Expedited Plans

1591 Words
Ally slipped along the side of the canal careful to stay hidden from any prying eyes. Waves lapped against the shore and the only other sounds were the crickets chirping and the rhythmic sound of paddles gently moving through the water. She watched as two men pulled the small dingy up into the weeds and climbed out. She quietly followed as they went towards a small outcropping of rocks. She watched as they grabbed a sack each and returned to their dingy leaving two different sacks in their place. After they'd began their journey back across the canal she carefully crept to where they had been. Trying not to disturb any rocks she reached down and grabbed hold of one of the sacks. Pulling it up she opened it and looked inside. She softly gasped as she looked at the items inside, grabbing one out she gently turned it over in her hand. Copper. Nearly impossible to get since the canal was closed. Crossing was illegal. Copper typically stayed on the north side. The other bags must've contained iron the mainstay of the south side. She slipped the copper nugget into her pocket and replaced the sack. Careful to cover it as it had been. Glancing around she began her trek home. She stayed mindful of the sounds around her and to stay off the roads. Upon reaching the outer wall of the large, converted schoolhouse she called home she slipped inside through a hole in the fence, crept around to the rear door up to her room and bolted the door. "Where were you?" a voice whispered. Dammit she muttered to herself I almost made it. " I was out. Nothing to worry yourself about. Go back to sleep." She walked over to where her sister lay in her bed and gently tucked her back in. She sat and gently rubbed her head as she hummed. Soon Linny was sleeping again. Ally got up and walked across the room to the old radiator that no longer worked. She slipped her hand alongside the back of it until she was able to reach her hiding spot, a loose board behind which she kept her most precious belongings in a worn bag. It was her escape route for her and Linny. She'd been collecting anything she could find to aid them in their escape for nearly a year now. She slipped the copper nugget inside and replaced her bag and then the board. Sighing she climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling. She was running out of time. They had to leave and soon. There were too many variables still unplanned, and Ally preferred to have as much prepared as possible, but she knew she didn't have much longer. Her thoughts jumbled she fitfully fell asleep. She awoke to the daily banging on doors, as was Ms. Munson’s preference, shortly after the sun had risen. She slowly climbed out of bed trying to act as if nothing was amiss. The look Linny gave her told her that it wasn’t working. After dressing they made their way silently down the stairs to the mess hall. The old cafeteria of the school was what they now referred to as a mess hall. In fact, most of the rooms and areas had been given military slang nicknames by those who resided in what was now Ms. Munson’s home for girls. Hah, a home. More like a prison. She thought to herself. Soon we must leave, too soon. Hopefully we can make it another week or so. However, hope had long ago abandoned Ally. After a brisk meal of what may have passed for oatmeal. The girls rose and began to separate to their daily duties. Twenty-two girls resided in the "home" . Girls who were either abandoned, trapped when the canal closed, or were orphans. Linny and Ally were the latter. A little over two years ago, her parents had perished after falling sick. Many people had died during that time. A strange illness that came on quickly and left many mourners in its wake. They had managed fine by themselves for nearly 6 months before they were reported and brought to the home. As Ally, Linny, and the two other girls, who were old enough and strong enough to tend to the yardwork, made their way out to the shed, a shrill voice rang from the window: “Alina Anderson. Headmistress’s office now.” Ally absolutely hated being called Alina. Always had. It was a name she loathed, however Ms. Munson and her minions, as Ally called them, refused to refer to anyone by a nickname. That is not proper training for young ladies. Ally shared a look with Linny, Mira, and Gwen and turned to head back inside. She walked slowly dreading what was to come. It was never pleasant being called in to Ms. Munson’s office. Ally feared her time was up. She tried to keep a neutral face as she climbed the stairs and entered the office, yet inside she was very scared. She didn’t think Linny could make the journey yet. She wasn’t strong enough. “Alina!” Ally realized she’d been lost in her thoughts and her head swung up. “Yes?” Ms. Munson glared at her. “Is that how we address our betters?” “No, Ms. Munson.” Ally sighed. Things were already going terribly. She needed to clear her head and concentrate as not to irritate those standing in front of her. She needed to buy time. “Now, young lady. You will turn 18 in two weeks correct?” Ms. Munson smirked. She sat at her very large desk with Ms. Young (who, mind you, was anything but) and Ms. Lounds standing slightly behind her on either side. “I will, yes ma’am” “As I thought, thus, it is past time you were sent on. Unfortunately, your transportation has been delayed and now won’t be here until tomorrow. Therefore, you may take today to say your goodbyes. I expect you bright and early out front to meet your new… well anyway, 6 am sharp at the front gate. Do not be late. You may take one small bag of personal items. All clothing etc. will be distributed to the others.” Ally stared stunned. Her time was up.Already? She wasn’t ready. Linny wasn’t ready. Today was her last day. “Alina, do you understand me?”’ Ally slowing nodded her head too numb to respond. “I would typically expect a verbal response of acknowledgment, however I imagine you are a little stunned. Good. Back to your chores and no daydreaming. You may say your goodbyes this evening after everything is completed for the day.” Ally nodded again and left the room. Thoughts jumbled around her head as she made her way outside. What do I need to prepare still? How can I make this work tonight? Will Linny be ready? Linny. She hadn’t even warned her yet and now there was no time for her to prepare. Although at fourteen Linny was tall for her age, the last couple years had taken a lot of her strength although her perseverance had blossomed. Tonight was their only hope to stay together so tonight it would be. All three of the girls stopped as she neared the shed. “NO!” Linny cried. “I can’t lose you too!” Ally tearfully looked up at her. “We will figure it out. Lin. I promise.” Mira shot a glare towards the window of Ms. Munson’s office. “She’s sending you early. Wants to get the jump on you.” “What are you going to do?” “I have a plan. I only have enough supplies for Linny and I though. I’m so sorry.” Ally did her best to stay strong. “Another week or so and I would’ve had enough for all of us…. Mira, Gwen. I am so sorry. I tried, I really did!” “Gwen, I say we go anyway. We will make it work. I will snag what extra I can from the kitchen girls today and we can find what we can on the way. What do you think?” Mira stared at Gwen as she awaited her response. Gwen, never one to jump to any conclusion without thinking of all the consequences, paused before she nodded. “Yes, we go together. If we don’t, we won’t get another shot before our time is up, we’re only a couple of months away ourselves Mira.” Ally looked at the three girls who, although only one was related by blood, were all the family she had in the world. “Alright then. It won’t be easy though.” “At least we will be together!” Linny cried. Hushing quickly after a glare from Mira. “Gather what you can throughout the day. I’m to say my goodbyes this evening, so we have today to get everything we can.” The four of them returned to work as they planned and organized everything they could. During lunch, a message was passed to one of the kitchen girls requesting any possible provisions they could get. That evening, after the day’s chores were completed and dinner chow was served, Ally, said her goodbyes to the younger girls with Linny, Gwen, and Mira by her side. Only the four of them knew that Ally was saying goodbyes for all of them, not just herself.
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