Is This a Dream

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As she lays there waiting for me, I feel like something is off. It's almost like this isn't real. Cassie pushes up on to her elbows with a frown on her face. "Is something wrong?" she asks. I can't shake the feeling that this isn't right. Trying to shake the feeling from my head I continue to stalk closer, only to see her fade away. I stop and stare in fear. "What is happening to me?" I think. As she fades away, I'm left standing there naked trying to make sense of it all. "Am I awake?" I run my hands over my face. As I'm about to open them a beeping noise catches my attention. I look up to see Cassie laying in bed hooked up to a bunch of medical machines. A sigh escapes my lips knowing it all was a dream. We never got married, or did we? I look down at my hand to see a wedding band on my finger. I walk closer to see Cassie has a wedding ring on her hand as well. "What did I miss? Did I do something to her and not remember?" I beging to shake in fear that I could've hurt my mate, my Luna, my wife. A knock at the door breaks me from my spiraling thoughts. I clear my throat as my hand reaches for the door. I square my shoulds and lift my head high as the door slowly opens. On the other side is my Beta, with a concerned look on his face. He clears his throat and takes a deep breath. "Excuse me Alpha, I hope I was not disturbing you but I was advised by you to come and check on you after three days." As he finishes his head drops as if expecting to be punished. I put my hand on his shoulder and sigh. "It's ok. You did not disturb me. I was just staring at her, hoping she'd wake up." I turn and my beta follows me. We both stand at the end of the bed just staring at her. My beta is the first to speak. "This isn't right, Alpha. You should be the only thing to make her better, not magic and medicine." he shakes his head. I can't help but be confused by his statement. "Magic? What do you mean?" I almost don't want to know the answer. He turns to look at me, confusion written all over his face. "You had a witch come and put a sleep spell on her so she could heal. Do you not remember?" Stunned, I stand there trying to remember but nothing comes to mind. I shake my head and my beta leans in concerned. "Alpha, do you not remember anything?" I look him in the eye as I shake my head. He gasps, realizing something that I don't. "Alpha, we must have you looked at. I fear the witch has put a spell on you so you wouldn't remember what she did here." I can only nod confused by his words and my lack of memory. After what seemed like hours after my beta left a bunch of nurses, doctors and a witch comes into the room. The witch bows to me before she walks forward. "Good evening, Alpha. I'm told you may have a spell on you to effect your memory?" she asks. I look at her mesmerized. Her voice floats away with the breeze and sounds so sweet. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a dagger. I see everyone move to protect me. I put up a hand to stop them, curious to see what she's going to do. She cuts her hand and then cuts mine. She then grabs my hand with her bloody and it's like sparks fly behind my eyes. I can see another witch leaning over Cassie and she's chanting. Cassie is convulsing under her hands. I run forward trying to stop her but she blows a powder in my face and chants something. I can feel myself freeze and watch in fear as she finishes what shes doing to my mate. With a smile she turns and blows me a kiss before opening the door. I hear her instruct everyone to leave us alone for three days and the door closes. I rip my hand away from the witch and realize I'm breathing heavy. I look around to see everyone anxiously waiting for an order. I look to the witch, anger in my eyes. "Fix it! Fix it all, now!" I yell in anger. The witch looks at me with fear in her eyes before she opens her mouth to speak. "I can reverse what has been done to you but your mate," she pauses to look at Cassie. "I cannot fix. An ancient witch has cast these spells. Only she can reverse what has been done "

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