Title 10 What are you hero villain

3432 Words
10 day later Elias said What will be our next mission? I'm excited to try my new powers. Thank you to Amara. It's okay just the two of us, I don't want to be arrogant but it's true, it's okay for two of usJoan said I'm also excited about our new mission and the new shotga upgrade I'm excited to use Why don't we go to Rose and seeElias said Alright, let's go to the office, I'm closed, there's a lot of people thereElisa and Joan have arrived at the office, they are absolutely beautiful, this is a mission to try a heart north side of the mountain, the problem is that it is too cold there, Elias, don't worry, I have something new A motorcycle that can be used in the snow, that's nice, Joan said that's nice, I'm excited, let's go And suddenly there are adventures coming hai I am mark and my friends ilili and luna. Can we join you in your parking lot even just now because that is also our mission hunting beer in the north side if that is okay?Let's work with you Elias said Do you know me I'm not Elias rank X adventures and Joan is my girlfriend RANK A adventurer the only mission is now she will be like me RANK Elias used amara's ability, he got an ability check, you will know what a person's rank is and what level Mark My rank is B, I know I'm still weak, I want to be strong and I'm in the party And I'm angry that you want to join my party, then that's your level, you're thinking that we're going to accept your nonsense Joan said my love is right we don't need a burden on the mission just die Besides, we both boyfriend and girlfriend do something together. Why don't we go to parties, join every party Leave, my boyfriend might get angry, he might kill you, leave At tumakbo sila palayo Elias asked to Joan What did you say that the boyfriend and girlfriend Joan are doing secretly and we have already gone I want to ride your motorcycle again Can we have love and They went out of the gate and there was no one, Elias used his magic guns, we are here and his motorcycle came out and Joan is riding, can you ask for a request I want him you speed up the drive at falls speed my love Elias go ahead as long as you copy well The motor ran very fast Joan was very happy And they also arrived at the north side, it was very cold, he used fire magic, that's right, it's right that their skin won't burn, and it's right, it's also right that the snow won't make them cold Elias said Where are the beers I will use the power I got it's called long detector long detector activate find the beers as I saw they are there on the left three meters I can probably do that with my awm Joan said Can I use awm? I don't know because it's been tried. I want to try it at least once. I'll get better after living. I'm sure it's just dead. Elias Magic guns activated AWM Come on, I'll just watch from the side if there are any enemies Joan He used the scope of the gun and fired at those Beer all dead Elias said You're so good, let's cut each leg of the fashion and bring it there, maybe four of them. Come on, I'll use my motorcycle here, snow magic gun activated and your motorcycle can be read. Motorcycles can be used in the snow and they have gone down and used the teleport back sa guild And Mark Elias's group is still there, won't you stop us, he took his 45 gun and shot Mark in the head And he said to the rest of the party If you want to join us just make sure you deserve to join us only the strong can join our party we don't want the weak Just like the weak and he kicked the corpse away And when Joan sat on the floor, I told you not to heat my boyfriend's head, that's why you're deadRose said Hi Elias, have you finished mission beer in the north? Elias said Yes, I finished it so quickly that I didn't even get tiredRose said Are you free the next day, Wednesday, because I would like to let you go out to eat And Joan heard that, she took the awm and shot at Rose, luckily she dodged the shot Elias, what are you, you're going to hit me too, don't punish me for that, I won't allow it Let us both go out, just relax Don't be jealous The tension in the room hung heavy like the frigid northern air Elias had just escaped. Joan, fuming over the dinner invitation, clutched the AWM rifle, a dangerous glint in her eye. Rose, shaken but unharmed, stood her ground, the playful glint in her eyes replaced with a flicker of defiance. Elias, caught between his loyal girlfriend and his duty to the guild master, felt a familiar knot of dread tighten in his stomach. He knew placating Joan wouldn't be easy, especially after the outburst. But before he could even attempt to diffuse the situation, a booming voice echoed from the doorway. "What in the world is going on here?!" boomed a gruff voice. All three turned to see Max, the gruff but fair-minded guild master, standing there with a raised eyebrow. The air crackled with anticipation. Here was the leader, the one person who could potentially settle the brewing storm. Joan, her bravado momentarily shaken by Max's imposing presence, lowered