Chapter 50 Papaya Soup

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The twelfth lunar month in deep winter. After the acupuncture, Imperial Doctor Jiang rewrote the prescription for Gu Yunxi. Leng Qingtang paced in the study with his hands held behind. A trace of hesitation showed on his handsome face as if he was in a reverie. Imperial Doctor Jiang was dizzy with his walking about, yet he could not bluntly stop him, so he finally asked, "Master, what's on your mind?" "Huaian, do you have a prescription for the...? You know." Leng Qingtang approached the doctor suddenly, his face blushing as he whispered. "What?" Imperial Doctor Jiang was bewildered, "Master, please speak freely." "The kind for..." Leng Qingtang raised his hand to gesture before his chest. Still, Imperial Doctor Jiang was puzzled so Leng had to bow down and whispered into his ear. "Poof." Imperial Doctor Jiang could not refrain from laughing and nodded. "What's difficult about that? Master, if you really want it, I can simply add two more herbs to Miss Yun's prescription." He immediately picked up the pen and wrote on the prescription. Then he said to Leng Qingtang, "Miss Yun is healthy in general. In addition to the prescription, I recommend including one food in her diet that's beneficial and innocuous." "Oh? Tell me!" Leng Qingtang's eyes shined with excitement. "The food is papaya. Peel and seed it. Cut it into pieces, and then simmer the material in fresh milk for 30 minutes. Drink the soup when it is lukewarm, and you shall see unexpected effects in the long term." Imperial Doctor Jiang directed his shrewd eyes at the Master. His lips were pursed in a perceptive smile, pointing his mustache upwards. "Good! Good! I see!" Leng Qingtang nodded incessantly with delight illuminating in his eyes. ... Leng's mansion in the New Year's Eve. Colored lights were decorated in the courtyard that had been newly furnished. The plum blossoms were blooming and fragrant. Together with the antithetical couplet written on gold spotted red scrolls, they looked joyous and festive. Waking up early in the morning, Leng Qingtang warmed up under the plum tree, dancing impromptu with his long sword. Gu Yunxi ran to the Master's yard after getting up to watch him practice. After a while, her hands itched to learn with the Master, so she insisted that Qinger fetch her sword. After two months in bed and several acupuncture treatments, she felt better than ever. Qinger stood by and watched the two figures, left and right, tall and short, black and purple. The pair synchronized perfectly. After that, Leng Qingtang's motion became faster and faster, and Gu Yunxi couldn't keep up with him. She had to stop and retreat to the side to watch. After dancing a set of swordsmanship, Leng Qingtang stood still and flung sword back into the sheath. "Master, show me this sword!" Excited, Gu Yunxi stared at the long sword in Leng Qingtang's hand. He teased her, "Can you even hold it, girl?" "Why can't I? Just give it to me!" Yunxi pouted and reached out with both hands. "Fine, here you are!" Leng Qingtang smiled and put the long sword in Gu Yunxi's palms. "Wow, so heavy!" As soon as she got it, Gu Yunxi leaned forward and almost staggered. This sword was heavy. If it had not been for the Master's reminder, she would have definitely lost her balance and fallen over because of it. Holding the sword upright in her arms, Yunxi admired it repeatedly. Elaborate beast patterns were carved on the silver sheath, where colorful particles of tortoiseshell and turquoises were embellished. The unicorn-shaped gold sword handle was hung with golden silk tassels. The blade was majestic and beautiful like the image of a beetling cliff was contained, and the killing sense was hidden in it. Hands bent back, Leng Qingtang stood before her and asked with interest. "Poof, why can't I?" Gu Yunxi overestimated herself and gave the Master a playful look. She took the sword by the handle and pulled hard. Nothing happened! Gu Yunxi was a little flustered. She breathed deeply and tried again. The sword was unmoved as if it had been merged with the sheath. Leng Qingtang burst into laughter. Gu Yunxi was faint-hearted and smiled in embarrassment. "Wow, you are amazing! How could you dance with it like it was light as paper!" "Clever girl, your