Chapter 49 Gold Needle Acupuncture

2082 Words
Inside the house. Wearing white underclothes, Gu Yunxi sat on a round-armed chair with cloud carvings. Two stoves were set near her for warmth, and a thick curtain sealed the door tight. These days, Leng Qingtang had been helping her to understand the treatment and trying to persuade her. He also summoned Imperial Doctor Jiang often to his mansion for acupuncture instruction. To apply with gold needles with proper form and force would inflict no pain on the patient and even bring a comfortable sensation when certain acupoints were pierced. For female patients, the only inconvenience was that she had to untie her clothing and bare her n***d body. Gu Yunxi, as a woman, naturally regarded her integrity more important than her life. So she was reluctant to let Imperial Doctor Jiang treat her. However, she hesitated after hearing that the Master would perform it personally. Finally, she nodded in agreement with Leng Qingtang's convincing words. In fact, Gu Yunxi had long been craving a life as a normal person without feeling unwell and even fainting on the sight of blood. Moreover, as long as the illness sustained, she would not be free to cook. After all, many dishes required the chef to prepare the meat. Leng Qingtang pulled up the curtain and entered. With only a single glance, he could tell the awkwardness on Gu Yunxi's face. "Girl, don't be afraid. Imperial Doctor Jiang is right outside to guide me. I'll not hurt you." While comforting Gu Yunxi, Leng Qingtang still felt a bit nervous. The complexity of the human body acupoints should not be underestimated. Any deviation of the applied force could have different degrees of influence on the patient's meridian and circulation. He did not want to make mistakes in acupuncture and paralyzed the face or even the body of his beloved girl. Imperial Doctor Jiang sat under the porch and was amused by the conversation coming from inside the room. The Master was indeed great at killing a person, but when it came to saving one, he was not necessarily an expert. With his amateur medical knowledge, it would not be easy to practice on the girl. He would not be so calm after a moment. "Master, shall we begin?" Imperial Doctor Jiang sipped the team and spoke to the air. "Alright, let's start," Leng Qingtang replied inside. "Miss Yun, please undress." Imperial Doctor Jiang's instruction was clear and unflustered. Gu Yunxi's straight-seated body shivered slightly at his words. Her eyes went up at the Master before her, glimmering helplessly with uneasiness. Leng Qingtang's smooth face tightened with unquestionable nervousness. Signing deeply, he fixed his eyes on her, trying to sound as serene as possible. "Girl, remove your underclothes..." Gu Yunxi's eyes suddenly dropped as if to avoid those of the Master, blinking in distress. Although the two of them fancied each other, she was still tentative and terrified to expose her stripped body to him. "Girl!" The Master's voice sounded again by her ear. It was affectionate and not urging, like a heartful solace. Gu Yunxi slightly frowned her eyebrows, and unconsciously, her cheeks blushed like rosy clouds. Pursing her cherry lips, she buried her head. And her ten long and fair fingers slowly moved around the belt of her underclothes and hesitated for a moment before untying it. The silky fabric slipped open, as thin as a cicada's wings, revealing the red brassiere inside. Gu Yunxi did not dare to look up at the Master's eyes. She could feel her body wrapped tightly in his gaze. "Girl..." Deep and charming like aged fine wine, the Master's voice recurred with a slight shake. Gu Yunxi dared not to think it over and hurriedly pulled her clothes down to her waist. Instantly, the room was filled with a faint fragrance. The body of the 15-year-old girl had already blossomed. Because of her own sickness and the a***e in the Garden, Gu Yunxi was not plump like other normal girls but still youthful and beautiful. The curves of her body were attractive and exquisite. The injuries from before had healed and no scars were left. Her skin was still fair as jade, and the snow-white shoulder had a pearl-like gloss. Her black hair was pinned up high, under which were her slender neck and chiseled collarbone covered by her thin and fair skin, exhibiting a unique and enchanting charm. Below that was the red brassiere, bright like a flame, offsetting her skin to be even fairer, as delicate and smooth as white rose petals. Leng Qingtang's eyes were wide open in surprise, his dark pupils instantly lit by the bright red in front of him. At this moment, Gu Yunxi was extremely shy. She lowered her blushed face and huddled herself tightly with her slender arms with her hands resting nervously on her laps. One could tell from her white fingertips caused by the tight clench how panic she was this moment. One shaft of sunshine passed through the window and brushed the Gu Yunxi's ear, showing the fine hair on the ear silhouette. The faint glow in her rosy cheeks disclosed her tenderness and shyness, hypnotizing Leng Qingtang. "Master, could you start the application?" Outside the room, Imperial Doctor Jiang noted the sudden silence inside. He gave a knowing smile and raised his voice to ask. "..." Leng Qingtang suddenly returned to his senses. He hurriedly turned his head and said, "Oh, wait a minute." Then he looked back at Gu Yunxi. "Girl, take... it off!" He pointed at her red brassiere and managed to speak. Gu Yunxi's eyes widened as she stared at the Master's boots. Her long eyelashes were shaking slightly, and her face was redder. The helpless and fragile look induced sympathy in Leng Qingtang's heart. "Girl, I... could do no harm to you, could I?" Gu Yunxi was enlightened by the reminder of the Master. He was clearly implying that he had been sterilized so he would not have posed a threat even if he had seen her nude. If she had not cooperated, she would have hurt the Master's self-esteem. After thinking for a while, she raised her hands