Chapter 59 Forged an Alliance

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Smelling the food, the young man came over delightedly. Steamed buns, ghee flatbread, fried spring rolls, puff pastry, sweet porridge with lotus seeds and leafy vegetables, braised pigeon eggs, and a plate of thinly sliced braised pork. The colors of white and yellow are such a feast for the eyes, and the toasty aroma permeated the air. The young man frowned with a dissatisfied look. "This is the most delicious food in the Mansion of the Eastern Depot Master?" He curled her lips in disdain. "It's a big meal!" Gu Yunxi looked at him suspiciously. "What about meat?" He asked. "Isn't this meat?" Gu Yunxi impatiently pointed her finger at the braised pork. "Huh! You call this... meat?" The young man sneered and took the chopsticks. He picked a thin piece of meat and shook it in front of Gu Yunxi's eyes, mocking, "Look at it yourself. Can you call this meat?" "Suit yourself!" Gu Yunxi was so upset by him that she slapped away the chopsticks in his hand. She complained, but not too loudly, "Who would eat greasy food early in the morning? Besides, you are injured so you can only eat light food for now. At noon, I will ask the kitchen for more meat dishes, alright?" The young man sat casually on the chair and broke a bun in half. Swallowing half of it, he stared at Gu Yunxi. "Aren't you good at cooking? Cook lunch for me!" "Don't push your luck." Gu Yunxi was provoked. She widened her eyes and rushed towards him. All lay load on the willing horse! This little peacock was really insatiable. Seeing her irritated, the young man had to withhold from laughing out. He took up the porcelain bowl and dug into the porridge. "I'll tell you this! Don't you think I'm the kind of girl that you can mess with!" With one hand on hip and another gesturing at the young man, Gu Yunxi chattered without stop, "Shameless! Why should I cook for you? Who the hell are you! You..." Before she could finish, she was muted by his sudden glare. His eyes were purple and cold, so sharp that she was stunned. "Are you doing it or not?!" He asked harshly with his eyes fixed on her. "No! Over my dead body." Gu Yunxi snorted. Not responding, the young man continued to eat the porridge and let her protest at will. All of a sudden, he threw a slap on Gu Yunxi's buttock. "Ouch!" She screamed in pain, jumping up high. Covering the slapped part with her hands, she shouted with a blush, "Lecher, what are you doing." The young man put down the bowl and raised an eyebrow with a wry smile. "Who told you to disobey me? Defy me again and I will carry to bed and have my way!" "You... How can you be so ungrateful..." Gu Yunxi was really frightened by his wicked look and took two steps backward. Her small face was twisted in fear and grievance. "Then you go to the kitchen and make the braised noodles in Baoyue Restaurant for me. Also, cook two other dishes and warm a jug of wine. I will let it go today if my appetite is satisfied. Or else..." Obviously it was a threat. But his smile was beautiful as a flower, and his features were particularly comely. As if attracted by his face, Gu Yunxi was not too afraid of him now. Hearing that he wanted to drink, she lowered her head and reminded him timidly while wringing her hands together. "Wounded men are not supposed to drink alcohol..." The young man heard it clear. He restrained his smile but was quite happy deep down. The girl was considerate. . Kunning Palace. Outside the gilded cloud patterned windows, petals were fluttering down. Incense was lit in the jade lotus incense burner, filling the room with fragrant smoke. Empress Qian sat on the high seat in a golden crown decorated with phoenix and a yellow satin gown with flowers. She looked magnificent but not exaggerated. Empress Qian was middle-aged. Yet thanks to a proper routine, her skin looked radiant even in her thirties, manifesting the imperial demeanor that an empress should have. Putting down the pink emerald rosary beads, she held up the blue and white teacup and took a sip. Then, the Empress spoke, "Good tea. I appreciate it, Master Leng." Leng Qingtang was sitting before her because he had been granted a seat at arrival. Hearing the thanks from the Empress, he hurried to nod in acknowledgment. "A small gift from me. I'm honored that Your Majesty likes it." "The emerald Guanyin