the AWM slightly. Rose, sensing an opportunity, seized it. "Max," she began, her voice regaining its composure, "Elias and I were just discussing a mission debrief. Apparently, Joan here seems to have some...misconceptions." Max's gaze turned to Elias, a silent question hanging in the air. Elias, caught between loyalty and honesty, stammered, "It's...it's not quite that simple, Max." He knew he couldn't lie, not to Max. But revealing the truth about Joan's possessiveness and his own burgeoning feelings for Rose could have serious repercussions. As Elias struggled to find his voice, a mischievous glint appeared in Rose's eyes. She took a step closer to Joan, a playful smile on her lips. "Perhaps," Rose purred, her voice dripping with honeyed sarcasm, "we should all go out for that dinner together? It could be a real team-building exercise." The weight of Rose's words hung heavy in the air. Would Joan see it as a playful challenge or a declaration of war? Would Elias be forced to choose sides, jeopardizing both his relationship and his position in the guild? The air crackled with tension as Rose's suggestion echoed through the room. Joan's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits. It was clear Rose's playful facade barely masked a pointed jab at her possessiveness. Max, ever the pragmatist, stroked his beard, his gaze flitting between the three. "A team dinner could be beneficial," he rumbled, his voice surprisingly mild. "But perhaps not tonight. Tensions are high. Let tempers cool." His words offered a temporary reprieve. Relief washed over Elias, grateful for Max's intervention. He stole a glance at Rose, catching a flicker of disappointment in her eyes, quickly masked by a sardonic smile. Later that evening, as Elias found himself alone with Rose in the training yard, the weight of the day's events settled on them. "You were bold with your suggestion," Elias admitted, kicking a stray pebble across the dusty ground. "Someone had to break the ice," Rose replied, her voice devoid of its usual cheer. "Besides, you looked like a deer caught in headlights." A wry smile tugged at Elias's lips. "Perhaps. But are you sure it's wise to antagonize Joan? She can be… volatile." Rose's smile turned sharp. "And I can handle myself. But more importantly," her voice softened, "I can't stand by and watch her treat you like property." Elias felt a warmth spread through his chest. He had always admired Rose's strength and her unwavering loyalty to the guild. Now, he saw a flicker of something more – a hint of concern that sent his heart into a confused rhythm. "I appreciate that, Rose," he murmured, stepping closer. "But right now, the guild needs stability. Max trusts me with Joan, and causing a rift between us could jeopardize everything." Rose sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I understand," she said, a touch of resignation in her voice. "But promise me, Elias, if things get out of hand, you'll tell me. You won't let her walk all over you." Elias met her gaze, the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. "I promise," he said, his voice low and firm. The unspoken tension hung between them, charged with a new awareness. As they stood there, thein his eyes. "I promise," he said, his voice low and firm. The unspoken tension hung between them, charged with a new awareness. As they stood there, the silence stretched, punctuated only by the distant chirping of crickets. In that quiet moment, something shifted between them, the seeds of a deeper connection sown amidst the chaos of their situation.day's events settled on them. "You were bold with your suggestion," Elias admitted, kicking a stray pebble across the dusty ground. "Someone had to break the ice," Rose replied, her voice devoid of its usual cheer. "Besides, you looked like a deer caught in headlights." A wry smile tugged at Elias's lips. "Perhaps. But are you sure it's wise to antagonize Joan? She can be… volatile." Rose's smile turned sharp. "And I can handle myself. But more importantly," her voice softened, "I can't stand by and watch her treat you like property." Elias felt a warmth spread through his chest. He had always admired Rose's strength and her unwavering loyalty to the guild. Now, he saw a flicker of something more – a hint of concern that sent his heart into a confused rhythm. "I appreciate that, Rose," he murmured, stepping closer. "But right now, the guild needs stability. Max trusts me with Joan, and causing a rift between us could jeopardize everything." Rose sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I understand," she said, a touch of resignation in her voice. "But promise me, Elias, if things get out of hand, you'll tell me. You won't let her walk all over you." Elias met her gaze, the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. "I promise," he said, his voice low and firm. The unspoken tension hung between them, charged with a new awareness. As they stood there, the silence stretched, punctuated only by the distant chirping of crickets. In