Chapter Eight: Mr. Cheats-A-Lot

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Brandy "There's my girl!" Brenda called out as I stepped up to the counter of my favorite little coffee shop the next morning. Coming here to buy my morning caffeine before classes had become a routine of mine. Not to mention, this was where my best friend, Brenda, worked. She was the one and only true friend I had out here in California. We had become fast friends shortly after I started school here in San Francisco. We both had been outcasts. "Rylee, step over. I've got this one," she booty bumped her fellow employee out of the way. "My normal, please," I said softly with a tired smile. Sleep had eluded me last night, mainly due to my frustrations over my stupid emotions and feelings about a certain body guard. Nathaniel loomed behind me, though I doubted Brenda realized he was with me. I hadn't told her about the shooting, the hospital stay or the added protection. "Yes, ma'am. And this is on me today," she added. "Especially after what happened Friday. I’m sorry about wrecking your car like that.” Referring to the vomit bath my car had taken. She sounded remorseful and, deep down I knew it had all been an accident. Though, I was still annoyed by the entire endeavor. “Whatever,” I shrugged, handing over my card. “At least I no longer have to deal with the mess.” As she pressed buttons on her computer screen, she said, “Did you decide to finally burn it to the ground? I know how much you despised that car.” “Yeah. Something like that.” Someone cleared their throat behind us. Brenda rolled her eyes and finished the transaction. "I’ll see you in a bit. Hey Hal!" Brenda called out as she turned and walked back to where all the coffee makers and supplies were while I stepped away from the counter. As Nate ordered something for himself, his gaze stayed on me while I moved towards the back where Brenda and I usually sat. Most mornings she took her break with me before I went running off to class. "Yeah?" their boss replied from the office. "I'm taking my fifteen now!" "Okay!" he yelled back. He poked his head out of his office and waved at me. He was just a few years older than we were, and I swore he had his heart set on Brenda. Though, she couldn’t see it. His round face had an array of freckles and his short, curly red hair accentuated his green eyes. He was handsome and successful. Truly he had it all. He just hadn’t asked Brenda out. Perhaps he was worried about her being his employee. "Hi Brandy, it's good to see you." I had just enough emotional energy to wave back, but I couldn't muster enough strength to make small talk this morning. Brenda grabbed my drink and sashayed herself right out from behind the counters, looping my arm with hers before dragging me to the back corner table. She did a double take when Nate sat down at the small table next to us. He was in worn blue jeans, a black button down with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows, boots and some kind of fancy cloth vest that hid the expanse of guns, ammo and knives he carried on him. A cowboy hat sat perched on his head, dark sunglasses hid his eyes as he picked up the newspaper and pretended to read it as he angled his body towards the entrance. Brenda looked first at him, then back to me and to him. She had no idea he was my body guard. I mean how could she? She thought he was just some random patron. She leaned in close and whispered, "Do you think he-- "Brenda don't," I whispered back to her, shaking my head. I prayed she would just drop it, at least until I could explain what was going on. "But, seriously," she whispered back fiercely, "He has to be... You know what," she said exasperatedly before addressing Nate directly. "Sir?" she called out to him. For a moment he didn't realize she was talking to him until she called out to him again. "Yes?" he asked. "Are you lost?" Brenda asked bluntly and I couldn't help it. I about died of embarrassment. Nate’s questioning gaze met mine before returning to her. That look wasn’t lost on Brenda, but she didn’t back down. "No ma'am I am not." "What's with the getup? This ain't no Podunk town," she snapped thinking he was just trying to catch my eye and was watching out for me. I knew she was trying to gain us some privacy by being so rude. He chuckled. "Well, you're rather charming, aren't you?" No one usually bantered back with her because they were normally put off and figured it was easier not to engage with her. Brenda's mouth hung open for a moment in shock. Before she could recover, Nate smirked and picked up the news paper again, settling back. "You care to tell her, Brandy? Or do you want me to explain?" he asked in amusement. Brenda's gaze zeroed in on me in an instant and I groaned. "Please don’t get mad." “If you’re starting out that way, you know I’m going to be,” she remarked. “Spill the tea sis!” “After dropping you guys off Friday night, I drove home and… well… I was the victim of a drive-by shooting.” I didn’t know how much I was supposed to say, so I decided to leave out some of the details. “I tucked myself under the steering wheel until the gate was open and then I blindly hit the gas and I crashed into the fountain.” Brenda’s eyes sharpened on my face as she scrutinized me. Luckily, most of my face had been spared with the exception of my right cheek. There was still a severe knot on my head, and it was sore as hell, but the bruising was hidden by my hair. It was mostly the rest of my body that was black and blue, which I had carefully hidden under a high collard, long sleeve blouse and soft slacks. “I spent the better part of my weekend at the hospital and was released Sunday. Father didn’t think it was a random shooting and hired body guards for all of us.” I was surprised she hadn’t interrupted me. “f*****g hell!” She hissed. “Girl, that is one hell of a nightmare. I’m glad you came out of it alright. Other than some bumps and bruises. And now, at least, you don’t have to worry about trying to deep clean that car though,” she joked and I cracked a smile. “But seriously, you didn’t think to call me!?” She exploded, her expression hurt. “I’m sorry!” She sighed. “It’s okay. I forgive you,” she said smiling, settling a hand over mine reassuringly before she turned a scrutinizing eye back to Nate. “You don't look like the typical body guard," she said suspiciously. He chuckled. "That's because I'm not. Am I?" his gaze bore into mine. