Chapter twenty eight - benefactor

854 Words

I was glad that my mom bought the bicycle, walking back and forth from school was starting to bore me. With the bicycle, I was able to cycle on the motorway. I was sure that I would arrive at school in less than ten minutes. I was in a good mood as I cycled to school past the cars, buses and the motorcycles. The bicycle, I had to admit was a very swift one since I weaved past traffics like a fingerling would past large fish. The annoyed honks and beeps I received only served to make my smile widen. “Excuse me” I shouted as I whizzed by cars and buses that had stopped at the zebra crossing. “You” a loud sudden screech had my mind confused there for a second. I almost crashed into a traffic pole when I sharply pulled the breaks, I was lucky I didn’t knock my teeth out in the process.

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