Bodhisattva sculpture you found for me in the Lingjue Temple last time is of superior quality. Since it's blessed, I have enshrined it in the worshiping hall at the back of my palace." Empress Qian put the cup down. Her face was overflowed with joy as she raised one slim brow in delight. Leng Qingtang folded his hands into his wide sleeves and bowed toward her. "Your Majesty is the most generous to study Buddhism day and night and pray for the fortune of the whole country. I'm only doing what I can. What mattered most is that Your Majesty is destined to own that sculpture." As a veteran in court, Leng Qingtang knew that there was no permanent allies or enemies. He, the Eastern Depot Master, could send Wan Yuyao in Yongning Palace a blood coral tree. Also, he could send Empress Qian in Kunning Palace a jade Guanyin sculpture. Leng Qingtang smiled secretly. The mistress of the Kunning Palace was really the bitter love of Emperor Jingxiao. Ever since the death of the crown prince, the bereaved parents had dedicated to Buddhism and Taoism respectively. It was truly interesting that they had to find different spiritual support and run farther from each other. Empress Qian raised her eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed across. "Master Leng, you have been in the Imperial Ceremony Office for a long time. Meanwhile, you are the Master of the Eastern Depot. You have spent so many years in court. Although I was slightly unwell and did not oversee the imperial harem affairs, my ears and eyes are not dull." "I know clearly who is loyal or not." "Now that the six counties in Jiangan are stricken by snow. I ask you to see to the relief work yourself and inspect those areas personally. Only so can His Majesty and I be relieved." Leng Qingtang stood up and bowed. "Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I shall not let you down and endeavor to serve you." The cherry lips of the Empress slightly curved. She nodded with satisfaction. "Very well. Here's one more thing." "Please tell, Your Majesty." Leng Qingtang bowed down to listen with a faint smile between his eyes. Empress Qian got up from the seat, stroked the wide sleeves of her imperial robe, and stepped forward with her head held high. With her back toward Leng Qingtang, she said, "Since I devoted myself to the Buddha, I've learned that there are cause and effect in everything. Now the country of Dayi is inflected with northern rebellion and Jiangan snow disaster. For many days, the court has spent much on food and army. The deficit is not negligible." "However, doubts remain in my mind. The annual costs are offset by local tax revenues. So there must be an explanation for the deficit in the treasury..." Pausing, Empress Qian turned around and cast her shrewd eyes on Leng Qingtang, who was a few steps away. Leng Qingtang bowed his head, listening quietly to every word of Empress Qian. When she deliberately paused, his lips curved in a meaningful smile. Because he was looking down, the sudden change in his expression did not attract Empress Qian's attention. "I want to ask Master Leng to conduct a secret investigation on the treasury deficit and get hold of tangible evidence. This is by my order, and you must report to me once you find something." "Yes, Your Majesty. I shall do my best!" Leng Qingtang cupped his hands and saluted to Empress Qian. "I have one last thing to entrust Master Leng. It is no small matter. You must be careful." "Please let me know, Your Majesty. I'd rather die than fail you." Leng Qingtang had already anticipated this. Empress Qian had been low in the imperial harem for a few years. There was a reason why she summoned him as soon as she regained the power and showed such favor to him. One would not find fish in a clear pond. The situation now was exactly what he wanted. He planned and played for years just to stir up the peaceful imperial harem! "Concubine Xu once had a baby who sadly died. It's passed and I don't want to go into details again. Maybe the child is just not blessed to be born by Concubine Xu." "Fortunately, the god is merciful to make her pregnant again. His Majesty came to me a while ago to ask me to take Concubine Xu here and care for her myself." "I figure that if I'm to care for her, I might as well be responsible. Of course, I should be so to everyone. In the future, more ladies will enter the imperial