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Zulu:     I woke up at five and left a note on the counter top in the kitchen for Payne telling him I had to train the new pups. I got a good scolding from Luna Daniel. She let me stay until seven and then sent me back. The note was untouched and the steady heartbeat upstairs told me my innocent mate was still peacefully sleeping. That's good because he needs all the rest he can get.     I went up to my room took a shower and got dressed to spend the day inside. Hoping I could teach Payne the wonders of Netflix and gaming. Once I was ready I settled for making breakfast. I made some for both of us but he didn't wake up. My wolf worried. Me too. So I went up to check on him. He was soundly asleep. A little smile on his lips.     I put on the American Horror Story season two on Netflix and began to eat my breakfast. I'm not really good at being home. I can't really remember the last time I had a day off. It's always work or school and pack training. The days I wasn't doing those things I was running something for the alpha.       "Why is he bleeding?" Payne asked sitting next to me. I jumped spilling my popcorn all over my self.  His wolf rose up on alert and started to look around.      "s**t. Payne, you scared the hell out of me," I said and then started laughing.     "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Are you okay?"      "I'm fine. I was just really into this show. It's a little gruesome," I checked my watch. One forty-seven. "Oh s**t, you're a good sleeper. Are you hungry?"      "Yeah," he answered while helping my pick up the popcorn from the couch. We both scooped it back into the bowl. "I'm really sorry I scared you. I honestly didn't mean to,"      "I'll forgive you if you promise to keep this between us. No one has ever snuck up on me like that. I'm a huntress. I'd be out of a job if anyone finds out,"     "Deal," he smiled.     "Well, I had made you breakfast but you slept half the day so now we can have lunch," he smiled as I pulled out ingredients to make sandwiches  "Do you remember if you're allergic to anything?"      "I'm not. Aren't werewolf only allergic to silver?" I smiled.      "No. Our Luna is allergic to fish. My brother is allergic to soy. Austin is allergic to mushrooms. And, well you get it,"     "Wow. That's weird," I laughed handing him two sliced up sandwiches topped with Doritos.     "Come on padawon let us watch a movie," I said grabbing my plate and two Dr peppers.     "I know that reference. Star Wars," I nodded.     "Are you a fan?"     "I think so,"     "Cool cause the Clone wars was just added to this,"     All day, we stayed in and watched TV. I learned everything there is to learn about him from before he was imprisoned. How he wanted to be an Astrophysicist. What kind of six year old wants to be an astrophysicist? He knows more about star trek and star wars that I do. His favorite band is Green Day. Even with him being a little out of date we had so much in common. The guy is easy going, funny, and as smart as he could be. Catching up isn't going to be very hard for him.    "Okay, I have to show you how to shave like right now," I said pulling him into his room.    "Shave?" He asked reaching for his auburn beard.    "Yeah. You look like a young Santa Clause," he laughed. "Besides I want to see your face,"    "What if you don't like it?" I smiled pulling out a pair of scissors.    "I guess we'll find out. Sit," I said tapping the countertop. "Don't fuss. I don't want to cut you accidentally,"     He did exactly as I said. Minutes later I took hold of the razor. Already I was loving this and I couldn't help my cheesy smile. I told him how to use the shaving cream and what to do with the razor. He hopped off the counter and I let him take over.     I had done the same when Richie started to sprout hair all over his face. I kept quiet and glanced at him here and there so I wouldn't make him nervous. Once he was done he washed his face he turned to look at me. My mate is beautiful.     "How does it look?" I smiled at him and stepped closer     "Sexy," I breathed out. He looked away, his pale ivory skin flushing pink. I chuckled and pulled his face so he could look at me. "It looks really good. Now it's time for a haircut,"      "Alright,"     "Come on,"     "Where are we going?"     "The barbershop down the street," he quickly got nervous. I saw his body shift. "Hey, I'm right here with you. Nothing is going to happen, you're safe now," he nodded and followed me.     For once, it's warm out. There's a cool breeze blowing and the sidewalks are dry. I love how his curiosity takes over like he's a kid all over again. I guess in a way he is. He never stopped being seven and this world is completely new to him.      "Hey Brett," I said as we walked into the shop.     "Hey Zulu, who's this?" Brett asked. Brett is Austin's dad, the former beta. This guy is rich beyond all of this but likes to cut hair. Likes to keep on his toes and loves that the pack is in good hands after he and Alpha Winters stepped down handing it over to their sons.      "Brett this is Payne. He's my mate. He needs a serious haircut,"      "I see that," he said motioning him to a seat. "Any ideas?"      "Get him a four on the bottom six at the top," he nodded.      "Big change huh son?"      "Have to make her happy," he answered looking at me through the mirror. Brett laughed.      "Smart man," Brett laughed.     "Brett is Austin's dad," I said as Bret began to work his magic.      "Wow. So you were the former beta?"      "Yup. Had a great run," Brett smiled at him. They began to talk. I zoned out and started to watch the draft on ESPN.      "She loves football. Steelers fan that one," I heard Brett say bitterly. "Zuluna. Your boy is ready,"     I looked over and did a double take. My jaw hit the floor. Yeah, my mate is beautiful. A little thin but we can fix that. Not that there's anything wrong with him being thin. It's just the malnutrition he went through.      "What do you think?" He asked. I couldn't think of a single thing that is appropriate for me to say out loud.       "My guess is she loves it. It's rare when he great Zuluna Heatherstone is rendered speechless,"     "I'm sorry but it looks amazing. You look like an entirely new person," he looked at the mirror and then looked away. "Hey hey. Look," I said pointing at his reflection. "That's you Payne. You are Handsome. Don't think otherwise. Remember what I told you. They were just jealous," he smiled and then turned to look at me.       "Thank you, Zuluna," he said softly.      "Thanks, Brett," I said handing him a fifty dollar bill. "Keep the change,"       "Zulu," he tried to protest.      "You earned it," I said pulling Payne with me as I left.      Good job Zulu. Brett sent through the pack link. Show him you're here with him.     We went back to the house to get some rest. He lied down and I couldn't bring myself to leave him so I pulled the sheets up around him and slipped under them with him. He tensed up at first. He let me get comfortable before I pulled his arms around me. Once he fell asleep he let out a heavy sigh of relief. A small part of me feels complete but I can't help but feel like something is still missing.
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