tongue is getting glibber now!" Her compliment warmed Leng Qingtang's heart. He delightedly gazed at the jade-like girl stroking the sword beneath flowers, his eyes full of affection. "Master, does it have a name?" "Qingshui Liuyun," He answered without thinking. "Qingshui Liuyun? What a good name!" Gu Yunxi nodded in praise, her admiring gaze staying on the sword. "Indeed," Leng Qingtang agreed, smiling astutely, "To think about it, it even contains our names!" "Qingshui Liuyun. Qing... Yun..." Gu Yunxi came to a sudden realization. She looked up and met the Master's scorching eyes, and instantly blushed. "You made it up! What Qingshui Liuyun. It's not the name of this sword!" "Really? Am I teasing you? Go ask Chiliarch Cheng if you don't believe it!" Leng Qingtang had captured victory but still, he put on an innocent look. "I won't! Isn't Chiliarch Cheng at your command too? Surely he'll be on your side. Take your sword!" Gu Yunxi held the sword to Leng Qingtang's chest and dared not look up at him again. Before she could run in shyness, he pulled her into his arms. "Come with me inside. I have a gift for you." Led into the room by the Master, Gu Yunxi sniffled and smelled. She asked with a frown, "Master, are you drinking milk?" Leng Qingtang smiled and uncovered the ice white porcelain bowl on the sandalwood table. Inside were some orange-red blocks soaked in fresh milk. The warm steam embraced her face with a unique sweet taste of fruits. "Master, what is inside the milk?" Gu Yunxi squinted and studied the soup, inquiring curiously. "Papaya." Papaya was a fruit paid as a tribute by a vassal state. Gu Yunxi had heard of it at the Garden. The fruit was soft and sweet, a good supplement used by noble ladies to enhance their beauty. In the midst of winter, where had the Master found the precious fruit? "Girl, drink the papaya soup," The Master commanded. "Huh? For me?" Gu Yunxi pointed at herself, unable to believe. Turning to look at the orange papaya blocks that were all juicy and appetizing with milk, she was convinced. Licking her lips, Gu Yunxi took the porcelain bowl and gaged at the milky smell. Putting it down immediately, she shook her head. "Master, I beg you. I'd rather die than drink the horrible soup!" Gu Yunxi had never drunken milk before and was very sensitive about it. She should not be choosy in food with her condition. What a troublesome girl, thought Leng Qingtang. It was for the better of their future that he labored much to find papayas in the Palace so that she could drink and gain more curves. He could not let her waster it. Sitting down on the chair, he carried Gu Yunxi on his laps and advised mildly, "Behave yourself. This was prescribed by Imperial Doctor Jiang. Papayas are the best for healing. You don't want the wounds by wolves to scar, do you? I'll have the kitchen to cook one bowl for you every day. You must eat it. It's an order!" "But... But those injuries on my body were long healed!" Gu Yunxi was surprised. She snuggled in the Master's arms, rubbing her cheek against his chest like a cute kitten demanding favor. "Master, I really can't..." "Really?" Leng Qingtang rubbed her nose softly with his fingertips, his voice was deep and enticing. "I won't drink it!" Gu Yunxi refused to give in, smiling with pouted lips. Leng Qingtang did not push her further. Instead, he picked up the spoon and scooped some milk into his mouth. Suddenly, he pinched Gu Yunxi's chin and sealed her lips with his. "Umm." Before she could resist, the milk flowed from the Master's mouth into her throat and was swallowed into her belly. "Master!" Gu Yunxi was embarrassed and punched him to protest. Leng Qingtang embraced her gently and moved closer. "Who told you to misbehave. Honestly, do you like me to treat you like this?" "I do not know." Gu Yunxi's cheeks were flushed, and she buried her face into the Master's chest, avoiding his intense eyes. There was a cool fragrance from the man, and his voice was slow and magnetic. Gu Yunxi felt that her heart was itching in trembles. "Would you drink it yourself now, or do you want me to continue to punish you?" His smile was slight, and his eyes feasted on her shyness. "I'll drink. I'll drink it myself." Gu Yunxi immediately picked up the porcelain bowl and drank the papaya soup. Leng Qingtang was