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my coffee. It was far too early for this s**t. I'd barely gotten sleep. I felt like crap. And I had a long day of classes ahead of me. Not to mention I was being escorted around in a bright orange charger. If that didn't put a damn target on my back, I didn't know what would. "Well, I'm Brenda," she extended a hand out to him, introducing herself. "Nate," he nodded. The wheels in her bright mind were turning and I knew she would make the connection soon. "Wait!" she gasped, her gaze snapping to mine. "Not the Nate?" "Yes. That one," I deadpanned. Her expression was instantly stormy. "No!" she gasped. "You're father is such an ass!" That's what I had been saying all along. "But you!" Brenda seethed, her attention turning back to Nate, her finger pointing at him accusingly. "You are the scum of the earth, sir! And I hope you burn in hell for what you did!" A small, amused smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth at Brenda's scolding. He shrugged. "Eh. I've been called worse." He returned his attention to the news paper. “Oh you are an infuriating man!" she snapped under her breath. Turning back to me, she placed a hand over mine. "I'm so sorry hun. If you need to get away, you can always come over to my place." She glared at Nate again. "And Mr. Cheats-a-lot can stand in the hallway. Because, I presume he has to have my permission to come into my apartment." Hmm. I wasn't so sure about that. Besides, I doubted he would let me out of his sight. "Yeah, about that-- "You're telling me he has to be with you twenty four seven?" "Pretty much," I sighed. "What kind of trouble are you in again?" Brenda was very smart and could connect dots rather well. "It's bad. But I can't get into it." She huffed. "Well this calls for some comfort food. I'll be right back." As she disappeared, Nate murmured, "I like her. She's got sass, and she's definitely not afraid to use it." I decided to ignore him, like I had done for most of the morning. When Brenda returned, she had big apple streusel muffins. My favorite! "You are awesome!" She winked at me and purposefully ignored Nate. "What, nothing for me?" he asked innocently, feigning offense. She glared at him with one of those 'looks can kill'. "You don't deserve one that's on the house. Besides, I'm not stopping you from buying one." He chuckled and returned to 'reading'. Brenda's sharp gaze turned back to mine and she reached out and covered my hand. "Hey, whatever is going on just know I am always here for you. You can reach out to me anytime, you can come over anytime. Day. Night." "Thank you," I said honestly, a small smile pulling at the corners of my mouth. Thankfully, she diverted the talk to safer subjects that weren't so heavy. She talked about her latest failed date. She told me about her cat, Fluffy, and his latest antics. She filled the silence with comfortable and easy talk, because she knew I wouldn't want to talk. Her voice put me at ease as I listened. "Not that I want to interrupt," Nate interjected in a bored voice, "But if we don't get going, you'll be late for class." Checking the time on my phone, I grumbled unhappily under my breath. "It's time I got back to work, anyway," Brenda brushed off. She had taken a longer break than normal. When we stood up, she gave me a big hug and told me to message her later when I got home. “Are you going to have to stand guard in the classrooms?” I asked gently, folding my arms we over my chest, staring out the window as Nate drove me. I prayed he wouldn’t, but I wasn’t holding my breath. I was gearing up to be embarrassed and humiliated by his silent, statuesque mannerisms throughout the day when he surprised me. “No. I’m not planning on being in class with you. I believe it would be more prudent to stand watch outside the class where I can see who is approaching.” Relief washed over me. “Unless you do something to warrant my presence within the room, or you want me there,” he added. “Nope. Nope, I don’t want you in the rooms with me,” I clarified quickly. When we got to the school, I led the way to my first class. He glanced inside the room and noticed there was only one door in and out and he reluctantly agreed. "Brandy," he caught my arm before I could disappear inside. "One more thing." His grip moved down my arm to my wrist where he secured a gold, intricate bracelet. "On the bottom is a button," he showed me. "If you click it once, it means someone or something is making you uncomfortable. It will notify me to approach but to do so in a manner to check your surroundings. If you click it twice, it means you are in immediate danger. That someone is actively trying to harm you or harass you. It also has a tracker on it, so if you are taken try to make sure it stays on your person." I wanted to roll my eyes and snap back with something, but the situation my family was in was real. I wasn't under any delusions. My father wouldn't do this unless he believed it was absolutely necessary. So, instead, I nodded and silently walked into the room, leaving Nate to stand guard by the door.
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