Chapter 60 A Kiss under the Influence of Alcohol

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Sulian returned to Empress Qian. "What happened just now?" Empress Qian asked. "A new maid was clumsy and offended Master Leng. I've punished her and it's alright now." Sulian replied and then talked to Empress Qian about Wan Yuyao of the Yongning Palace. "Your Majesty, since the Western Depot was set up, Master Leng and the mistress of the Yongning Palace have been much more distant." Empress Qian had been ill for a long time. Despite the temporary release of her power, her mind remained sharp, and she knew from the beginning that it was Wan Yuyao who persuaded Emperor Jingxiao to found the Western Depot and put her Eunuch Superintendent Ming Lan on the Master's position. However, Wan Yuyao overestimated Ming Lan's talents and lost the powerful help of Leng Qingtang! Sulian cupped her hands in the sleeves, frowning with worry. "Your Majesty, how much can we trust the Eastern Depot and Master Leng? He was close to Yongning Palace at first!" Empress Qian's smile was leisure and confident. "It's not important whether he's worth being trusted, and I don't care who he had been close to before. What matters is that he and his Eastern Depot... always serve the court of Dayi." "If I want to take back the Empress's power from Wan Yuyao, an alliance with Leng Qingtang is necessary. And he also understands that he needs me to back him up against the Western Depot." The voice paused, and Empress Qian looked straight ahead, claimed, "Now that I've come back, I'll not only regain control of the imperial harem but use the Eastern Depot to completely defeat the Wan Family!" ... In the late morning, Leng Qingtang's carriage marched out of the capital on the snow-covered road and headed south to Jiangan. Accompanying him were the Eastern Depot first captain Ai Qing, the second captain Lu Rong, the third captain Zhao Wuji, and one hundred guards. As commanded by the Master, Chiliarch Cheng Wanli remained in the Eastern Depot to supervise the on behalf. It was in the afternoon that the Master's Mansion learned the news that the Master had left the capital. To Gu Yunxi, this was like a blow on the head. Did he leave without a word? It happened so fast. He did not even inform the Mansion beforehand. Did he abandon her alone in the capital to live on her own? Sitting blankly in the room, Gu Yunxi was so sad that she had no strength to cry. There seemed to be something stuck in her throat, making it hard to breathe. She really wanted him to come back now and scold her fiercely, or even slap her, instead of alienating her quietly like this. The endless waiting was undoubtedly the most painful penalty for her. Outside, Qinger begged Gu Yunxi to open the door as she whispered blames to Xiao Xiaoshen. She blamed him for being too straightforward. A clever man like him did not even know how to lie and comfort someone. Why could he not add that the Master had sent a messenger to ask Yunxi to take care of herself and wait for him to come back? Xiao Xiaoshen was remorseful and embarrassed. He told Qinger that he could lie to anyone but Yunxi because he would have blushed if he had tried to do so. The two were tired quarreling outside. When they saw that Yunxi was determined not to open the door, they had to retreat. As soon as the outside quieted down, the young man with freshly healed wounds came out of the inner room, wearing Leng Qingtang's robe, and complained, "Finally it's quiet. Those two were really noisy." With a glace, he saw Gu Yunxi sitting upright at the table in a trance, so he let out a sneer of dissatisfaction, "Who is the eunuch to you? Do you really need to be so concerned about him? After all, he is just out for disaster relief, not to die on the battlefield!" Gu Yunxi did not emote or reply to the young man, like a statue without feelings. Outside the window, there was another night of cold wind and heavy snow. On the bed, Gu Yunxi stood up silently and took the lantern out into the courtyard. As was yesterday, she gave all three meals to the young man. And at this hour she was so hungry that her body was feeble and sweaty. Gu Yunxi went straight to the kitchen in the cold wind and found some snacks to put into the bamboo basket. The uncomfortable feeling in her bowels was inexplicable and deteriorated because of the Master's departure without a goodbye. Hence, she was anxious to find a shortcut to resolve the distress. Walking into the cellar, Gu Yunxi took a jar of wine and brought it back to her room with the basket of snacks. With the lid off, the smell of wine immediately woke the young man up from his bed on the floor, who strode to the table quickly. "Wow! Reed Flower Liquor? You have such good wine in the mansion?!" He screamed in amazement, staring at the small oval pot with shining eyes. Gu Yunxi ignored him, picked up the teacup on the table, and poured herself a cup of wine slowly. Lifting the cup sullenly, Gu