004 Wolf Pack News

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With a little bit of bottom in her stomach, she wasn't as dizzy as she was just now, she wasn't shaking, and she had the strength to work.Zona added more firewood to make the campfire burn more vigorously. Zona added more firewood to make the campfire burn brighter, and took the somewhat old and dull bone knife to peel the deer skin a little bit. It took her a long time to get the hang of it, but she got the hang of it. Cut the skin at the legs, from back to front, a little bit of tugging on the skin, and use the bone knife to cut off the connected sinews. After half a day's work, she was able to get a more complete skin, and felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart. One person can't eat much meat, Zona can only press the joints to separate the limbs from the torso, as for splitting the bones, she is now holding a small broken knife simply can't cut, so she didn't bother. The heart, liver and kidneys in the stomach of the wild deer were extremely difficult to preserve, but they were rich in nutrients, and in the wild, only the core members of the wolf pack were qualified to consume them. Zona originally wanted to dig a pit and bury this set of things together, but after looking at the two green wolves with green eyes in front of her, after thinking about it, she only disposed of the intestines, and the rest of the kidneys were put onto a few vines, which she carefully pushed in front of their eyes. These two sentinel wolves were the fringe of the pack, and usually didn't get to eat this kind of food. Since they found Zona, the noble brother of the wolf king had instructed them to keep an eye on him, and now they were really hungry. One of them took a few cautious steps back, and when Zona didn't come forward, and put down her things and retreated to the campfire, she shrugged her nose vigorously. The other couldn't help itself, and quickly grabbed something and hid behind a bush to eat it. Seeing this, the cautious one also stopped hesitating, but it was smarter, biting the end of the vine and dragging everything away. The two wolves hid behind the grass and trees, their two front paws cradling the liver, chewing and squinting! But they still didn't forget to look for a gap to raise their heads and cautiously stare at Zona's movements. Zona was relieved to see this, it's good that they eat deer, if they are full, they won't think of eating me! So she threw a few more pieces of meat ... Seeing that the wolf had settled the stag's heart and liver down, she then fought the several pieces of divided meat into the cabin, roughly braided a large mat with strong yet pliable vines, wrapped the meat around it, and put it in the back of the house in the extreme cold and the back of the house, although there was no salt to use as a preservative, it was a good thing that it was cold, so it could be left to live for a while. After this, it was already dark, and in the forest there was a constant movement of small creatures in the darkness, a nightingale at one time, and crickets chirping at another, which made the night unusually restful. But Zona knew that behind this comfort lay a lot of danger. She sat by the campfire and waited for a long time, she burned all the firewood and picked it up several times, but she still didn't see the man with the pair of golden wolf's eyes come back.Zona thought about it, she didn't wait any longer, she had to think of a way to spend the night in the cold woods, to make sure that she didn't freeze to death. The tree house was safer, but it was too cold and he couldn't build a fire, and with only a buckskin at his disposal, he could easily freeze to death in his sleep. Zona took one look at the campfire, which was burning a pile of hot ashes, and had an idea! She took the pile of wood residue and grass ash, which still had sparks, and spread it flat on the ground under the ancient tree, then covered it tightly with a layer of soil, and turned back to lay the raw deer skin on it. In just a moment, the heat came up, as if it were a small kang of fire! It didn't take much effort to do this, but Zona sat against the tree, but there was still a biting cold wind blowing over. In desperation, she gathered the thick wooden poles that hadn't been burned yet, and tied them into a shelf with the silk ribbon that had just been tied around her, then pulled down some of the luxuriant vine branches from the ancient tree, braided them into a dense net, and built it on the shelf. Using wet, hardened dirt and dead leaves, she buried and spread them over the netting, then pitched it in addition to a simple hunter's tent. Zona patted down the dirt and grass foam on her body and lay down in it to try it out, and it was excellent! The sides were covered with dirt and dead leaves and were not windy. Behind it was the trunk of an ancient tree, and it wasn't cold. Only the front could not be blocked, but Zona was too tired, her strength and spirit exhausted. She dragged herself out and crawled out, putting out the fire and covering the deer blood with all the grass and ash. Once she had covered her tracks, she burrowed back into the nook and collapsed, exhausted, onto the buckskin and fell into a hot sleep. Zona, tired and sore, remained dazed in her sleep, worrying if a wild animal would attack the tent. She would have to wake up in time to escape to the tree house! At the end of the day, when her consciousness was fuzzy, she was a bit relieved that she had seen through life and death, "Forget it! I don't want to think about it, I've tried my best to stay alive, let's listen to God's will!" The two well-fed and well-drunk green wolves were bored and watched Zona keep busy. She dug a little to the left, a little to the right, and finally built a nest that she really couldn't call perfect, but as humans, the two of them were able to understand her, so they talked in human language, "I can't believe that this person is a 'bride' chosen by humans, it's just a little bit stupid. " In fact, the matter of sacrificing a bride to the wolf god was known to the pack, as the sorceress did have a bit of a knack for it - while she couldn't locate the wolves, and in fact couldn't communicate with them, she did know how to send a message to the wolves to be delivered to the area near the top of Eastern Hill, an area where even the hunters didn't dare to enter! --Of course, when the pack's sentinel sent word to the pack that they were sending their "bride" up the mountain, everyone was in a state of shock and helplessness. Because the wolves on the mountain do not like to have contact with humans, partly because they have to keep the secret of their identity as wolves secret, and partly because they think they have already given a warning to the humans on the mountain, and think that the incident with the village chief's son is over, but they really didn't expect that the humans would have so many strange ideas, and even send a "bride" up to the "wolf god"! They didn't realize that the humans had so many strange ideas, and that they were sending a bride to the wolf god, whom few of the wolves had actually met. The two wolves felt that the sleeping woman, though weak, actually knew the rules very well, and offered them all the essence of her liver, a big piece of deer liver to eat! OK, they can get along! Since the wolf king has no intention to send her back to the mountain, it can be accepted as a "companion", they will reluctantly protect the safety of that weak woman! These two wolves, the tail end of the pack, didn't know what to be proud of, and paced to Zona's den with their heads held high, lowered their heads and sniffed at the unblocked front, but sensed the warmth of the heat! The two of them hesitated for a moment as another gust of cold wind blew, freezing the wolf's nose a bit. The somewhat wily one twitched its ears and cautiously burrowed in, turning with difficulty in the low tent and hitching half of its body, head outward, on the buckskin. The other followed suit and nestled warmly in the mouth of the tent as well, and the two wolves took turns keeping watch over the woods as you slept for a while and I slept for a while. It was a caution and carefulness etched into their bones, and even though these woods were all the territory of the wolf god, there was still no slacking off! The sleepy Zona knew nothing of these things. The descendants of the wolf gods in this mountain forest were all top-notch hunters, capable of approaching any cautious prey silently, let alone a human who hadn't experienced the cruelty of nature!
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