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Zulu:    "... Then she jumped out of the tree and landed on him. He had no idea what hit him. She f****d him up really good..." Richie was saying. He and Payne were laughing as I walked in.    "Talking about me and how I beat that rogue two years ago?" I asked putting the file alpha Ray had given me going over charts if his new results. Payne smiled at me.    "So you're dangerous?" he smiled. His eyes lit up. There's more color in his cheeks and he was sitting up. All good signs.    "What did the alpha want?" Richie asked.    "Jack asked for a leave. a few other things about the completed hunt," I answered leaving out Varco and the file.    "Was everything taken care of?"    "You know me. Never miss a target. Never leave a trail,"    "That's a good philosophy," Payne said. I smiled at him proud in knowing that he is going to make it out of this. I knew he would. I wanted it so bad.    "How are you feeling?" I asked him. He shifted a little he didn't wince which means the worse is over.    "Good. My wolf wants to come out,"    "When is the last time you shifted?"    "The first time I shifted. Then I was kept sedated with wolfsbane so I wouldn't shift during the beatings," he looked down at his hands my wolf wanted me to go over to comfort him but I wouldn't know what to say or what to do. I wasn't familiar with the whole comforting thing. My maternal instincts are about as good a raccoon with rabies.    "That must be rough. Did you ever build up some kind of immunity?" Richie asked.    "Yes. It's still hurt when it came into contact but I noticed they would give me higher doses. one syringe wouldn't put me down anymore. Six or seven would do it," the way he said it is monotone. Like his mind had built a resistance to it.    "Dude that's crazy," Richie said a little too excited for my liking.    "Another thing, Payne, I have to interrogate you. I need to know everything you did or they say you did. As much as you can remember," he pushed himself up the light in his eyes dimming. This is going to hurt him.    "Ask me whatever you like," he said nodding as if he were mentally preparing himself.    "Who was the Alpha in charge when you were incarcerated?" he sighed scratching his chin. His fingers buried in his beard.     "I don't know. I remember what he looks like but I was never told any names,"     "What did he look like?" he shifted again.     "He was tall. Dark brown hair. Red eyes. He was bigger than the guards and his voice was strong," tears started to build up in his eyes. He described my dad.     "Do you remember why you were locked away?"     "No, but they all called me the son of a traitor. They said my dad killed the Luna," I looked over at Richie.     "The Luna of the pack?"     "Yes,"    "Was your father part of Fire Rose?"     "No, my father is alpha of Blue Orchid," I flinched. Richie stood up.     "You're an Alpha Payne?" he shook his head.     "Thirdborn my brother Rayne is the next alpha if he isn't already,"     "Payne..." I said walking over to him I sat down next to him taking his hand in mine.      This is so much worse than I could have ever thought. He's been down there for so long. He had been there when I had been part of that f*****g pack. He had been within reach for so long and I didn't even know.       "You look upset," he sighed.     "Blue Orchid was wiped out when I was seven. It was never registered as Alpha Philemon to have a third son. They were all killed after they killed Six Lunas in a sacrificial ritual. They did kill the Luna to Fire Rose along with five others," he nodded and looked back down at his hands.     He's from Blue Orchid. That pack was obliterated for dealing with rituals that went beyond the boundaries of our moralities. We s*******r one another left and right, so when the packs decide that something is too radical or too disturbing it must have been bad.    "Zulu what are you thinking?" Richie asked his wolf probably warning him as well.    "We have to get him out of here," I said. Payne's eyes snapped back up at me.     "I would never ask you to abandon all you have built for me," I smiled at him pushing a strand of knotted hair out of his face.    "That's not what I'm saying. This hospital is on neutral land. Anyone human or wolf can come in and out of this place. You are kind of a rarity. Lots of wolves hate your family. Including the pack you were a prisoner,"      "My wolf is being difficult," he said tightly putting his arm over his abdomen.     "What's his name?" I asked.     "Darren. His name is Darren," he said. I smiled liking it.     "Darren?" Paynes bluish Hazel eyes turned Amber. The color of purity.     "Yes?" he growled.     "How are you doing Darren?" I asked.     "Better thanks to you," he smirked but it wasn't a cocky smirk. "I want out,"     "We can't have that right now. You're healing," I said scooting closer to him. "We have to protect Payne,"     "What must I do?"     "I need you to keep calm for a little longer. As soon as I can I will have you back on your paws,"     "You promise?" he everted his from me almost like he was ashamed.    "I promise you," I said honestly. "You've waited this long. Kept Payne alive for such a very long time. You are very strong. Think you can do that?"     A little reassurance is much needed I think. Not just for him but for Payne and for me. I think it feels better when it's spoken out loud. I think we both feel better about it.    "What is your favorite color?" he asked randomly.     "Gray," he smiled.     "Why?"      "Because it's not black or white. Because it's simple,"      "Do you not have simple in your life?" I shook my head.      "People who aren't simple like simple things. It helps keep us balanced," his eyes began to dim, the amber draining away to the soft blue shade of his eyes.     "He likes you. He doesn't even talk to me," he chuckled.     "Mates," I shrugged. 
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