Chapter 2. I am mated to an Alpha!

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Bella’s P.O.V “Hello, I will take these things please. Will you put them through for me?” A man asked. “Sure sir, just give me two minutes.” I replied, smiling at him, but my eyes went to the twenty people standing behind him who were waiting to be served. Today the convenience store was overcrowded, even after finishing my shift I still had to stay as the girl who was meant to be working this shift still hadn't shown up yet. It had been three months since the day when I lost everything in my life. I could still hear my mom's voice in my head, repeating the last words she ever spoke to me, ‘stay strong’ , that is what I have been trying to do. Once again I was trying to act normal, pretend that nothing had changed,  that I am happy, that I am smiling. I am trying to be strong. It seemed as if it were just yesterday that I was sitting at the dining table with my mom, laughing and talking. We were both so happy, but then I was arguing with her, I talked to her so rudely I have regretted it ever since. I lament the way I spoke to her and how I hurt her, but I can't take that back now. If I had known that I was going to see my mom for the last time that day I never would have done the whole evening differently. I wish I had never opened that door. After running away from the house that night I caught a bus and moved to a different city, just like mom had told me to. The only things I had  in my bag were money and my mom's card. It took me three months to acclimate myself to this unknown city, it was very difficult for me because I have always been under my mom's protection. She had always kept me away from any  problems, but that strange man Lucas took everything away from me that night. Mom had told me to run away from there, I did as she asked but I still didn’t know who exactly I was running from. The only information  I had was a name. Lucas. Who was that man, why had he come asking my mom to hand me over to him? There were so many questions I still didn’t have the answer to any of them. The difference is now there was no one that I could even ask either. After I felt the bond between my mom and I break I knew she was dead; I decided that I would live my life exactly how mom had wanted me to. She asked me to lead a normal life, to save myself, stay away from other wolves and I was doing just that. It had been one hell of a long road to get to where I am now, but I had found a one bedroom house to rent as well as a part time job in a convenience store, so I could earn money to pay for my school fees. Two days ago I heard back from the school informing me that I had been granted admission.They also sent me a schedule with all my classes, I was so happy. Today was supposed to be my first day but because this girl hadn't arrived for her shift I was going to be late. I am eighteen years old, so I am not in high school anymore. I am in my high school, which was perfect because it gave me time to work at the store while also studying. “Hey, sorry I am late. You can go now and I will handle everything here.” The girl apologized, just as she reached me, immediately taking over the counter. “Okay, thanks.” I replied as I walked away from the counter, grabbing my water bottle. I had been standing there for such a long time that I was grateful for the little rest I could now have. I picked up my school bag, which already had my school uniform packed in it.I was going to go back to the store room to change, then leave directly for school from here. I opened my water bottle as I  began  to take a drink. I heard the door to the shop open, even though I was facing the other way I could hear that more than five people had entered the store. I didn't think anything about it and carried on drinking my water, when suddenly I caught a scent in the air and realised that they weren't human, they were werewolves. I stood frozen to the spot I couldn't even move, let alone look back to see them. The strange thing was that I was able to smell a distinct scent that smelled really good, it was a mixture of crisp citrus and smoky sage, to the point that it was making my wolf jump around in my mind. My heart was beating really fast, I had honestly never felt anything like this before. What was it? My wolf was begging me to look around, to go towards the smell, but I didn't. I just held my water bottle tightly in my hand before going straight to the store room. I slammed the door behind me in a panic, my wolf was really angry at me for not following the smell. I just smiled and told her that it was a non issue, they were werewolves and I had to stay away from them. I didn’t know what was wrong with her, she was acting really weird.It must have something to do with that scent because it was also doing something to me as well. I hadn’t bothered locking the door because it was a store room no one was going to enter. It was really dark and there wasn't a light in here, which was good as that meant I could change without any tension. My hands went to my top, just as I was about to take it off  my nose was filled with notes of zesty citrus and woodsy sage again, but this time it was stronger. Then I felt a hand on my waist, causing me to flinch. Someone was standing behind me and they were touching me. Who was he? How did he get in here without me having heard him? Whoever this was they were the one whose scent I had smelled in the store. I closed my eyes, inhaling the scent deep into my lungs. Why does he smell so amazingly addictive? Why was it so strong and appealing? “Turn back…” My wolf whined, mind-linking me.I slowly turned looking back. My eyes met with a Chocolatey colored pair that were gazing at me, belonging to the one holding my waist. “MATE!” My wolf shouted, I got chills when I heard her. “MATE!” My wolf yipped again, I felt my legs go weak. So this smell was his, my mate. The room was so dark that I was only able to see his eyes as he was looking deeply into mine. “Alpha?” Someone interrupted from outside, knocking on the door. I  was unable to control  my shiver when I heard him say that. He was an Alpha. I was mated to an Alpha! He didn't tear his eyes from me as I tried to push him away to free myself from his hold, but he didn't even move an inch for some reason. I was still struggling and trying to free myself when his hold on me suddenly grew tighter, even more possessive. “Let me g….” I urged, but was quickly cut off when he crushed his lips to mine. My eyes widened in shock, is he kissing me?! I thought to myself, feeling his hand go to my leg, while his other hand went to my breast starting to massage it. I could feel his arousal, he was growling between kisses. But I was  in a panic, I pushed him away from me, using all the strength I had. I quickly grabbed my bag running out of there to the back door then out of the shop.
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