5. Diseased, Dogs and Short Ears-1

2001 Words

5. Diseased, Dogs and Short EarsSabienn allowed Bray to take the lead and they were off into the trees, moving steadily with a rhythm jumping from rock to rock. They only had the dim light of the two moons to go by so they were cautious of too much speed. When they reached the top of a rocky outcrop, Sabienn surveyed the land around them in the moon light. It was quite lush with vegetation. “I thought Cajj Cajj was barren. Only fit for goats,” said Sabienn to his friend ahead of him. “Here there’s trees, trees and more trees. It smells like home. Look.” He pulled a branch close and sniffed its foliage. “Same leaves.” “Same ghosts,” said Bray. “We should be quiet.” “We can take the risk,” said Sabienn. “Talk to me about Cajj Cajj. What do we know?” Bray went quiet for a second before op

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