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Zulu:     Once he fell asleep and I finished some paperwork I sat in the chair next to Payne with my laptop in front of me and the file that has been screaming out at me since the moment I was alone with it. I had to admire my self-control a little. Time to give it up and see what it holds. A part of me is dreading what I might find but the alpha said it's important. I broke the seal and pulled out the stack of papers. Payne Franco. (Terminated) Age:  22 Date of birth: January 6, 1992 Birth Place: Death Valley, California Ranking: Third Born Alpha Male Pack: Blue Orchid (Executed) Payne Franco born illegitimate Charged with Six counts of Consensual Homicide Mother: Abagail Franco Father Philemon Franco Death date: August 27, 1996, after trials within Fire Rose Wolf pelt: Unknown never shifted Tests have proven that his accusations were accurate. The child was, in fact, Luna Abadail's son.     I placed the file down letting all the information sink in. oh s**t. I looked over to my sleeping mate. Does he know all of this?     Abagail Franco is Varco's mother. She had been married to Alpha Philemon Franco at the age of nineteen where she gave birth to two sons. There were no others. Not on record anyway. Why go to these lengths to hide a kid? Why wouldn't my dad just kill him? Especially knowing Payne came from a man who was not him.    "You're going to make me blush," I looked down at my laptop getting embarrassed about getting caught staring.    "Sorry," he smiled his eyes meeting mine.    "Don't apologize. Has anyone ever told you your gaze is strong?"    "Yeah, actually I get that all the time,"    "You seem a little distant," I smiled.    "What do you know about your parents?"    "My dad never told me who my mother was. He tried to kill me several times. He was the one that turned me over to Fire Rose,"    "What about your brothers?"    "They tried to help. Dad would beat them,"    "I know this may seem a little cold-hearted considering you are my mate but I have to tell you this. I don't like being lied to Payne. I've killed many who have lied to me. I will always put the safety of my pack and family first. Right now you being here endangers all of then including my alpha and Luna. I need you to tell me everything and the truth," he smiled looking unphased.    "I have nothing to gain by telling you lies, Zuluna. You've asked and I've answered," I looked into his eyes.     "He's telling the truth, Zulu," I looked up as my alpha walked in with a toy collectible Corvette from the gift shop downstairs in his hands.      "I didn't know what to get a man as a 'get well gift'. Flowers seemed a little..."     "It's fine," Payne smiled looking at the gift in my alpha's hands.     "Hi, I'm Alpha Raymond Winters this is my mate Daniel Winters," Luna Daniel giggled taking Payne's hand and kissed the top of it lightly.      "It's an honor to meet you Alpha and Luna Winters," Payne said with a sincere smile.     "She wasn't being mean to you was she? She gets a little crazy when it comes to protecting the pack," my Luna said. I had to clench my jaw to keep me from blushing.     "No, just some questions a few threats nothing too harsh," that made me and alpha Ray laugh.     "You know Zulu is not only my leading hunter but one of my closest friends. She's like a little sister to me. I wouldn't want anything to harm her or hurt her," my eyed shot to him and I shook my head. Me making empty threats was nothing compared to a threat from him. He'll scare the s**t out of Payne. He's been through enough.     "Alpha may I speak with you outside?" I asked standing up. All eyes on me.     "Sure," we walked out together.     "They always bud heads. Sometimes I think she should be the beta. Everyone likes her better than Austin," Luna Daniel tried to whisper.     "Sir, Payne just left a very hostile environment. I'm going to have to ask you not to threaten him,"     "I understand your concern Zulu, but the guy needs to be treated normally so he can fall into a smooth normal environment. He's going to train and fight just like our other wolves Zulu. You can't baby him,"     "I know that but it's a little too soon for that wait for him to stabilize. His body is still weak. He needs some time to heal physically and emotionally,"    "Did you read the file?" ignoring me.    "I did. He confirmed it,"    "Why do you think he was kept alive?"    "He's Varco's half-brother," I said. "Part of my dad's true mate. He probably couldn't bring himself to do it. That or he wanted to torture the kid. Look what he did to his own flesh and blood,"     "Alright, well I'm giving you a month off duty so you can get him back on his feet. Teach him and what not," I nodded. "You can use the spare house. They told me he's due for release later tonight,"    "Thanks, Ray," he gave me one of his signature smirks.     "You've done a lot for me Zuluna. More than anyone else. I owe you a lot more than a few days off," we hugged awkwardly, sideways while tapping each other's back.     "I love watching Spartacus. It's my favorite show there's so much going on. Like... Oh hey, you guys are back," Alpha Ray sighed as we walked in. Luna Daniel was sitting next to Payne on the bed teaching him how to use the remote.      "Well, we'll be leaving you guys to get ready to... Let's go, Dee Dee," he said picking her tiny body off the bed.      "Okay. Bye Zulu. Bye, Pay. Have fun. Tell Zulu to show you how to use Netflix," the alpha grunted.      "She has a lot of energy," Payne said laughing. I chuckled liking the sound of his laughter.      "Yeah, she's a hand full. I was her guard for three months. She talked me into getting matching snoopy tattoos," I said showing him my wrist. He laughed again. "So you're being discharged. I was going to take you back to my room in the packhouse but the Luna thought we could use some privacy to get you back on your feet. So we have the spare house,"      "That's nice," he smiled.      "Knock knock," I looked up to see Hanna my scrub assistant. "Need some help?"     "Yeah, run down and get me his prescriptions and a set of large scrubs please," she nodded. "I'm going to take these off," As I removed the needles from his wrists, I couldn't help but notice how rough his skin is. All the layers of scars upon scars his chest and stomach held. Anger flashed over me. They had done the worst to man and he smiles like none of it ever happened.       "Here you go, Zulu, anything else?" Hanna said walking in.      "No, that will be all," I practically growled at her. She yipped and rushed out of the room. I couldn't even thank her,      "Hey, it's okay," Payne said placing his hand over mine.      I looked up at him. He smiled warmly at me. My wolf calming down. The anger didn't let up in the slightest. The warmth in those eyes, there is no malice or darkness in them. What did he hold onto when he was down there?      "Let's get you home," I said handing him the clean scrubs. He went into the restroom leaving me to pack up all my things. 
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