Die for you.

2227 Words
Mickey’s POV. This is really happening. Holly is here, and she’s not dampening my mood, she’s making it more exciting. I’m also nervous as hell. I don’t know where I will fit in this dynamic, and I’m also technically a virgin, at least when it comes to women anyway. What if I’m terrible at it? I’ve actually never f****d anyone before, only ever been the receiver. I’m not sure if I can do it. Maybe I can try and erase their memories if I make a complete fool of myself, but then we are going to be dead in a few days anyway, so f**k it. What is a little embarrassment in the grand scheme of things? Stone pulls me forward by my waistband, leading me towards the stairs. I follow, my legs trembling with nerves and excited anticipation. When I don’t hear Holly’s footsteps on the stairs behind us, I turn to look at her. She’s still frozen in place by the door. Is she even more scared of this than I am? Or is she waiting for permission from me? I raise my brows at her in question, and she takes a hesitant step towards us. I decide to pretend I’m full of confidence and hold out my hand to her. She smiles sweetly before rushing to place her hand in mine, letting me guide her up the stairs behind Stone. Stone pulls off his T-shirt as we enter the bedroom and I watch the muscles in his back move as he closes the curtains and switches on the lamp. When he turns back to look at us, I can’t stop my wandering gaze as it travels his strong figure, appreciating every one of his toned muscles. Although I do find it unfair that wolves are naturally toned. I’d have to work out constantly to get anywhere close to his level. Luckily, I’m confident enough in my own skin that I can appreciate his body without getting jealous. “You appear to be slightly overdressed,” he purrs at Holly. I let go of her hand as he pulls her to him, turning her to face me as he reaches around and begins unbuttoning the buttons down the front of her blouse whilst kissing her neck. Her heated gaze is on me as I watch Stone undress her, revealing more of her creamy skin to me inch by inch. Once he has her free of the top, he unclasps the white bra she is wearing, letting her full breasts spill out, her rosy n*****s perk as my gaze lands on them. “Come here,” Stone says, and I don’t hesitate, stepping closer to him, to them. “Kiss her,” he whispers, the undertone of a growl in his voice sending a thrill through me. I look at her lips, remembering how they’d felt against my own. Stone takes my hand, placing it on the curve of Holly’s hip. He holds it there as I lean down and press my lips to hers. Holly opens her mouth for me, allowing me to deepen the kiss. “That’s so f*****g hot,” Stone growls, he moves to stand behind me now, reaching around to unfasten my belt whilst Holly continues exploring my mouth. Stone leans his head down to kiss my neck and shoulder, sending a shiver through me. The danger of having his teeth so close to my neck when I know his wolf wants to bite me there adds an extra element of excitement. “You like her mouth, don’t you,” he purrs against my ear, his fingers making quick work of the button and zip of my pants. He plunges his hand into my boxers and takes a firm grasp of my c**k, making me moan into Holly’s mouth. “You’re so hard for her. Let her show you just how talented her pretty little mouth is,” Stone’s words have Holly moaning now, and she breaks the kiss to look down at what he’s doing to me. She licks at her kiss-swollen lips as she sees Stone’s hand moving beneath my underwear. “Do you want to taste him, baby?” He asks her. She nods eagerly and I groan at the thought. I can definitely do this part, no skills are needed from me for this. Holly drops to her knees in front of me and looks up at me excitedly, and f**k if that’s not one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. Stone pushes down the front of my boxers and Holly pounces. Taking me into her mouth without hesitation. “F**k,” I groan at the sensation of her hot mouth around me as she sucks and swirls her tongue expertly, whilst Stone holds me in position for her. “Don’t you dare c*m yet, little witch, we are nowhere near done with you,” Stone demands. He releases me and moves away. A few blissful moments later, he stands beside me, completely naked. Holly notices him and releases me to give him the same treatment. I’m both disappointed because I never wanted that to end, and relieved because I don’t think I could have lasted much longer. Stone reaches his hand out to cup the back of my neck and pulls me to him for a kiss. He groans into my mouth before pulling away from us both. “Undress now, both of you,” he demands. Holly scrambles to her feet, wasting no time. I kick off my boots and watch Holly crawl onto the bed, completely naked. My heart begins pounding in my chest and I hesitate to remove the rest of my clothes. “Eyes on me Mickey,” Stone commands. I look at him and he stalks towards me. “I don’t know what to do, Stone,” I tell him telepathically. He frowns at me, he looks like he’s concentrating. He’s not communicating with Holly because I can’t hear the static. “Can you hear me?” his words sound in my head, but his lips don’t move. I nod, too stunned to respond with words. “I’ll help you, you know I will,” his words come through clear and calming. “Well now I understand how Mickey feels when he sees us talking like that,” Holly giggles nervously. “Since when could you communicate that way?” She asks. “It’s new,” Stone says out loud, and then I hear the static. Great. I know he’s probably telling her I’m scared. This is like one of those stupid secrets that no one is supposed to know, but everyone does