Chapter 25 - The Night Watch

1718 Words

Chapter 25 - The Night Watch Lucille's POV I consider myself an intelligent woman, I am educated, I have been raised well and I have manners. Yet despite all that, I have reverted back to the rebellious teenager that I once was, and I allowed myself to be driven by impulse. Basically, I acted first and thought about the consequences after. As soon as I heard Franco's curse and his laughter died down, my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets because I understood the magnitude of what I did, and the damage I could have caused. "s**t!" I follow in Franco's footsteps and curse out loud. I can't believe I just did that. I threw a book at a man head. A man that has an illness of the brain. Oh, God, what is wrong with me? Regardless of how angry he might have made me, I should have never do

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