Just Say Yes.

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Stone’s POV “Stone,” I heard Mickey’s voice in my head clear as day. It was a desperate plea for me. A pit had formed in my stomach. If Hawk has hurt him I won't be able to stop myself, I'll kill him. He's my friend and ally, but Mickey is my mate and there's nothing more important. I rush from the house, fighting off the urge to shift. My wolf is ready to fight and that might not be what Mickey needs. “Something is wrong with Mickey!” Holly screams in my head. Images of him crumpled on the ground flash in my mind from Holly. “Is he injured?” I ask as I push myself to run faster. “I can't find anything obvious,” Knowing Holly has him and there's no sign of physical injuries puts me at ease a little. As I round the corner and my mates come into view I stop. My heart begins pounding in my chest as I watch Mickey lean into Holly. He's kissing her. I don't care right now what has caused this turnaround, because he's safe and all my hopes and dreams are playing out right in front of me. He's accepting her! It might seem like an odd feeling to have, but I can't describe how proud I am of him. He's finally giving in to the feelings I knew he had. He's realised that gender doesn't have to define anything, and I have no doubt he's about to learn the same lesson I did. Love is free-flowing and knows no gender. I have to fight the urge to go to them and scoop them both up. I have to let Mickey do this on his own, in his own time. He can be skittish at times and if I go charging in there too soon he might get spooked. Mickey gently pulls away from Holly and curls himself up on the ground with his head resting on Holly’s thigh. “I didn't just imagine that, did I?” Holly asks me through our bond. She knows I'm there, she would have sensed me and probably felt my strong emotions that spilled over and flooded the bond. “If you did, then I did too. He's shutting down about something, we need to keep him focused on something else,” I tell her as she runs her fingers through his hair in a soothing gesture. I walk up to them, Mickey doesn't even notice me. He's not in a good mental state. “Come on little witch,” I say softly, not wanting to startle him. Confusion flickers across his face as he looks up at me. I hold out my hand to help him up, and he looks at Holly before taking my hand. “Are you okay?” I ask. I already know he's not but I ask anyway. He nods then turns to help Holly up. He looks at her hand in his, he doesn't pull it away, more like he takes comfort in it. “I have to tell you something,” he lowers his gaze to the ground. I can see his battle to stay in control of his emotions. He's not ready to deal with whatever this is yet. He’s on the edge of breaking down completely. “Not yet, it can wait,” I say, and then I can't hold myself back any longer. I pull him to me for a kiss. Letting him know without words how much I love him, then a moment I've dreamed of for years happens as I pull both of my mates to me. My wolf lets out a satisfied purr. I finally have both of my mates in my arms at the same time. It's bliss. “Let's go home,” I tell them both. I begin walking, with a mate safely tucked under each arm. I don’t give Mickey the option of where we are going, he’s coming back to mine and Holly’s. There’s no way I’m allowing him to stay home alone tonight. ***** Holly’s POV. What is happening right now? Mickey just kissed me! I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I first saw him. Something about him just calls to me. When I’d met Stone, and he’d told me about Mickey, I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Not only a hot Alpha for a mate, but his sexy little boyfriend too. I thought I was getting two for the price of one, living out a lot of girl’s fantasies. Mickey hadn’t been on board with that plan though, breaking Stone’s heart and ruining my fantasies. I know people see me as a saint, as if I should be admired for my willingness to share Stone for his own happiness, but that’s not completely true. Because I want Mickey just as much as he does. Stone and Mickey have gotten close again lately and that’s been exciting, but it’s also driven me wild with jealousy. I’ve tried to block most of my feelings from Stone, but I know he’s picked up on them. What he doesn’t realise is that I’ve not been jealous that Mickey has been with my mate. I’m jealous that my mate has been with Mickey without me. I’d resigned myself to the fact that Mickey was never going to accept me, so I had planned to make him comfortable enough around me that he might one day let me