Chapter 15-4

560 Words

One quickie later, we were finally able to control ourselves. I showered, put on a pair of sweats and hoodie, and pulled out the shrimp ring from the fridge. We sat shoulder to shoulder on my couch watching a James Bond marathon, Ty’s arm thrown over the back of the couch. His hand rested on my shoulder. The shrimp, cheese puffs and beer were spread out on the coffee table in front of us. Ty turned down the stinky cheese with a similar face the boys made. Must be a guy thing. “Goldie wanted to see if I knew more about Morty’s murder.” Ty tossed a cheese ball in the air and caught it with his mouth. He crunched a few times then said, “I called my parents when you were in the shower. They said the police have no real leads as there’s no way to take fingerprints. There aren’t any footprint

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