harem, and they will all bear the heirs of His Majesty. Therefore, I want to ask you to act more carefully and spare no effort to... protect the royal heirs..." Empress Qian gazed at Leng Qingtang's fair and handsome face as she spoke peacefully. At the end of the sentence, she paused for a second and then lowered the speed of her speech. A faint smile lingered in her rosary lips, and her sharp eyes shined as if they could see through anything. "As you command, Your Majesty." Leng Qingtang smiled knowingly and gave a deep bow without more words. He was happy that everything went under his control. After he convinced Wan Yuyao to vouch for her family as the Minister of Personnel, the Empress could not sit still. Now that she had stood out to take Concubine Xu under her protection, he was out of trouble, too. Yongning Palace was supported by the Western Depot, and the Wan Family were the most arrogant. Only Empress Qian could return and control the Imperial Noble Concubine. If the Eastern Depot and the Kunning Palace had allied, they could have better balanced the Western Depot. The time was late. Leng Qingtang saluted. "Thank Your Majesty for the tea. I will set off for Jiangan later so I will excuse myself now." "Good. Go prepare." Empress Qian nodded with a smile. Suddenly something struck her and she added, "The ladies sent to the Palace a few days ago are quite talented, and two of them have been chosen by His Majesty. One of them named Yunyao is the most demure and elegant. She's been favored by His Majesty and conferred as Jieyu thanks to the training by the Imperial Ceremony Office and you, Master Leng." "I am flattered, Your Majesty. It is my duty to share your worries. The Imperial Ceremony Office dares not to take the credit." A trace of cunningness flashed in Leng Qingtang's eyes. Gu Yunyao did not disappoint him. . When Leng Qingtang came out of the main entrance of the Kunning Palace, a maid rushed over and ran right into him with her head low and a freshly warmed stove in her hands. Instantly pieces of charcoal were knocked out, and some cinders fell directly on Leng Qingtang's satin robe. Everyone was shocked. Sulian was following Leng Qingtang to walk him out. She didn't expect to encounter this accident. She was furious and stepped forward to give the maid a slap. "Blind brat, did you not learn how to walk." The maid was so terrified that her limb went feeble. Staying on the ground, she dared not move. "Madam, I'm new here and not familiar with the rules yet. I slipped and did not mean to offend the Master and you. Please forgive me!" Ignoring her, Sulian turned, pulled out her handkerchief, and squatted down to wipe the stain on Leng Qingtang's robe. At the meantime, she shouted, "Come, slap her! Scum! You burnt the Master's fine official robe with cinders. I'll tell Her Majesty and deduct your salary for the year!" A little eunuch rushed over and started to slap the maid. Leng Qingtang resentfully wiped his clothes with the handkerchief and glared at the maid. She was still young and kneeling on the cold hard ground, trembling pitifully. The snowy road was slippery, and the stove was too big for her size. Moreover, maids had a low salary. It was a severe punishment to fine one year's earnings. Rolling the dirty handkerchief in his palm, Leng Qingtang said to Sulian, "Never mind, it's inevitable for new maids to make mistakes. Have her trained well. There's no need for punishments!" "Master, it is so kind of you not to take offense from this little brat." Seeing Leng Qingtang didn't care much, Sulian took the chance to diminish the matter smilingly. With her face slapped swollen, the maid sobbed. Sulian turned to look at the maid, and her smile disappeared. She pointed at her and rebuked her harshly, "This time the Master showed mercy to you. If there's a second time, I'll kick you out of the Kunning Palace. Thank the Master immediately!" The maid kowtowed deep on the ground and said anxiously, "Thank you for pardoning me, Master." "All right." Leng Qingtang smothered the restlessness in his mind and responded indifferently before leaving. His fluttering clothes turned into an eye-catching scene in the snow. The Kunning Palace was back to normal with servants shuttling in and out. The moment the maid got up, a strange smile showed on her bruised face...
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