relieved and quietly took out his handkerchief to clean the milk left on her lips. "Good. I'm going to the Palace later and will return after dinner. After lunch, rest well and then come with Xiaoshen to wait for me. Remember to use the servants. Do not do everything by yourself." ... In the evening, the dinner was set on a round table in the main hall of the Eastern Depot, and everyone sat down at the table. This year all captains stayed but the third captain and the sixth captain who were had gone to visit their families. The other eight captains remained in the Eastern Depot to celebrate the New Year with the Master. Every year, a New Year's Eve banquet would be set in the Dayi Palace to entertain the civilian and military officers at court. Leng Qingtang, as the seal keeper of the Imperial Ceremony Office, had to arrive at court at noon to supervise the work of internal servants. Only after the banquet could he return to the Eastern Depot to meet with everyone. There was one more girl this year, so naturally he could not wait to return. All the dishes and drinks were arranged properly. A large copper pot was set in the center on a two-feet-wide charcoal brazier. Between the pot and brazier was a steel grill where raw meat was roasted. Boiled inside the pot was a soup made of the chicken, the pigeon and pork marrow bones, which were joined later by sliced mutton. With one cooker, they could relish both roasted and instant-boiled meat. The first captain Ai Qing stared at the sweet and sour carp on the table with surprise. The fish weighed three pounds, brightly red in the long white glazed plate. What fascinating about it was that its mouth was still opening and closing. "Miss Yun is really a talented cook. It's the first time that I see a cooked fish breathing." Hearing the praise from the first captain, Gu Yunxi smiled and explained, "You flattered me, the first captain. There are some tricks in this dish. It calls for a fresh live carp. Don't gut it after descaling but hook its bowels out from the mouth. Then, remove the gills and fried the fish in hot oil with its head wrapped in cloth. Lastly, plate it and dress it in sweet and sour sauce. Today is the New Year's Eve. We shall all eat fish and have a good fortune next year." Beside her, the Master smiled and motioned to everyone. "Don't be obsessed with cooking techniques. Take your chopsticks and feast." Then he picked up a piece of roasted mutton from the grill, rolled it in sauce and put it into Gu Yunxi's plate. After three rounds of wine, the squad leaders came over to toast the Master, Chiliarch, and captains. The feast went on for quite a while. One o'clock in the midnight, the peal of bells came from the Pengxian Temple. "Bong... Bong..." Its sound was clear and profound. As the bell rang, snowflakes fell down the sky. The sound of firecrackers filled the streets and alleys around Master's Mansion, celebrating the happy New Year's Eve. Clusters of fireworks bloomed in the sky above the Palace. Judging by that, the banquet in court reached the c****x too. The new year had arrived, and the captains went back to rest. Several servants stayed to clean the leftovers. Gu Yunxi returned to the Southern Residence with the Master. It was too late, and they did not intend to go back to Master's Mansion. The courtyard was small yet tranquil. Each block and tile were releasing a sense of familiarity and kindness. Leng Qingtang put on a beaded feather cape and walked out of the room with a buffalo leather sack full of wine. The deep red cape wrapped his tall body tightly. Gu Yunxi stood in the courtyard and looked up at the sky. Her pair of crystal eyes were lit by the fireworks, sparkling as a sea of stars. Leng Qingtang slowly stepped forward, suggested with a soft voice, "I know a good place where you can be closer to them." "Really? Please take me there, Master!" Before she finished her sentence, the Master had extended his arms. Gu Yunxi instantly felt her feet off the ground as if she was flying. A second later, her feet were steady on the roof. The Master helped her sit on the tall roof ridge and sat next to her. He flung open his large and warm cape, wrapping it around Gu Yunxi's petite body. She lowered her head and rested it on his arm.
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