. He came to me and held me firmly by my chin, “Someone like me? Why do you talk to me that way, Rosie? I am way above you in status and position.” “You think that's how I see it? It is not only with position and the money you have, what about your heart?” without waiting for him to answer, but I also added “Reject me. I am sure you have enjoyed yourself enough with this little play of yours. Rejected me and let's get this over with” I said, but I could see this chilling expression on his face, that didn't seem like he was going to let me get what I wanted so easily. “No, there is no way I will give that to you so freely, you have to earn it. And you know what, Rosie? You could have just held your tongue. Maybe if you hadn't demanded to be rejected, I could have rejected you without thinking twice about it. I hate that you have to be the one demanding. A rejection when you know what you stand to gain by being with me”. He paused and I looked him in the face. What the heck was he talking about?? More than anything, I was scared of what was going to come out of his mouth next. There is a cruel smile playing on his lips as he declares triumphantly, “But first I will let you understand the reason why you should not have crossed me! I will take you as my mistress.” The terror on my face must amuse him. He then assures me with a devilish smirk, “Put it simply, you won't have the respect of a wife, Neither will you have the freedom you so seek. “What the heck do you mean by that?” I asked Dan, daring him to say it again. I could not believe what he was saying to me. Be his wife?! That is impossible. “You heard me! You are going to be my mistress! I will shame you and make you lose your freedom until you learn how to be respectful to me” he growled. “Be respectful to you? You don't deserve it one bit. You have to earn my respect! You must take me for a fool to think I would believe such a thing! There is no way you will be allowed to take a cast out as a mistress!” I argued, hoping that was true. I refused to stay in front of him, looking defeated. He made a wicked laugh, tightening his grip on my chin as if I was his plaything. “I see you still don’t know how I can influence my mother and father! You still don’t realize I am the future alpha of this pack. I can do whatever I want, I can decide to kill you if I see fit”, he threatened. I knew they were not empty and he could follow up to prove a point. I could not think of one thing to do for him that would appease him and still wouldn’t make me look like an i***t. “I am sorry” I muttered, but instead of him accepting my apology, he mocked me. He laughed too hard, hard enough to put me back in my lowly position. This was not the plan. I am doing what he wants me to do, but I guess that was not his plan after all. He moved away from me now, went over to his desk, and made a quick phone call. “Yes. . . You can come in now”, he said to the receiver, and ended the call. “Who are you calling?” I asked him. Fear was beginning to creep into my body now. I tried to reach for my wolf, but she was not available. It seems she always hides at times like this. She had given me all the strength I needed all day, but now, she was nowhere to be found. “What's the hurry, girl? You just need to be patient, it won't be long now and you will get the answer to your question” he said, and so calmly at that. This is not new. Something like this had happened before when I was called into a place anonymously. The person had sent a note telling me they wanted to give me a job, and without a second thought, I had gone to the destination only to be met by boys and girls with facial masks on, and they had all put me in their middle, surrounding me. I was pestered and harassed in a very aggressive matter. I was mocked that evening didn't end there. It has followed me ever since. But I was unable to say a word about that evening to anyone. I kept it to myself and, of course, if Dan had been among them, I would not have known, they were all in masks and talking almost at the same time. I want to believe Dan would not be so bold as to do the same thing to me in his office. It won't end well. I held onto that thought but made sure I was quiet and said no more words. I didn't want to piss him off anymore. The door opened and some people started to come in one after the other, with a devilish chuckle on each of their faces as if they knew a secret I knew nothing about. I realized they were all girls and boys whose birthdays were today. Is this some type of private party? I wanted to ask someone. I looked over at Dan where he stood but he was with his girlfriend, Sylvia. I wonder what she was doing there in the room with us. She has the same birthday as Dan, which makes her twenty too, almost two years older than me. Someone put on music, but it was extremely loud. I looked around to see where the DJ stood in the room. I wanted to complain. But who was I kidding? No one will listen to what I have to say. “You are the one forcing yourself on him, I have heard. . . “ Sylvia said as she came up behind me. I looked over at where Dan was, but he was no longer there. The expression on her face was anything but friendly and I didn't want to understand why she thought I was a threat to her relationship. “I think you have heard wrong, Sylvia. That is not me. I have nothing to do with him, believe me” I said, trying my best to remove every doubt away from her mind, but she did not have it. “Oh, are you looking down on the future alpha, despite being the lowest of all? What do I hear about you being the mistress to our future alpha?” She asked finally, maybe that was what the arguments between her and Dan had been about. I looked over Sylvia's shoulder and around but I could not find him. He left his office. “Answer the freaking question” Her shout jerked me into reality, “You should not be asking me that. You know exactly who to ask. Go ask him, I am sure he will give you the answers you need,” I said to her, finally getting rid of every fear in my mind. I can feel Lily's presence now, she is powering me up with strength. I knew I was already in deep soup, none of the people present were my friends. They were all friends with Sylvia. I wanted to blurt out everything I wanted to say without thinking about the consequences, but I knew for a fact that I was not going to get out of here, unhurt. I did. But still, I thought I might as well do some talking with the only weapon I have, my mouth. “Have you noticed?.. “ I started to say to her in a slow whisper. “Dan doesn't like you, he only wants you for your status, nothing more. I mean, why else would he be looking for a mistress when he has you? You keep forcing yourself on him”, I finished with a dirty smile on my face, just the exact one I had seen when she first came inside Dan's office. I was content with the expression on her face, she was in flames! I could almost feel it on my cheeks! And that was before she slapped me on my face. I am getting used to that a lot now. It was not a new thing. “Hmm” I chuckled, holding my hot cheek with my other hand. “You little slot!” she screamed. Everyone in the office stopped and started to come to her aid, others even started poking and pushing me to make a point! I had done something terrible to their queen, but no one had cared about the slap I got. “Tie her down and fetch me a silver knife and wolfsbane and bring her to the woods without letting anyone know” she instructed, and just then her minions were already going into place. I panicked. She hated me. That is not new, but this is another level! She was no longer hiding it. “Why don't you heal yourself? Let me see you do that with that much wolfsbane in your system'' Sylvia backed at me, her voice jolted me back to reality. I had somehow passed out. Sh!t! That must be why I was feeling so weak, my wolf powerless. “So, because you have been gifted the same gifts as the mother you killed, because you have been healing the Alpha, you start to feel important, eyeing what's not yours'' She spat. I could feel the venom she spoke with. “Bring her over here where I can see her," she commanded. I knew she didn't like me. I had heard fresh insults flying about me, she always had something to talk about, my chestnut hair, ocean blue eyes, or my slender eight-shaped figure, and long legs, but making everyone hate me didn't seem so difficult, since my own family didn't give a damn about me. “Why are you doing this?" I asked desperately, trying to get out of the silver rope that was used to tie me. It burned my flesh, and she was right, I could not heal myself. “Don't try so hard bvtch! You will only get weaker, and I don't want that happening to you before I am done having my fun. So stay still", she commanded. “Let me go!" I demanded weakly. “Let you go or what slvt? No one can save you here. I am sure even if you go missing after this, no one will find you. You have absolutely no one to look for you or even care for you", She mocked, but she was right. “Max and Leo!" She called her two minions. I was sure that no matter what they were talking about, it would make just one of us. “I want you both to tighten the silver rope on her more, throw her into the lake over there". That scared the s**t out of me, I cannot swim. “Let's see how she gets herself out of the water". She smirked. “Is this really necessary?" Linda, Sylvia's close friend, spoke. I could kiss her, “Why did you decide to come with us if you knew you would question me, Linda?" Sylvia demanded, sounding irritated. “You asked me to come with you, Sylvia. And I am only asking because I don't even think she can swim. This might be a very risky game. I am just warning you, that is all'' “Linda, all she has to do is just throw herself under my feet and beg me to spear her life," Sylvia said, waiting to get a response from me. I was not going to beg her, I wanted to leave the pack and if this is the way I go, then its alright. "See, she has nothing to be scared of," she concluded nervously. “Throw her into the lake and make sure the silver rope