Yunxi frowned at the clear and transparent liquid, closed her eyes, and swallowed it up. This wine was not spicy. On the contrary, it was sweet and lasting. However, Gu Yunxi had not eaten for a whole day. After drinking it, she immediately felt an abnormal burning sensation as if hot oil was boiling in her stomach. The young man sat down next to her and watched Gu Yunxi with a hint of a smile in his eyes. As she swallowed the wine, her small face twisted in pain and her mouth was wide open, panting silently. "Hey, are you okay?" Seeing she was not well, the man reached out to pat her on the back and blamed her, "Why play tough? Don't drink if you cannot..." "Go away! Don't touch me." Gu Yunxi was restless, and she pushed his arm away. She turned her head stiffly, and her red eyes were glowing with crystal clear tears. After a hiccup, she mumbled loudly, "I warn you. Stay away from me!" "Tsk!" The young sneered and shook his head. "Kindness is never appreciated." Without uttering one more word, he silently watched her drink one cup after another and wondered secretly. What an interesting girl! Did she stay up in the middle of the night just for that eunuch? The young man picked up a teacup and grabbed the wine jar from Gu Yunxi's hand. "What are you doing?" She growled angrily. "You want to drink. I will drink with you!" As he said, he poured for himself and toasted her, "Here, cheers." Gu Yunxi didn't think too much. Seeing that he chugged the wine and then presented the empty cup to her, she took her cup and drank it clean as well. Smiling gently, the man held up the jar shyly and poured for the two of them again. He then raised the cup to her. "Little girl, no matter what you have in mind, don't think too much. Just get drunk!" Gu Yunxi was a bit intoxicated. Her cherry lips curled lazily into a smile. "Drink!" She mumbled as she staggeringly tried to clink her cup on the one in her blurry vision. Instantly, half of the wine was poured out. The young man did not stop her and allowed her to drink liberally. After two more cups, she felt dizzy and slumped her head onto the table. "Hey! Are you really drunk?" The young man pulled his chair closer to her to support her with his hand. Out of his expectation, her body was soft like a ribbon. The moment her upper body left the table, she fell heavily into his arms. "Ah..." Gu Yunxi cried out loudly on the young man's chest. "Oh, sweety, what are you crying about in the middle of the night? Aren't you afraid to wake up people in the west wing?" The young man was amused but helpless. He tried to push Gu Yunxi, yet she only sunk deeper into his arms and snuggled her face against his clothes. Unconsciously, she smelled a familiar cold fragrance on him. Confused, she thought she was in the warm embrace of the Master. She could not help but cling onto his clothes for fear that he would leave again. "Woo... Sorry... it's my fault..." She wept in his arms so hard that her body shivered. Finally, she exhausted herself and murmured, "I like you. Please stay. Don't go." The young man froze as he stared at the weeping beauty in his arms. Then his face relaxed, and his purple eyes were glowing with affection as the swaying candlelight was reflected in them. The corners of his lips went up, showing a smile that was full of gentleness. Her drunk look might not be elegant, but it was a natural expression of herself, which induced a complex and strange feeling in the heart of the young and beautiful man. Stretching out his arms around her, the young man lowered his head and coaxed softly in her ear, "There, there. Don't be sad. I won't go. I'm here in this room with you and will never leave! Little girl, just cry and sleep. When you wake up, all worries will be gone..." Gu Yunxi cried for a while in the arms of the young man. Lastly, she was tired, and her voice gradually decreased and turned to a low sob. The young man shook his head resigned. He had hoped she could accompany him to drink a few more cups, but she was not a good drinker. Carried her on his lap with one hand around her back, the man drank alone a few more cups. When he looked at Gu Yunxi again, she had already fallen asleep. Her fair skin was blushed after wine. The pink was so enticing that he could not move his eyes. Her cherry lips were now scarlet, plump and tempting, quivering as her warm breath was exhaled. The man's long eyelashes fluttered, and his eyes were misted. His head lowered gradually, and his lips landed on her cheek, leaving a slight peck. Gu Yunxi was in a deep sleep. She only moved her eyebrows and scratched at the place where she had been kissed. The young man's smile became softer as he admired her. He lifted her chin with his finger, lowered his head again to kiss the lips red as rose petals. "Umm, Master..." Gu Yunxi suddenly muttered in her dream, "Master..." His kiss paused in the air. Bewildered, the young man suddenly straightened his back.
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