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BELINDA The sun rose earlier than usual. The room still smells of burnt-scented wax. I tried to lay perfectly still so as not to draw Damon's attention to me. It was closing at 7 am and he still hasn't moved from the bed yet. Or is he also as shy as I am and doesn't want to move from the bed too? “No, I'm not shy. I just want to stare at you more and not take my eyes off your body.” His voice interrupted my thoughts. How does he do this? Why does he do this? How come I still can't read his thoughts? “You'll learn in time too. I have nothing to hide my little wolf.” He responded again. I turned over and faced him this time. He leaned to kiss me but I drew back. “My mouth will be smelling. I have not brushed my teeth yet.” “Who cares?” He insisted and kissed me deeply. It was like honey dripping in my mouth. I was so in love. “What's up for the day?” “Nothing. Just training and hunting.” “Hmm, can I watch and hunt too?” “No, our she-wolves don't hunt.” “Well, that's going to change.” “Not today, you'll need to prepare for the mating ritual, you know.” “Wait! Like today?” “What's wrong with that?” “I accepted to be your mate yesterday. The mating ritual is too soon.” I protested. “Why is it so soon? What are we waiting for? We love each other, and we're fated to be with each other. So why are we waiting?” “I just need more time. I didn't realize that when I said yes, I meant the next day.” “What did you mean?” I just couldn't explain it to him. “What can't you explain to me?” I've had it with his mind reading. “Will you stop reading my mind to me? You're violating my privacy and it's very creepy. Can't I have a safe space?” I was almost shouting. “What are you hiding? Is that why you don't want us to do the mating ritual together?” “You're so incorrigible! I can't believe how impossible you can be.” “I'm impossible? You're the one who's being petty!” I kept quiet at this moment. My breathing was harsh and my anger was at its peak. How could he call me petty? “Get out.” I growled, quietly. “Belinda, look I didn't mean…” “Get out!” This time, I roared at him and the entire room shook. He looked surprised, then upset too but I didn't care. He picked up his clothes and slammed the door behind him. DAMON I slammed the door behind me and walked to my chambers, breathing hard. This little wolf knows how to always complicate things. Is it my fault that she can't read my mind as I can too? “She can't read your mind because you've always shielded your mind from your mate.” My wolf revealed. “How do you mean? How do I do that?” “The herb you take every evening clouds your mind from your mate so her wolf can't read your mind. So if you stop taking it, you'll even the odds and you'll be able to know each other’s thoughts even before the mating ritual.” “Oh! That's too bad. I don't plan on stopping for now. When she decides to have the mating ritual, she'll see my mind.” “You think you'll still have the ritual?” My wolf sneered at me. “No one likes their privacy to be invaded. She's right and you know it.” I grunted at my wolf's response. “You have to apologize to her.” “I need to train my wolves. That's what I have to do.” I went into my armory and brought out my tools. I stepped into the courtyard where they were all waiting for me. Gerard was sparring with a beta when I got there. They all halted their training and bowed to me. “Marcel, I need you to spar with me.” I announced. He got confused. I hardly spar these days. If I sparred, because I don't shift in public, I would spar with wolves that are not the biggest but Marcel is the biggest baddest wolf in the whole of Blackwater pack. Without my wolf, I'm easily unevenly matched but I don't care. I'm more angry than him. “Will you be shifting today Alpha Damon?” He asked respectfully. “No. I don't want you to hold back either. Come at me with all you've got.” “But Alpha….” “You dare question your Alpha?” I thundered back at him. He went quiet and bowed. But I can see through his fakeness. He has been looking for how to be the new Alpha of the pack without looking like a traitor but not getting the chance. If he wins and kills me, he will be the next Alpha and I can see the flint in his eyes. This is no friendly match. This is a death match. “Whenever you're ready, Alpha Damon” He responded and slowly shifted. His wolf looked bigger than I last saw it. The white, long single stripe from his forehead down to his tail made him look special. Since no one has seen my wolf, he is the most beautiful in the whole of the Blackwater pack. I strapped my arms with leather gauntlets and wore leather armor. I took a single spear and I heard a little chuckle behind. When I turned around, everyone looked serious. They must have been mocking me and concluded my death. Everyone in the Blackwater pack believes that I must have been lucky when I killed the former Alpha of the Skylight pack so some wolves still believe that I'm weak. Today will prove different to them. BELINDA I heard some whispers and hushes in the corridor and I ran out to see some omegas whispering to each other. They immediately stopped when they noticed me. “What is going on?” No one answered me. Some began to fake scrubbing the floor that had been cleaned over a thousand times this morning. “I thought I asked you all a question?” The level of authority that came from my mouth even surprised me. I couldn't believe my confidence level had risen higher. “The Alpha has decided to spar with the biggest wolf in the Pack without shifting. He can't win and that means you will return to be the lowlife omega peasant prisoner that you always are.” Lydia, an omega replied to me. She stood up, face to face with me. At this moment, I couldn't care less about her attitude but the fact that Damon has decided to kill himself because of what I said to him earlier on. I rushed to the courtyard to see what was going on. By the time I got there, I saw Damon, already bloodied and beaten on the ground, panting. My eyes met with him and for the first time, I heard his wolf. “This is what you wanted, right? Now you can see me as I am.” I can read his mind too! But isn't this already too late? Marcel’s wolf was going for the kill. Get up, Damon. I NEED YOU TO GET UP AND FIGHT! I screamed in my mind.
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