that quiet moment, something shifted between them, the seeds of a deeper connection sown amidst the chaos of their situation. The chirping of crickets was abruptly cut short by a raspy cough from behind them. Joan stood there, arms crossed and a scowl etched on her face. The moonlight glinted off the silver ring adorning her finger, a constant reminder of Elias's predicament. "Took you long enough," Joan drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Night air can be quite invigorating, wouldn't you agree, Rose?" Rose straightened, a steely glint returning to her eyes. "Indeed," she replied, her tone clipped. "Especially for those who crave fresh air after a suffocating guild meeting." The jab hung in the air, a silent challenge. Elias felt himself caught in the crossfire, loyalty warring with newfound feelings. He opened his mouth to speak, but Joan cut him off. "Enough chit-chat," she snapped. "We have work to do. Elias, to the stables. We leave before dawn."Joan turned on her heel and stalked off, leaving a tense silence in her wake. Rose watched her go, her jaw clenched. "Don't worry," she finally said, turning back to Elias. "We'll figure something out. But for now," she added, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, "perhaps it's best to follow orders."It's time for us to l The tension in the Lamborghini was thick enough to cut with a knife. Rose, still fuming from Joan's jab, stole glances at Elias, searching for a clue about their destination. He remained frustratingly silent, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Elias," Rose finally broke the silence, her voice tight, "where exactly are we going?" Elias sighed, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Honestly? I don't know." He glanced at her, a flicker of helplessness in his eyes. "Joan didn't say. She just...gave me the wheel." Rose raised an eyebrow. "So, we're on a spontaneous night joyride before a potentially life-or-death mission? Sounds thrilling." A hint of a smile tugged at Elias's lips. "Not exactly a joyride, Rose. But maybe… a chance to talk." The car swerved slightly as Elias stole another glance at her. Rose felt a warmth creep into her cheeks. "Talk about what?" " About everything," Elias said, his voice low. "About the guild, about what happened back there, about…" he hesitated, then met her gaze squarely, "about us." The car slowed as they entered the familiar sprawl of Aura, the guild city. Streetlights cast a warm glow on cobblestone streets, illuminating bustling taverns and towering guildhalls. Rose's heart pounded. Elias wanted to talk about them? It was a dangerous territory to navigate, given their precarious situation. But the unspoken attraction simmering between them was undeniable."Alright, Elias," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "Talk." Elias pulled the Lamborghini to a stop in a quiet, dimly lit alleyway. He turned off the engine, plunging them into a comfortable silence. Then, taking a deep breath, he began to speak. The unspoken tension hung between them, charged with a new awareness. As they stood there, the silence stretched, punctuated only by the distant chirping of crickets. In that quiet moment, something shifted between them, the seeds of a deeper connection sown amidst the chaos of their situation. The chirping of crickets was abruptly cut short by a raspy cough from behind them. Joan stood there, arms crossed and a scowl etched on her face. The moonlight glinted off the silver ring adorning her finger, a constant reminder of Elias's predicament. "Took you long enough," Joan drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Night air can be quite invigorating, wouldn't you agree, Rose?" Rose straightened, a steely glint returning to her eyes. "Indeed," she replied, her tone clipped. "Especially for those who crave fresh air after a suffocating guild meeting." The jab hung in the air, a silent challenge. Elias felt himself caught in the crossfire, loyalty warring with newfound feelings. He opened his mouth to speak, but Joan cut him off. Enough chit-chat," she snapped. "We have work to do. Elias, to the stables. We leave before dawn."Joan turned on her heel and stalked off, leaving a tense silence in her wake. Rose watched her go, her jaw clenched. "Don't worry," she finally said, turning back to Elias. "We'll figure something out. But for now," she added, a hint of a smile playing on her lips, "perhaps it's best to follow orders."It's time for us to l The tension in the Lamborghini was thick enough to cut with a knife. Rose, still fuming from Joan's jab, stole glances at Elias, searching for a clue about their destination. He remained frustratingly silent, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "Elias," Rose finally broke the silence, her voice tight, "where exactly are we going?" Elias sighed, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "Honestly? I don't know." He glanced at her, a flicker of helplessness in his eyes. "Joan didn't say. She just...gave me the