Chapter Seven:

3542 Words

Chapter Seven: “If not for me, none of this life would be yours. None of it. I only ask that you keep this damned book safe for me.” Kai didn’t beg, he demanded. Truth be told, he wanted to reach out and shake some sense into his old friend Sam. Never the one expecting a warm welcome when he showed up, he at least wanted civility. Standing outside a friend’s home begging was out of the question, but tradition dictated that his friend at least meet the one meager request. “You show up here covered in s**t and ask me to take a book? Do you know how strange that seems? Do you know the guards are patrolling more heavily tonight? Something is amiss…” The man was only a few years older than Kai, but life had treated him well. He was at least twenty pounds heavier. Marriage suited the older man

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