Chapter 4

1756 Words

4 I stopped back at Violet's house after my quick trip to Goldilocks. Jack's large duffel bag was still by the front door, so he hadn't been back or decided to stay somewhere else. For all I knew, he was having brain surgery right this minute. Doubtful, as he'd been lucid and obnoxious when I'd left him off at the hospital. He'd taken care of himself for over ten years without me, he didn't need me now. I frowned to myself. Guilt crept in, eating away at my crankiness. It was partly my fault he was there. I dialed the ER. They told me they didn't give out information on patients. So much for that. I napped, then changed into a clean pair of jeans, white tank top with a turquoise V-neck sweater and leather boots. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I squealed. My hair did look as if it

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