Chapter 9: I AM YOUR ALPHA

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DAMON In the Blackwater pack, any wolf that kills another during a sparring match will be taken as a mistake. Instead, the wolf will take on whatever responsibility for the dead wolf he has killed. So if a beta kills an omega, the beta becomes an omega and if an omega kills a beta, the omega becomes a beta. But hardly were there any deaths because we respected each other in the pack. However today, I know it's going to turn out differently. As I stood in front of Marcel's wolf, he was encircling around me and he protracted his finely sharpened claws. Then he engaged. He leaped forward and I easily dodged him. I waved my spear at him and he retreated for a second. Standing on his hind feet, he waved his forelimb claws towards me and I tried to dodge again but his claws slashed through my armour. There was cheering in the crowds. This gave him more confidence. He jumped towards me again. This time, because I was caught in a corner and couldn't dodge, I blocked his stroke with my spear which unfortunately broke in two. This allowed him to s***h my left shoulder. I groaned as I gave him a deathly blow on his face. I was aiming to paralyze him in the neck but I missed. Marcel's wolf shook his head vigorously as he stepped back. Because of the size of his wolf, my punch barely affected him. I staggered with a bloody shoulder and I took a stance with my right hand out. I was getting a bit dizzy already. Marcel, taking note of my sluggishness took that opportunity. With his teeth clenched, he launched out for a big bite off of my head. With my eyes wide open, I guided it with my right-hand gauntlet. His teeth dug in but not completely. I roared and punched away again. Wolves were chanting. “Marcel, Marcel, Marcel!” Only a few of my loyal wolves kept mute at the sidelines. Between my bloodied left shoulder and my broken right arm, Marcel was becoming cocky. With his bloodied mouth, he circled me, like a cat playing with its food before the final kill. Then I saw her. She was standing behind in the crowd with her mouth agape. Tears were dripping down from her eyes and I could finally let go. I released myself to her and I knew she could hear my thoughts at that moment. “This is what you wanted, right? Now you can see me as I am.” I saw the surprise in her face when she heard me. Then I heard her too. “You stubborn fool. I have always seen you. I never wanted you to prove anything. I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW! I NEED YOU TO GET UP AND FIGHT!!!” Her scream in my mind was deafening and I knew that that was what I needed right now. That courage gave me strength and cleared my head like never before. At last, Marcel was done gallivanting and he rushed straight at me and sprung up. With a lightning flash, I waived and did a 360 turnaround. I jumped on his back and held his forelimbs. Marcel stood on his hind limbs again. This time, I pressed him down and with my strength, I held on till I heard a snap. I broke his limbs. I rushed to the broken spear I had and slashed his feet, rendering him immobile. I gave a final blow on his face that put him down finally. Marcel whimpered and cowered at my feet. The cheering stopped because no one was expecting that. Now, it is my turn to speak. “I am your ALPHA! You may not have seen my wolf but don't mistake me for being weak I will break all of you and your wolves without the break of a sweat. I don't need my wolf to do that for you. Let this be a lesson to those who think me weak. I am your ALPHA. I AM THE ALPHA!!!” My roaring shook the entire earth and caused a deafening silence. That fear had returned. No one will think me weak again. I turned to Marcel. “Very soon, you will see my wolf. That day will be your last day in this world. I know you are planning on overthrowing me. Bury that thought or else, you and your accomplices will be buried.” With this, I staggered away. Belinda rushed to me and I fell into her arms and blacked out. BELINDA It is my turn to carry him. The wolves tried to take him from me but I refused. With Damon, I am stronger. I lifted him to the amazement of the other wolves. I took him to the clinic and handed her over to Hayley. “He has lost a lot of blood. We need to do a blood transfusion.” “You can use mine.” I stretched forth my arm and she threw her eyes at me. “I appreciate your gesture but the Alpha is special. He can only get his blood transfused from his true mate or direct bloodline.” Since Damon hasn't announced me as his mate yet, no one knew our story and that I'm his true mate. “Since his sister, Reina isn't around yet, we will have to use Luna’s blood. Fetch me the Luna, will you?” If only Hayley knew that I'm not just an omega, she wouldn't order me around. I'm going to be her Luna. But I dropped my pettiness and rushed to Luna Janelle's quarters. She looked surprised to see me because she hasn't met me before. I bowed to my knees and announced to her. “My name is Belinda, Alpha Damon’s….” I didn't know how to introduce myself to her so I continued. “Alpha Damon is in the clinic and has lost a lot of blood. He needs a blood transfusion now and you are the only one that can give him the blood that will go with him.” “No one tells me anything in this kingdom again. I think I'll go back to rolling heads for late information.” She seemed pretty upset as she tried to stand up. I rushed to help her up and she looked at me intensely. “Are you sure I'm the only one that can give blood to my son?” “The physician, Hayley said that...” “Hayley is an intelligent and experienced physician, but she's not wise enough to see that you're his true mate?” I couldn't respond anymore. I didn't think that Damon told his mother about me. “Well, let's go. I guess he has decided to still keep his affairs with you a secret. O boy am I going to give him a s******g when he wakes up!” She broke the ice as we walked to the clinic, with our hands held together.
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