Chapter Seven: Frustration

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Brandy I knew I was in deep s**t. And not because I went against Nate’s orders. Every other encounter I’d had with him so far I’d been able to mentally prepare myself for his touch, his intoxicating scent, and his familiarity. This time… This time there had been no warning. He came out of no where. I was blindsided by his arms, his solid frame. His masculine scent engulfed me and I couldn’t stop myself from inhaling him deeply into my lungs, as if I needed him to breathe. I wanted to lean into him, to run my nose over the vein in his neck. To trace wet kisses over his collar bone. To just taste him on my tongue once more. To satiate my curiosity if he still tasted the same. My gaze was fixated on his chest. Jesus! I’d forgotten how tall he was! Back in high school, he had always made me feel small just due to our hight difference. I was just barely over five feet and weighed one twenty soaking wet. He had broken six foot by the time he graduated high school. Now, however, it wasn’t just hight. Yeah, he had possibly sprouted a few extra inches, but his width had filled out too. He was no longer lanky. Under my hand, I felt the solid muscles of his chest and I was halfway tempted to run them down. To feel the muscles I knew would be there because I’d gotten a teasing feeling of them against my body just now. Back in high school, he had been very muscular too. But this was different somehow and I wanted to explore. To feel the differences for myself. I wanted to rake my nails down his pecs, and see the red welts left behind— Fuck! A strangled breath left my lungs on a whoosh and I tried jerking back out of his hold. This was not appropriate! This was not okay! I was still angry with him. I hadn’t forgiven or forgotten what he had done. I refused to fall so easily back under his spell. I refused to become just another one of his f**k buddies once again. Perhaps, if I knew I could keep my heart out of the equation, I could have allowed myself to enjoy his body and talents—because heaven only knew about my dilemma when it came to me getting off. Or rather, lack there of. And that’s when the fury burned red hot in my chest. Because of this selfish, insolent boy, I had been ruined for everyone else. No matter who I f****d, no matter how good they were, or what tricks they had up their sleeve, none of them could ever make me c*m. I could only ever finish myself off with my own hand to thoughts of Nate. I wanted to scream and shout at him to let me go. I wanted to curse him out for ruining me like this. But no matter how hard I tried to force the words past my lips, they wouldn’t come out. I knew he would only take it as a compliment and nothing more. It would only give him just one more thing to hold over me. One more way to use me, to break me. “Let go of me.” I finally demanded through clenched teeth. My hands fisted against his chest and I pushed, but it was weak. And he noticed. He leaned closer into me and I heard his ragged breaths, as if he was just as affected as I was. I felt the softest brush of his lips as he trailed them up my neck. Heat flared through my veins and I somehow held in a moan of pleasure. I refused to allow him to know just how much he affected me. His nose rubbed over my jaw as he pulled just far enough away to look down into my eyes, seeing the heated passion there. Knowing I was burning for him. “That’s not what you really want, blackberry.” The nickname he used to call me rolled over his tongue like silk and honey. It washed through me, reminding me of all the times he had whispered it to me in the throes of passion. “You know you can’t ever lie to me,” he whispered, one finger curling a stray strand of hair before tugging gently. Damn him! Hot, furious tears burned the backs of my eyes but I couldn’t refute his claims. Because he was right. “Let. Me. Go.” I growled once more with more ferocity. I swear to God if he didn’t I was going to knee him in the balls so hard they were going to retract all the way up to his throat. He felt the change and smirked. Ugh! I could just strangle him and that smug ass smile! “I’ll be waiting just outside the door,” he stated, dropping his hands away from my hips, breaking the spell. “Leave the door open.” “So what? You can be a perv and watch?” I snapped back. “You’d like that way too much,” was his knee jerk response. Oh how I wanted to slap him! “That’s what she said,” I bit back, knowing he was right. “Don’t call out my name, sweetheart, when you rub yourself out in there,” he winked before doing an about face to glide out the door, not giving me time to hit him with another comeback. He shut it till there was barely a slivers width. “I hate you,” I hissed under my breath, knowing I wouldn’t be able to relieve the growing s****l frustration because I refused to give him any sort of satisfaction. Because, somehow, he would know if I did get myself off, even if I was as quiet as a mouse.
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