watch them together at least. Now though, the dynamic has changed again, because Mickey just kissed me! I should probably feel bad about it, he’s clearly in distress about something and not thinking clearly, but I hadn’t taken advantage, it was him who kissed me. I’m quite proud of myself if I’m honest, I’d kept my composure, let him take the lead and stay in control when all I’d wanted to do was push him onto his back right there in the street and show him exactly how much I’d been craving him. I need to play this cool though, and let him make all the moves. If I push too hard he may run. I struggle to keep my breath calm and even, but it becomes more difficult with each step closer towards our home. The thrill of what might happen when we get behind closed doors is driving my thoughts wild with possibilities. I wonder how Mickey will react to the new kink he’s awakened in Stone. Since Mickey had joked that Derry’s baby might have been his, Stone has been obsessed with getting me pregnant, but there’s a twist because he wants it to be Mickey who does it. My mate has a breeding kink about his boyfriend knocking me up. Which is probably weird, but who am I to judge? Because I’m here for it. A little whimper escapes me at the thought of how that might play out and Stone tenses his arm around me. “Calm yourself, nothing is promised yet,” Stone says through the mate bond. “Sorry, I’m just so excited. I want him so badly,” I respond. “I know baby, but we have to go at his pace,” Stone says as we approach the door to our cabin. “You know it’s rude to talk like that when I’m right here,” Mickey huffs. Making me suck in a breath in surprise. Can he hear us? Has he somehow tapped into our mate bond? “How do you always know?” Stone laughs. “You get this weird look on your faces, like your eyes are seeing through to something else, and there’s an odd buzz in the air like I’m picking up some static. I don’t know it’s hard to describe, but I know when it’s happening,” he explains. “Interesting, it must be something to do with your telepathic powers,” Stone shrugs, pushing open the door and walking in. I stand behind Mickey as he hesitates at the threshold. He’s going to turn around and run. I can feel it. “Eyes on me Mickey,” Stone purrs. I can’t see Mickey’s face, but I can tell from Stone’s expression that Mickey has followed his command. I love the way they do this. How Stone recognises when Mickey needs him to take over for him, and how Mickey allows him to do it, trusting Stone to take charge. Stone reaches out, grabbing Mickey by his shirt and pushing him against the wall. Mickey stares up at Stone with hungry eyes and shallow breaths. It’s clear he loves it when Stone dominates him like this. I stand in the doorway watching them eye f**k each other, and it’s hot as hell. Stone breaks first, taking Mickey’s mouth in a possessive kiss. I move into the house and the door slams behind me with a gust of wind that makes me jump. I look at it and then look back at Mickey and Stone. Mickey gives me a devilish smirk and wink before he focuses back on Stone. “Hmm, such a talented little witch,” Stone praises between kisses. I stand there, open-mouthed watching them. I didn’t know Mickey could do such things. Stone had told me his powers had increased, but wow, he is impressive. I keep my distance, letting Stone make Mickey comfortable with my presence. It’s hard to keep still and silent. Watching them love each other almost turns me into a puddle of need. Stone pushes Mickey’s jacket from his shoulders, and it drops to the floor with a heavy thump, then he’s pulling at his T-shirt. He breaks the kiss to pull his top over his head and I gasp at the sight. Mickey stands there breathing heavily in just his black torn jeans and biker boots, which, with the black ink on his chest, make him look like a bad boy. The ones you read about that are here to destroy you in the best way. He’s so much smaller than Stone, but his small frame doesn’t make him look any less of a man. Dark strands of hair have fallen over his face. I like his hair this length, it’s just long enough to cover his eyes and when his hungry gaze shifts to me, I have to bite down on my lip to stop myself running to him. He is pure sin. My dark angel. I’m ready to be corrupted. Stone draws his attention back to him, placing a hand on the paw print tattooed over his heart. They are looking at each other now as if they’re having a silent conversation, which is confirmed when Mickey nods and they both turn to look at me. I think I’m about to hyperventilate.
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