Chapter 3

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SUMMERS POV  I walked into the gym feeling disgusted with my gym clothes Roxy and Jess laughed at me they knew i didnt like clothes like this, and boy where they having a laugh at it. I looked around they gym to see who was in the class, there was almost a even number of girls to boys, but as always the boys out numbered us.  "Not surprising there" Roxy said coming up next to me  "What" i asked  "Well Mr Evans happens to be our Alpha and Stella being the slut she is" Jessa said  I looked over to see who they where talking about a view of Mr Evans, for an alpha he looked good as hell, black hair, tan skin, Pretty jacked looking. Oh god what is wrong with me  I wanted to throw up at my own thoughts  Oh come on he is pretty good looking Gray said  Down Girl i laughed to her.  He turned towards us i could see how much Jessa and  Looked a like, just Jess had a bit lighter skin then him and was alot shorter.  Once he looked at us i felt like my heart stopped and i couldnt breath. He nodded to Jessa then acted as if he was ignoring Stella he looked pretty annoyed with their conversation.  I watched as he walked towards us. "Jess what happened in the locker room" he asked  "Well stella brought the two guys into the room" She said "Thats not what i heard" he said stern  "Its true alpha, she brought her two male f**k toys into the change room and was gonna start a fight with Jessa but Summer stepped in before she could then you called us out for class" Roxy said "Jess" he looked towards her  "Its true you know i wouldnt lie about this, mom and dad would have a cow you know how they are"  "Whos this summer girl" he asked they way he said my name brought chills down my spine  "Me" i said quietly knowing he can hear me  "Well thank you for watching after my sister" he said looking at me I got lost in him eyes and just nodded he walked away and we started class. ABELS POV I had to go into the school to help with a few classes, After lunch was gym my final class something had my wolf Fang on edge, I didnt know what his problem but he was starting to get on my last nerv.  I walked into the gym waiting for the girls to come out no surprise they always take longer, i heard loud talking which sounded like they where arguing about something but with being so far away i couldnt hear that well.  With all the guys fooling around, i looked at my watch it shouldnt take them 10 minutes to get changed. I went an knocked on the door "Ladies lets go class is starting" i heard movement and Stella one of my pack members came out and pulled me away from the door.  "Whats going on in there" i asked  "Nothing Alpha just your sister trying to use her Rank against me and starting stuff..." I zoned out of listening to stella when i felt something and smelled the best scent in the world, lavender and the smell of winter. I snapped my head around and sniffed more.  MATE MATE GO TO MATE Fang was jumping in my head  Calm down i dont see her i said, then he whined  "Alpha" i shock my head once i heard Stella  "Um yes alright" "so are you gonna go talk to them" she said "A ye" i said and turned to walk to me sister and Roxy, i noticed a small girl i sniffed and it was coming from here, she was breath taking, She seemed to be staring at me which made my wolf so nuts, i looked into her eyes and realized her was a rogue i frowned at that thought but didnt care she was still pretty Go to mate mark her, the other males are looking at her Fang growled  I looked at her clothes fast and realized they looked small with i didnt like either i was the only one who could see her in things like this. I calmed my self down and started talking with them. I found out Summer tried to help with the situation and kept Jessa from getting hurt, Stella with be punished for lying to me and bringing boys into the girls change room. Plus when my mate is in there.  "Brother your eyes" Jessa linked me  "Huh what" i said snapping out of my thoughts  "You eyes went dark like you are about to shift or your anger is getting the best of you an your wolf" she said  I shook my head "ill talk to you about it at home later" i linked back and started gym  SUMMERS POV (sorry for the POV hopping) I sat outside with Roxy and Jessa waiting for school to end i could stop thinking how Mr Evans made me feel weird and i found him attractive.  "Hello earth to summer" Jess snapped her fingers  "Huh what" i said  "Girl whats gotten into you" Roxy asked  "I dont know" i said  "Youve been weird since gym" Jess looked at me funny then to Roxy and got a smirk on her face "Do you think the Alpha is good looking or what" Roxy asked  "What no thats weird" i said trying not to turn red in the face but it didnt work  "Well what does your wolf think" Jessa asked  "I dont know its weird, i find he does look good like really attractive, and when he said my name it sent a shiver down my shine but i dont know what it means" i said looking at the ground  Jessa and Roxys eyes darkened over i knew they where mind linking, Mr Evans and Jessa did the same earlier.  "You know im here assholes" i growled  "I know boo we were talking to the alpha he asked where we were cuz hes driving us home today" Roxy said  i rolled my eyes then the bell rang a few minutes after kids rushed to their cars and sped out of the parking lot i sat with jess and roxy till they left once Mr Evans came out my breathing hitched he still looked good it make me red just by looking at him .  Gray didnt help either she was trying to take over. i said bye to the girls an ran away Mr evans kept looking at me while talking to the girls which made it hard to say bye.   
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