The Escape

1535 Words
As the moon rose higher into the sky and after bed checks have been completed, Ally knocked rhythmically on the wall that connected her room to the adjoining one belonging to Mira and Gwen. After receiving the appropriate reply, she looked at Linny and nodded. Sounds travelled easily throughout the old building especially in the hallways so all four took care as they carefully moved through the halls holding their satchels tightly. Once they reached the cellar door, Ally moved to push out the door when she suddenly paused. Linny looked at her “Wha...” Ally quickly placed her hand over Linny’s mouth and signaled to the others to be quiet. From outside they heard voices. “Why are you so sure she was going to make a run for it?” “I don’t know. I just have this feeling that she’s going to run. Wouldn’t surprise me if she took that lazy sister of hers with her. Too weak to be of use that one. Why do you think I didn’t tell her until today? I didn’t want to give her any time to plan something out. It’s late enough now. I think if she was going to run she would by now.” “Should we double check her room?” “I believe so. We will check that make sure she’s still there and go to bed. We need to be up bright and early to make sure she goes. Her time here is almost up thank heavens.” The voices faded away as the girls exchanged worried looks. Ally grabbed Linny’s hand after motioning the other girls to stay as they were with the bags. They made their way as quickly and quietly as possible back up the stairs to their room. They each leapt into their respective beds and pulled the blankets over themselves to hide their clothes. What felt like only a moment later, the door creaked open. A small harumph was heard as it closed again. “I was wrong. I must say I am surprised. I really expected her to run. I must say I was rather hoping she would. It’s been a while since we’ve had to witness that kind of punishment.” After the footsteps had faded away. Ally shakily let out her bated breath. They waited a short while longer before again, silently making their way down to the cellar. When they approached the place, they had left Mira and Gwen, Ally noticed that they were gone. Ally, holding Linny’s hand, paused and ducked behind some crates. Ally motioned for Linny to stay put and slowly moved towards the door staying hidden as well as she could. As she neared, she noticed movement to the side out of the corner of her eye. She paused before turning and making her way towards the movement in the shadows. Hiding behind some barrels clutching each other were Gwen and Mira. After a quick hug they retreated to where Ally had left Linny. Whispering between themselves they made the decision to find another path out. “I suppose I can show you the way I usually go. It’s not easy though and we must climb. I wanted to save the easier route for tonight, but I don’t trust that route anymore. We’ve nearly been caught twice now. We can’t risk it. If we don’t make it that’s it for all of us. We can’t risk the alternative.” Ally watched as each of the girls exchanged looks and then nodded. They clasped hands together and Ally lead them across the cellar to a small nook. On the wall approximately ten feet up was a small window. Ally nodded to a barrel. Together they moved the barrel beneath the window. “Ok, so I usually climb the barrels with them off to the side, but this will be easier for all of you and faster for the four of us to get out. Now, when we get out, we come out behind a small bush. It’s by the shed. We need to hide behind the shed until we’re all out. Stay quiet, stay low, move quickly.” “I’m scared Ally.” “I know Linny. I know. This is what we need to do to stay together though.” Ally glanced at her small watch using the moonlight. Crap it’s nearly 2 am. Not much longer and she would be looked for again. Nodding to the girls, Ally stepped to the barrel. “Ok, who’s first?” Gwen stepped up and clasped Ally’s hand as she climbed on to the barrel. She reached for the windowsill and upon reaching it, used her arms to help lift herself up to the window. Once there she paused as she looked outside then climbed out. Once, she was gone Mira came to the barrel. “Wait to help pull Linny up for me.” Ally whispered as she helped her climb on. Once Mira was up and ready. Ally helped Linny climb up on to the barrel. “It’s ok. Mira is going to help pull and I will push, ok?” Linny nodded and reached for the windowsill. With more effort than it took either of the other two and assistance from Ally and Mira, Linny made it outside. Ally tossed their bags up to Linny and Mira before rolling the barrel back to where it had been. Then climbed on and jumped over while reaching for the windowsill. After grasping it she pulled herself up. Step one done. Once she was out of the building, she took a moment to catch her breath before glancing to make sure the coast was clear before running behind the shed. Once all four girls were together again, Ally motioned for them to follow her before leading them to a small hole in the wall that surrounded the school. Holding the shrub that they had moved to cover it aside, Ally motioned them through. After Ally had followed, she reached back through to make sure the shrub was covering it again. Maybe someday someone else can use it for their escape. Ally led them along the exterior of the wall before reaching the spot that she hated. At this point they had to be exposed. There was nothing to hide behind for the next step. They had a 100 meter area to cover before they reached the safety and protection of the forest. Ally nodded and awaited confirmation from the other three to confirm they were all ready before she nodded again and they took off. Running as fast as they could they cleared the open area. After reaching the forest they fell behind some trees gasping for breath. No bell rang yet. So they hadn’t been discovered. After only a few moments Ally looked at the other three. “Well, that’s the biggest step done. But we need to put distance between us and this place now. It won’t be long before we’re noticed.” Ally led them to a stream where they thirstily drank. Ally pulled out both water canteens she had managed to acquire and filled them. I wish we’d had four. She thought to herself. Four would’ve given us more time and distance before we had to stop again. Once that was completed, Ally again checked her watch flinching at the time. Soon the sun would be rising, and Ms. Munson would be waking everyone. She would notice four missing girls especially herself. The one she was supposed to selling to the men. For what Ally wasn’t sure but she knew that nobody ever was seen again, and she had heard the horror stories and seen the cruel looking men who came to pick up the girls who’d left before her. Always when they were eighteen. Legal adults. She didn’t want to know what that implied but she could imagine. After leaving the stream the girls kept up a steady pace as they made their way to the canal. It was now a few hours past sunrise. Once along the water, they again paused for a break and some water. As they were resting, they heard voices coming from the other side of the outcropping they were near. “Damn. I knew this gig couldn’t last forever. I mean a girl every few years is one thing but four at once? What the hell has gotten into that woman? Losing four girls in one night!” “No idea. If we find them, we get the reward though. We can’t let them escape and tell anyone else about the program we got running.” Reward? Dammit! What program? The girls exchanged looks and glanced around for a hiding place. Gwen spotted some downed trees and pointed to them. The girls took off and climbed between them carefully hiding themselves within them. They took turns dozing and keeping watch throughout most of the day without any more excitement. Although they did watch multiple groups of men out and about looking. Looking for us. Ally thought wryly. The look she exchanged with Mira told her she thought the same. They stayed there silent and watching throughout the day.  
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