wheel." Rose raised an eyebrow. "So, we're on a spontaneous night joyride before a potentially life-or-death mission? Sounds thrilling." A hint of a smile tugged at Elias's lips. "Not exactly a joyride, Rose. But maybe… a chance to talk." The car swerved slightly as Elias stole another glance at her. Rose felt a warmth creep into her cheeks. "Talk about what?" "About everything," Elias said, his voice low. "About the guild, about what happened back there, about…" he hesitated, then met her gaze squarely, "about us." The car slowed as they entered the familiar sprawl of Aura, the guild city. Streetlights cast a warm glow on cobblestone streets, illuminating bustling taverns and towering guildhalls. Rose's heart pounded. Elias wanted to talk about them? It was a dangerous territory to navigate, given their precarious situation. But the unspoken attraction simmering between them was undeniable."Alright, Elias," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "Talk." Elias pulled the Lamborghini to a stop in a quiet, dimly lit alleyway. He turned off the engine, plunging them into a comfortable silence. Then, taking a deep breath, he Began to speak. Elias's voice was a low murmur in the darkness. "Rose," he started, "everything's been so crazy lately. The rebellion, the Guild Master's threats...it feels like the ground is constantly shifting beneath our feet." Rose listened intently, nodding in agreement. "It does," she whispered, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly. "Like we're constantly walking a tightrope." A beat of silence stretched between them, charged with unspoken emotions. Finally, Elias continued, "But even amidst all the chaos, there's been this...connection between us. Something I can't explain." His voice trailed off, and Rose felt a blush creep up her neck. "I know what you mean," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It feels...unexpected, but real." Elias reached out, his hand hovering hesitantly in the air before gently landing over hers. The warmth of his touch sent a jolt through Rose. "Real enough to be dangerous," he said, his gaze searching hers. "Dangerous?" Rose echoed, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and excitement. "Yes," he confirmed, his grip tightening on her hand. "Joan wouldn't approve. Neither would the Guild Master. But ignoring this...it feels impossible." Rose squeezed his hand back, a silent acknowledgment of the risk they were taking. "So, what do we do?" she asked, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her stomach. Elias leaned in closer, his breath warm on her cheek. "We talk," he murmured, his eyes locking with hers. "We figure things out, together. One step at a time." Their lips met in a hesitant kiss, a spark igniting in the darkness. It was a kiss filled with uncertainty, with the weight of their situation pressing down on them, but also with a promise of something more. They pulled away, both breathless, the air thick with unspoken desires and unspoken fears. Suddenly, a harsh scraping sound echoed from the alley entrance. Both froze, their hearts hammering in their chests. A hooded figure emerged from the shadows, their face obscured by darkness. "Elias Thorne," the figure rasped, their voice distorted. "We need to talk." Elias and Rose exchanged a startled glance. The unexpected interruption shattered the fragile moment they had shared. Who was this mysterious figure, and what did they want? Rose's heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs. The hooded figure loomed in the darkness, an unwelcome visitor in their stolen moment. "Who are you?" Elias demanded, his voice tense, the warmth in his eyes replaced by a steely glint. He squeezed Rose's hand, a silent reassurance in the face of the unknown. The figure remained still for a beat, then slowly extended a gloved hand. In their palm lay a small, intricately carved wooden raven. Recognition flickered across Elias's face. "It's from the Shadows," he breathed, his voice barely audible. The Shadows were a clandestine organization within the Guild, rumored to operate on the fringes of the law. Their motives and allegiances were shrouded in mystery. Dread pooled in Rose's stomach. The Guild wouldn't be happy with their burgeoning relationship, but the Shadows? They were an entirely different kind of trouble. The figure tilted its head, a silent question hanging in the air. "We should talk inside," Elias said, his voice betraying none of the turmoil within. He cast Rose a worried glance. "This might be important." Rose nodded, the blush from their stolen kiss forgotten. The weight of the unknown settled heavily on them both. Taking a deep breath, they followed the cloaked figure deeper into the labyrinthine alleyways, the fragile spark of their connection threatened to be extinguished by the gathering shadows.And before they go in there, Elias, I'll use the magic I have there to paint you Magic gun activates AK47 and M14 guns Elias took the M14The
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