"Chapter 83" Alive again

2447 Words

"You can not go there, there are witches, and I am scared of them," Hanook said. "Why would you? I have to be scared," Victoria said. "Precisely, I am trying to say this, you can get in danger, that's why you can not go there", Hanook said. "Then who will get my parents?" Victoria asks. "I will," Hanook said. "You will?" She squints her eyes at him. "Yes, I, but you do not, you can not go there those witches are thirsty for your blood and craved for your heart," Victoria closed the door. "Are you serious, do you really keep their bodies?" Victoria can not believe him. "Would I say a lie, and why?" Hanook asks. " But this is so strange," Victoria said. " Do not worry their hearts are working and you have a way to get them back, do not worry", Hanook kissed her forehead. " But you

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