Chapter 2

930 Words
SUMMERS POV  School goes by slow somedays others not so much, it feels like forever for me that is today. The day has gone by so slow its only lunch. I met up with Roxy and Jess for lunch we sat at a table outside enjoying the nice weather.  "So whats up Summer youve been Quiet today" Roxy asked  "Nothing just thinking"  "Oh come on spill the tea gurl you cant keep it all to your self" Jess said  I sighed "Im trying to figure out if its a good idea to go back to a pack and find my mate, my wolf has been on my ass lately about it"  "well thats not really a bad thing" Roxy chuckled "Yes well you like pack life me not so much it was boring as well as hell" i snorted taking a bit of pizza Jessa sighed "Youll need to find your mate sooner or later, he or she could be looking for you" "I know that but what if i dont want a mate"  Roxy and Jessa gasped "I know not having a mate is lonely and isnt always good but dont say you dont want a mate, if the moon goddess gave you one theres a meaning to it, saying you not want one is saying you dont want to breath we all need our mates Sum"  i sighed "all our lives we are taught all about the Moon Goddess and not to up set her and blah blah blah. Dont get me wrong i do respect her but i dont know about the hole mate thing". Jessa chuckled "you wont say that anymore when you do meet your mate"  "Oh you can think that but i probably will still be the same, i dont want to be tied to a pack again"  "Look we may not ever no why you left your old pack but think about joining ours i can talk to the alpha an see" Roxy said  "Its not hard for me to talk to my brother about this" Jessa added  "Your brother" i asked  "Ye our alpha is my brother sadly" she said  "I dont know jess" i said "Oh come on, you could train with us and we could hang out all the time and not have the pack wanting to kill you" she said  "Ill think about it how about that" i said  "Ill take it, well while you think about it i can ask my brother to night i wont say who you are or anything" Jessa said  Roxy sighed "Way to give the girl time to think about it"  We laughed and finished eating "What do you guys got next" Jess asked  "Gym with Mr Evans" i said "Hmm Mr Evans" Roxy said  "New teacher this year" i asked  "Not sure havent heard nor seen him yet this year" Jessa said  "Well its a new semester" i said  "What do you guys got" "Well lucky for you summer im in your gym class" Jessa said with a evil grin  I scooted closer to Roxy "Help me" i yelped  Roxy laughed at me "it wont be that bad maybe if i dont fail again this is my their year taking it" she groaned  "Well your in the same grade as me soo, plus your a wolf why the hell would you be failing gym its easy" i said "OH ahaha funny" roxy snorted at me  "seriously tho" i raised a brow to her  "Im just lazy" she said  "Roxy how the hell, do you do bad in training as well" i chuckled "Oh ye she gets her ass kicked" Jessa added "I do not" Roxy whined  We laughed at her, the bell rang "Come on we have uniforms to get from the office before class" i said  We walked towards the office, to pick us our new gym clothes every year they change our uniforms for gym, some year they look nice others they look like s**t, and then there is the kids that turn them slutty for the unmated males attention or they are the pack slut.  Grabbing to clothes we went towards the change rooms i started to change with Roxy and Jess beside me the other girls were talking and gossiping like normal teenagers i guess. We all chatted a bit till i heard an annoyed voice aka the school bully and pack slut.  Stella and her Minions Adrian and Arthur, who hope to get into her pants but they are omegas so stella makes them think they are gonna get some from her. Some females growled with the guys being in the change room.  "Get out of here" Jessa growled  "They dont have to" Stella stepped close to Jessa, i pushed jessa out of the way shes smaller then stella and isnt much of a fighter "They shouldnt be in here with the females" i growled  "Oh look guys the little rogue thinks she can speak to me" stella laughed to everyone but no one said anything  "She has a point Stella just cuz you think your all that doesnt mean you can bring the guys into here" Roxy snapped  "LIsten b***h i can do what i want im gonna be the Luna soon once Abel chooses me for his mate so i get free range to do whatever i want" Stella Snapped back while the rest laughed "My brother has a brain sorry but you wont be the luna" Jess added  Before Stella could asked a male voice came from outside the gym door "Ladies lets go class is starting"  "This isnt over" Stella growled an walked out the door with her minions I sighed "Why does she gotta be like this" Everyone shrugged. i changed fast, the clothes this year are gross, well for my taste anyway. Almost booty shorts an crop tops. i swear Stella picks what we all wear. 
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