"Chapter 82" The dead are alive

1409 Words

" I said yes, I will, I am going to ask Father, for all those secrets he is hiding from me, and because of this I want to you get locked in your room, when I return I will open the lock," Hanook said. "I understand," Victoria nods and by kissing her lips he locks her room. " I know you are not alright with this but you have to understand the circumstances," Hanook cupped her face then kissed her lips. Victoria gapes at the book, and Hanook follows her eye's direction. "You must be so proud that you are the most powerful creature right?" Hanook asks. " What proud, I am so scared all the time," Victoria said. "I know you will be, but there is some insight in your heart", Hanook said, but she moved her head in contention. "Just imagine, you got a chance to be born, but you are not lik

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