Chapter 5

1999 Words

5 I was saved from explaining by the doorbell. After a questioning look, Mike left me in peace for a few minutes while I took off my heavy layers and pulled myself together. I wasn't quite ready to face Jack again. I didn't think he'd be too keen on seeing me. Ever again. But we were to be roomies, so I'd run into him eventually. Doing so publicly meant he wasn't going to kill me, at least right away. Men's voices carried through the house. I heard the TV come on, a commentator recapping some sporting event. Pulling my compact from my purse, I checked my makeup, my hair and made sure nothing was stuck in my teeth. “V, come on! Want a beer or something?” “Something,” I mumbled to myself as I put the mirror away and wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. I lugged the box of toys Mike had lef

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