know, and then has to pretend they don’t. “I’m scared okay! I don’t know what the f**k I’m doing, there we go, everyone knows now,” I huff and move to leave. “Mickey stop, I didn’t tell her that,” Stone grabs my arm, stopping me before I get to the door. Holly comes to stand in front of me and I turn my face away, my embarrassment not letting me look at her. “Hey,” she says softly, her hand coming up to cup my face. “Eyes on her Mickey,” Stone demands, and damn it, my eyes fly straight to her. She smiles sweetly. Then leans forward, tiptoeing, so she can bring her mouth to my ear. “Stone was scared too, it’s normal,” she whispers. Stone stays silent. I know he heard her, but he’s pretending he didn’t. “There’s no rush, we have all the time in the world, we will go as slow as you like,” she reassures. Her words hit me hard, making me flinch, because she’s wrong, we don’t have time. “How did you do it?” I ask Stone over my shoulder. “Let me show you,” he says, pressing his chest to my back and placing gentle kisses on my shoulder. He takes my hand and guides it to Holly’s neck. He runs our hands together down her body, over her breasts and stomach and then around her back, reaching around until my hand cups her ass. Holly reaches up to kiss me and I continue to explore her body. I only realise Stone has removed his hand when I hear movement near the bed. Holly begins pushing me gently backwards towards the bed, never breaking the kiss as her hands explore my chest. Stone is there tugging down my pants and boxers when we reach the bed. I break the kiss to step out of them and pull off my socks. Because yeah, naked with only socks is not sexy. Holly lays on the bed again and Stone steps up behind me, his hard length pressing into my lower back. “Crawl onto the bed Mickey,” he demands. I do, getting dangerously close to Holly. Stone climbs up to kneel behind me. He bands an arm around my upper body and pulls me up, so I’m on my knees with my back against him and then the lights go out. I can barely see anything now. “It’s okay, you don’t need to see, just feel,” he says quietly against my ear. He takes my hand and places it on Holly’s bent knee. Slowly, he trails our hands up her inner thigh until we reach her warm, wet flesh. Holly lets out a moan at the contact. “Do you feel how wet she is, Mickey? That means she wants you,” Stone whispers. “Do you feel her cl*t?” He adds telepathically as he glides our fingers over the hard nub set within the soft flesh that causes her to cry out in pleasure. “Keep circling there gently, she loves it,” he moves his hands away, and I do as he says. Testing different pressures and speeds. It’s fascinating listening to how she reacts, with sharp intakes of breath, moans and words of encouragement. It’s easy to work out exactly what she likes. “She’s getting close, don’t let her c*m yet. Run your fingers down until you find her entrance and push one finger in, curl it upwards and move it around until you find the spot she likes. Play with her there for a bit and then switch back to her cl*t. When she starts cursing you, then you can let her c*m,” he instructs. I do as he says, alternating between the two places and enjoying every sound of pleasure she makes. Hey, look at me, pleasuring a woman like a pro. I feel Stone's wet fingers slip between my ass cheeks and I groan as he teases me whilst I tease Holly. It’s a heady combination of feelings and sounds as I prepare Holly to take me whilst Stone prepares me to take him, and I almost laugh at the realisation that this is definitely going to turn into a Mickey sandwich. Something I swore would never happen. “Please Mickey, f**k!” Holly curses, her body writhes beneath my touch and I know that's my queue. I focus my attention on her cl*t and her body tenses before she screams out her pleasure. I fill with pride at the knowledge that I have just made a woman orgasm, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Instinct takes over, and I crawl up her body to kiss her. The head of my c**k bumps against her warm heat, and she reaches down and lines me up with her entrance. I freeze, am I really about to do this? “Please Mickey, I need you,” she begs. I push forward slightly, the head of my shaft penetrating her, and she moans in satisfaction. “Wait for me,” Stone huffs, making Holly chuckle. He lines himself up behind me and as he pushes into me, I push into Holly. The double sensation has me almost turning to jelly. “Holy f**k,” I groan. “Feeling good, little witch?” Stone sounds amused. “Hell yes,” “Good, don’t you dare c*m yet,” he demands. “I feel like I’m at an unfair disadvantage here. Do you know how intense this is right now? f**k, you both feel so good,” I hiss. I move my hips gently, testing the movement. “You won’t hurt her,” Stone reassures. He begins moving behind me, and it takes a few tries to find the right rhythm between the three of us. We soon become a writhing mass of moaning bodies. “Mickey, this feels so good,” Holly groans. “You’re going to let my little witch f**k a baby into you, aren’t you baby?” Stone growls. I almost stop at his words, but then Holly has my mind spinning as her nails dig into my back. “Yes! Please, yes!” Holly screams and her body clamps around my c**k, tipping me over the edge, her orgasm pulling my own from me, which in turn has Stone following suit as he roars out his release. “Mine,” they both say in unison and I freeze because I’m trapped between them, and they’re both growling out claims. Then, in a double assault, they each bite down possessively on the juncture between my shoulder and neck. f*****g wolves!
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