Chapter 15

2777 Words

Phoenix lunged in front of Kai before the beast could get to her again. Kai watched the flash of Malachi’s form pass by. “Stop,” she called out, as he slowed to an abrupt stop. “Just talk to me. You’ve proven you could kill me before I would even realize it. You’ve tested my speed enough. You know I can’t hurt you.”   She watched his frame shiver from behind. The lycan, Malachi, stood at least ten feet tall on his hind legs. His coat was a mixture of copper and grey with a white crescent moon on the center of his back. When he turned, his elongated clawed fingers curled into fists. When his face hit what little light was left, Kai saw the blackness of his eyes like they held an endless pool of death.   His arms, alone, were twice her size, decorated in long corded veins reaching the ha

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