behind her neck and untied the ribbon. Immediately, the enticing scene in his eyes dazzled the Master so much that he could not look directly at her. His brain went blank for an instant as if his soul had gone into raptures. He completely forgot what he planned to do, and all he could do was to stare at the fair skin in front of his eyes. He was so excited and aroused that the veins on his forehead were bulging. What was even worse, he was losing grip of a part of his body. Gu Yunxi continued keeping her eyes down, not daring to encounter his. Her long neck was bending so low that it was painful for Leng Qingtang to see. "Girl, raise your head. It's all right," He whispered to her. Gu Yunxi took a deep breath and slowly raised her head to meet the Master's eyes. Eyes shining in the dim room, she found that the handsome face before her was also flushing like fire. Gu Yunxi's eyes focused on the Master and moved slowly with his motion. Leng Qingtang had walked to the square table placed with Imperial Doctor Jiang's needle bag, which was a long brown sheepskin roll. He unrolled the parcel and immediately saw the well-organized gold needles that were set ten in a row with a total of 360. Pinching up several gold needles, Leng Qingtang turned around to Gu Yunxi. "Imperial Doctor Jiang, I'm ready. Let's begin." Through the thick curtain, he spoke to Jiang Huaian outside. "Yintang point. Three millimeters deep. Rotate once anticlockwise." Imperial Doctor Jiang seemed to have been impatient for long. When he heard the Master's command, he could not wait to guide the first acupuncture point. Leng Qingtang pinched the sharp needle and pointed it at between Gu Yunxi's eyebrows. At the most crucial moment, the gold needle stopped one inch before Gu Yunxi's mid-brows. Started by her, Leng Qingtang was a little nervous. Her eyes were bright and fearless. It was he who was aroused by the pure love from her eyes. "Girl, don't look at me like this!" Leng Qingtang frowned and said deeply. Gu Yunxi was surprised. Her pair of watery eyes were glittering with grievance and innocence. It had been he who asked her to look up. Now that she made up her mind to comply, he complained for no reason. Gu Yunxi pursed her lips vulnerably and huddled herself. Her sensitive parts were half-covered under her crossed arms. Blushed, she protested shyly and sadly, "What... what exactly do you want?" Leng Qingtang was out of words. He wiped his forehead and replied resignedly, "Just close your eyes..." She closed her eyes cooperatively, and he took a breath in astonishment. The young girl sitting in front of him slightly raised her face with a straight back. Her lightly shut eyes were tearing, and her black eyelashes were shaking slightly. In the eyes of Leng Qingtang, her nervousness and shyness were so enticing, rejecting yet attracting him at the same time. His heart was fluttering and his fingers were shaking. Unable to apply the needle, he sighed heavily and threw it back into the bag. Hearing the Master's sign, Gu Yunxi thought that she had done something wrong again so she quickly opened her eyes and sat motionlessly in a trance. "Master, have you finished?" Outside the room, Imperial Doctor Jiang urged him with a smile. "Soon!" Leng Qingtang frowned and restrained his restlessness. Imperial Doctor Jiang laughed mutely and took a piece of pastry from the plate. Minutes later, Leng Qingtang composed himself and picked up the gold needle. He flung it in the candle flame and then inserted it into Gu Yunxi's Yintang point. A muffled cry. With the twist of the needle, Gu Yunxi's complexion changed from fair to red. As she shuddered, a thin layer of goosebumps appeared on both of her arms. "Girl, does it hurt much?" Seeing that she was suffering, he dared not continue. "Master, I can bear it... I'd like to... cure the disease soon!" She clenched her teeth in discomfort and forced a relaxed smile. With her determination, he felt relieved. Wiping away the sweat from his palm with a handkerchief, Leng Qingtang held the second gold needle. "Imperial Doctor Jiang, the second point!" "Qihu point. Three millimeters deep and turn twice clockwise." "The third point!" "Danzhong point. Four millimeters deep..." Under the guidance of Imperial Doctor Jiang, Leng Qingtang finally completed the treatment. Throughout the process, Gu Yunxi's whole body was suffering in agony but she struggled to not reveal any pain. As a result, a smile stayed on her red face the whole time. One hour later, all needles were taken out, and the first treatment was over. Gu Yunxi leaned against the table weakly as if she had become a thin sheet of paper due to loss of energy after the removal of needles. Leng Qingtang hurried to tend her before he could wipe his sweaty face. "Girl, how are you feeling? Are you still unwell?" He swiftly dressed her and carried her to the bed. Gu Yunxi was sweaty and upset as if she had just been rescued from a pond with her hair on her temples adhering pitifully to her cheeks. Imperial Doctor Jiang took a deep breath under the porch and said, "It's the most painful for one to have the acupoints pierced for the first time. It's like slicing your skin or cutting your bones. It's so courageous of Miss Yun to not cry for once. My best regards." Leng Qingtang heard his word clearly in the room, and his expression changed immediately. He knew that his girl was always afraid of pain. It turned out that her smile had been faked, and her burning skin and shaking body were the signs of extreme pain. Embracing Gu Yunxi tightly, Leng Qingtang uttered with a hoarse, remorseful, and protective voice, "Silly girl, why didn't you tell me it hurt!" "I didn't want you to worry about me!" She answered softly and snuggled in the Master's warm chest. He was moved and lowered his head to kiss her passionately. Qinger had just lifted the curtain to let herself in with hot tea. Seeing the Master kissing her lady, she blushed and exited smilingly.
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