is tight around her body, making it difficult for her to navigate. I want to hear her scream until she swears to never cross my path again'' ------------------- “Oh, my head" I murmured silently. I tried to move because I felt completely uncomfortable from the pain around my body and ankles. I winced, it was just as if my brain just began acknowledging my pain again for the first time. My head hurts. I tried to slowly open my eyes, but my sight met with moving ground. Where are they taking me to? I could feel the silver rope cutting into my skin, giving me more pain than is imaginable. I know it will not be easy for me to heal that way, my blood is being contaminated where the silver rope meets with my flesh. I tried searching for my wolf inside me, but it seemed she was as weak as me. Oh damn! Just some moments ago, I believed I would lose my life. I thought the deep water would kill me. I wondered why she had a change of mind. “We will soon be there" I heard Linda say. ''She is mysterious, you know, she could come back to haunt you'' She finished. These fools, I thought, If I commanded that kind of power, I would kill all of them right here, including myself, or even before that, I would have my mother here with me right now. Who knows, maybe that would have changed a lot of things, maybe then, things would be as pleasant as a peaceful Saturday morning. Maybe then, I would have known so much love. Maybe then, my father would love me. Maybe then, I would not always have to be a subject of ridicule. Maybe then someone would have realized by now that I was missing and that they needed to find me. No! Rosie, don't cry! You are not alone, you are special too, in your way. I suddenly heard my wolf speak to me, and she finally came out of her hiding. She had been hiding a lot, and I want to know why, but maybe after I have passed through this ordeal I will find out why. She must have felt my emotions, she must have felt my cries and my hurt. “We are here" I heard Linda announce. I wanted to look out at what she meant, but I could not lift my head without giving away my pretense. It didn't take long before we were in a very noisy place, and a bad scent engulfed the place too. The place smelled of s3x, alcohol and wealth. It does not look like a clubhouse or a place to have fun, it is a place that was far beyond morals, a place where there were simply no rules, a place where only your money and your influence do the talking, a place far away from home. A door opened before us at the end of the hall, and after what seemed like an eternity of checking if they had any weapons, they let us in. I was thrown to one side of the room without caring about where I landed. I could no longer keep in my pain. I cussed, but they didn't all seem to mind me. Their attention switched to the entrance of a very round man, as he came out of one of the doors in the large room with a tobacco stick in his mouth. “Well, what do we have here? Who are you?" He asked, blowing up some smoke. I could feel Sylvia's uneasiness, this was not her typical place to be, but she was going to dump me there. “We got some information about what you are doing here!" Linda said as she caressed the man's round belly with her hand, then moved it to his chest.Trying to seduce the man, a smile curled up on his mouth. It disgusted me. “You don't have to give us anything", Sylvia spoke up, cutting into what Linda was doing, "You can just take her way for free, I don't ever want to see her again, I want her to go away from here, sell her to the readiest buyer, someone far away," Slyvia said to the man. “You know I can't do that. How old are you girls?' He asked," ''Very well". He murmured loudly after getting a satisfied answer and then made his way towards me on the floor where I was thrown. “Oh she will find a buyer all right, she is very innocent looking with very soft skin. . . she is beautiful too. I have so many slave buyers that like women like this to dominate". I spat on his face with the little effort I could make. Of course, it was not entirely his fault. My so-called pack members have brought me to him. “Oh and she is feisty too, I like her!” He grabbed my chin so tightly, keeping me in place. He then used his other free hand to clean the splash of my saliva off his face. “Bastards! All of you!” I screamed, that was my only weapon. Not in a million years did I think I would be in the situation when I woke up this morning on my eighteenth birthday. I mean despite the way my life has been turning out. “Can we go back now?” I heard Sylvia ask, obviously dying to get rid of me finally. . . “You will regret this, you bvtch! I will find you! I will take my revenge! I will make you pay for this!” I rained threats “You are a slave now! How dare you speak to me like that?” Sylvia barked at me, but she was not coming closer than she was. I will find my way out. . . I made a solemn promise to myself before exhaustion swallowed me. A promise I was not sure how to keep...
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